Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Ashes of Creation Wiki Quizzes

NostraNostra Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited November 2024 in General Community Creations
A new Ashes of Creation trivia website is born and hosted by Ashes of Creation Wiki!!!


Currently there are two Basic Quizzes on the site (one to test you basic Node knowledge, and one for basic Class knowledge).
This upcoming Weekend I will be posting the first COMPETITIVE quiz. This quiz will be timed and have leaderboards and only allow one attempt per validated login. There might be more as well.. stay tuned!

NOTE: the site requires a verified login so that you can track your progress, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, so if we do prize giveaways ever we know how to contact the winners! You can use Google Authenticator or create your own login tied to a valid email address.

Over two months ago I put together an Ashes of Creation quiz (original post here) which ran for approximately a week and over 500 of you participated (link to results) and seemed to enjoy it. At the time I used a hosted-solution for the quiz creation and only kept it up for a week as it cost me money to have it continually hosted. Afterwards several other Community Creators reached out to me offering to freely host future quizzes; however, I could not find a good application solution that would give me similar trivia capabilities out-of-the-box (most of the open-source tools were antiquated, used old web-services and were full of security vulnerabilities in their implementation ... hello SQL injection attacks).

After a month of free-time tinkering on this with a friend we wrote our own implementation of a trivia application using Django that can easily be hosted using Docker and tied to an Apache or Nginx host seamlessly. We added much functionality like timed quizzes, support for multi-answer questions, support for per-question images, etc. With the application written we have partnered with Ashes of Creation Wiki (thanks Lex) to provide many more future quizzes for your enjoyment.

Here is the Open Source Repo for anyone who cares: LINK

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