Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Class abilities

CivillianCivillian Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
In Ashes there will be 64 classes and the secondary class will only modify the abilities of the primary class, not extend them. So the 64 classes will also be different in terms of their physical appearance - and that's a good thing!

Nevertheless my question:
What would you think if a single ability from the secondary class (not the Ultimate!) could be used directly by the (main) class?
└╟_¦ | ¦¯╢┐ ... Reputation and Name – history is written by the winners … └╟_¦ | ¦¯╢┐


  • ValicValic Member
    I find that typically boring as Archeage has a similar design and it just makes everything feel too "samey". I'm personally disagreeing that augments alone will actually alter or make classes different enough to be their own. Partially why I am writing all 64 classes in theory threads of how they "could" be designed. Instead, adding a set of abilities that's unique to the newly formed class that makes it unique form all others. That tightness in skill build is what will make everyone different, or otherwise there is just the simplicity of "the meta" where everyone ends up finding the most optimal skill tree for each set class and most optimal augments.

    I'm for them adding skills upon getting a secondary that's limited to that specific class and still requires a hefty investment to even get a couple of them. Something that genuinely makes each class different and makes each person of the same exact class different too. No two Hawkeyes for example should have the exact same playstyle. One could prefer trap laying while the other prefers aiming, while another prefers ranged tab target and heavy hitting crits.
    Future mercenary guild owner in Ashes of Creation
    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
    ― G.K. Chesterton
  • IrohnicIrohnic Member
    Civillian wrote: »
    In Ashes there will be 64 classes and the secondary class will only modify the abilities of the primary class, not extend them. So the 64 classes will also be different in terms of their physical appearance - and that's a good thing!

    Nevertheless my question:
    What would you think if a single ability from the secondary class (not the Ultimate!) could be used directly by the (main) class?

    i think this would be much harder to balance and the devs have enough on their plate already in that regard
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    I'm actually quite excited to see how all the skills augment and interact with the secondary. I mean, sure, everyone would like to be a high-damage Mage with the Rogue invisibility, but I don't think it'd be very good for the game. But, if you're a Ranger and you train to be a Cleric, then you're still a Ranger - you've just learnt how to adapt your existing abilities from your new training.
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