Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Feedback for Steven
Well Met ,
This AoC game your developing has peaked my interest! I have been a raid leader for almost 20yrs in various games , I’m the guy who gathers people together ,organizes and trains people to clear the top content in a game. There’s not a lot of people who take on this role and responsibility and even less who are actually successful. I have tens of thousands of hours invested in the top MMO raid scene so please take some of my knowledge, hopes and wishes for this game.
Cross platform play - This is a must for me , I played EQ2 for years and burnt out my wrists now I’m controller exclusive. To garner the player base your looking for your gonna need PS5 and Xbox next players. The next gen consoles coming out are better than most computers out in the wild currently and are going to be way more affordable. I’ve raided for years on FF14 on PS4 with others playing on PC this should be your goal. You need to throw your hat in the ring with these consoles even if it cost you a little money.
Tools for Guild Leaders- If your the commander of this game guild leaders are the Captains. Ways to track DKP , Attendance , organize, send mass information, player created books that you can post the rules of your guild all are ways for me to help coordinate players. I’ve had people from every guild I’ve ever ran thank me for the effort I’ve put into taking their gaming experience to the next level, help me help you.
Raid Team Size- I’ve ran a 24 man raid guild 5 days a week that was 3rd in the world for content cleared at one point in my gaming career and I can tell you I’m completely over that lol. It is a nightmare to organize that many schedules and lives to play at that high tier of play it consumed me! In the same breathe nothing in gaming has been more rewarding. Please keep raid sizes a maximum of 12 for instanced raid content. I’ve never enjoyed open world bosses because either they were a brainless Zergfest or The competition between Guilds fighting for control over a world boss destroyed the ability to learn or teach raiders how to clear.
Raid loot- Please for the love of god don’t make raid leaders be auctioneers. I’ve handed out so much loot over the years I’m completely sick of it. Having to track attendance or DKP points to divide up gear to players puts a leader directly in the path of anomosity. Make Raid loot fool proof , everyone gets a drop or a token or both don’t make leaders shoulder the burden of micromanaging loot for everyone.
Dps meter- I’ve seen and heard both sides and I’ve always used them , they are a tool that helps leaders create a successful situation. If you guys don’t make fights that have a enrage mechanics then I would say we don’t “need” dps meters, but if you make fights that require a certain amount of DPS to clear and we can’t figure out who is holding the team back from a clear because of sub par performances then how can we ever fix the situation. I’ve been able to take low dps players and turn them into our top dps by talking with them about rotations and showing them their damage. If you guys make content that say this dragon will explode in 10 mins and if you don’t have enough dps then everyone dies and you tune the fight so tight that zero mistakes can be made from 12 players and we wipe night after night after night with 11 players fighting perfectly and one player not up to par how is it fair to the 11 players if they have no way to address the problem? A good leader will work with people but we only know what we know and if we can’t pin point a problem how can we help anyone? Knowledge is power what we do with that knowledge makes us good or bad don’t make that choice for us because your afraid we will make the wrong choice. I would be fine with personal meters or dummy’s like FF14 does or content that doesn’t have enrage mechanisms.
I’m really hopeful for this game , I’ve only touched on the biggest things that have impacted my life as a raid leader, I love challenge and nothing compares to defeating hard content with a well oiled team of sweaty raiders. If you ever want to pick my brain deeper just PM me I’ve played over 10k hrs on Everquest 2 and over 7k hrs on FF14 as my two main MMOs all for the raid content , GW2 was my favorite pvp versions though. I will be watching with hopeful eyes the team aspect in this game is what draws my attention, building a community of adventures that help each other its awesome keep up the good work.
This AoC game your developing has peaked my interest! I have been a raid leader for almost 20yrs in various games , I’m the guy who gathers people together ,organizes and trains people to clear the top content in a game. There’s not a lot of people who take on this role and responsibility and even less who are actually successful. I have tens of thousands of hours invested in the top MMO raid scene so please take some of my knowledge, hopes and wishes for this game.
Cross platform play - This is a must for me , I played EQ2 for years and burnt out my wrists now I’m controller exclusive. To garner the player base your looking for your gonna need PS5 and Xbox next players. The next gen consoles coming out are better than most computers out in the wild currently and are going to be way more affordable. I’ve raided for years on FF14 on PS4 with others playing on PC this should be your goal. You need to throw your hat in the ring with these consoles even if it cost you a little money.
Tools for Guild Leaders- If your the commander of this game guild leaders are the Captains. Ways to track DKP , Attendance , organize, send mass information, player created books that you can post the rules of your guild all are ways for me to help coordinate players. I’ve had people from every guild I’ve ever ran thank me for the effort I’ve put into taking their gaming experience to the next level, help me help you.
Raid Team Size- I’ve ran a 24 man raid guild 5 days a week that was 3rd in the world for content cleared at one point in my gaming career and I can tell you I’m completely over that lol. It is a nightmare to organize that many schedules and lives to play at that high tier of play it consumed me! In the same breathe nothing in gaming has been more rewarding. Please keep raid sizes a maximum of 12 for instanced raid content. I’ve never enjoyed open world bosses because either they were a brainless Zergfest or The competition between Guilds fighting for control over a world boss destroyed the ability to learn or teach raiders how to clear.
Raid loot- Please for the love of god don’t make raid leaders be auctioneers. I’ve handed out so much loot over the years I’m completely sick of it. Having to track attendance or DKP points to divide up gear to players puts a leader directly in the path of anomosity. Make Raid loot fool proof , everyone gets a drop or a token or both don’t make leaders shoulder the burden of micromanaging loot for everyone.
Dps meter- I’ve seen and heard both sides and I’ve always used them , they are a tool that helps leaders create a successful situation. If you guys don’t make fights that have a enrage mechanics then I would say we don’t “need” dps meters, but if you make fights that require a certain amount of DPS to clear and we can’t figure out who is holding the team back from a clear because of sub par performances then how can we ever fix the situation. I’ve been able to take low dps players and turn them into our top dps by talking with them about rotations and showing them their damage. If you guys make content that say this dragon will explode in 10 mins and if you don’t have enough dps then everyone dies and you tune the fight so tight that zero mistakes can be made from 12 players and we wipe night after night after night with 11 players fighting perfectly and one player not up to par how is it fair to the 11 players if they have no way to address the problem? A good leader will work with people but we only know what we know and if we can’t pin point a problem how can we help anyone? Knowledge is power what we do with that knowledge makes us good or bad don’t make that choice for us because your afraid we will make the wrong choice. I would be fine with personal meters or dummy’s like FF14 does or content that doesn’t have enrage mechanisms.
I’m really hopeful for this game , I’ve only touched on the biggest things that have impacted my life as a raid leader, I love challenge and nothing compares to defeating hard content with a well oiled team of sweaty raiders. If you ever want to pick my brain deeper just PM me I’ve played over 10k hrs on Everquest 2 and over 7k hrs on FF14 as my two main MMOs all for the raid content , GW2 was my favorite pvp versions though. I will be watching with hopeful eyes the team aspect in this game is what draws my attention, building a community of adventures that help each other its awesome keep up the good work.
he who has no life
Definitely agree with tools for guild leaders that would be great.
Hope this doesn't burst your bubble. I would recommend waiting and seeing what the 20% instancing looks like.
The AoC devs seem very passionate about their game and it's extremely possible they are innovating some open world raiding content that's gonna blow everybody away. Stick around, give it a chance and see if possibly it's some mindblowing new raiding and you have a brand new journey of raid leading ahead of you and new challenges to overcome. If it's some amazing raiding content that's brand new and fresh and fun would you still not want to give it a chance? You could partner up with some PvP guilds and form a symbiotic relationship of scratching each others back.
Hope it helps.
Hate to break it to you, friend. But, your other requests have already been squashed by the devs (not getting into detail). If you think they are designing "your" vision, hate to break it to you, they are designing "their" vision. If you like their vision; pull up a stool, and enjoy the ride. Otherwise, like they have said; they are not designing a game, for everyone.
Personally, I appreciate this stance, Intrepid has taken. I don't want another repeat failure or clone.
So i completely disagree on this one, ashes approach doesn´t target the console demographic at all. They should focus on making a good game on one platform at first and maybe consider porting it later on.
The statement that console hardware is catching up to pc is somewhat true but since the ps5 hardware will be out there for like 8 years like the last gen this will be less relevant in future.
Also i dont see why you couldnt plug a controller into your pc, altough a shortage of keybinds could hit you hard.
Good points! Those are already at Intrepid´s attention and some points are confirmed features such as the fair and easy loot distribution and the guild management tools.
Just dont. This game is not WoW and you will find no empathy here for wanting to make it the next WoW clone.
This game won´t be a competitive themepark raiding experience at all, instanced and isolated content will be very limited. The game world is supposed to be reactive and player agency is promoted.
I recommend you having a closer look if this game is really for you as 30k hours in wastly different mmo games, might put you off with what ashes aspires to be. But i might have a inaccurate impression based on what you wrote.
Also i think Steven values feedback, but imo its hard to find value in something that reads as "pls make a cross platform wow for me, because i need something to play between the next wow expansions".
No offense but literally everything you said except for maybe the guild leader tools go completely against everything the game is going for. Its a PVX game and with 80% open world, more time than not you will be competing with other raid teams for loot. They've said they don't want cross platform because their aiming at a specific audience and they're not on consoles. You sound like you really want a cross platform fully instanced raid crawler, and what the devs are aiming for is quite literally the opposite.
But hey maybe you'll like it, give it a try but don't expect any of those things outside of maybe some of the guild tools to be in the game.
And you've been a raid leader and have thousands of hours on MMO's ? Right..
Honestly, if I knew there was a group of hardcore raiders like this, trying to do a raid, and I had the ability, I would go mess with them like crazy. Simply because I could
Also, 100% NO CROSS PLATFORM! This is a PC game, I want full use of keyboard/mouse and no future design limitations due to controller restrictions. Also don't want console hardware limitations in the future either. Yea some consoles will last ~5-8 years, but hopefully this game lasts longer and can continually upgrade hardware requirements to accommodate updated graphics/content changes. That way the game can stay current and not fall behind the times.