About the Audit Logs in Guilds.

So after watching the recent stream, I had an idea about the logs system in the guilds.. What if some high ranked guild members/spies would have the ability to change/remove some of the logs (like in a cover up job or something) so that the others don't see it (basically inside job and stuff)? This function would have the ability to create so much drama and if the spy/the perpetrator is skilled enough, this could turn people against each-other in the guild and dismantle them. There have been cases of Coverups done by the CIA/FBI and many other agencies about certain events and assassinations (like the coverup of the JFK assassination). All in all, I believe that such a system could make some pretty nice content and be very engaging for people taking part in it.


  • AuronAuron Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited October 2020
    The point of logging system is to make guild leader's and officers' job easier. It's a quality of life thing. What you suggest is exactly the opposite of that.

    Instead of manipulating the logs, those high rank officers could do different things to create drama, such as scamming the whole gbank. Or they could give rights to an alt account whom's owner is unknown, and that alt could do what you suggest. Directly changing the logs is no-good imo.
  • VyrakaVyraka Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Don't mess with the logs!
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