Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Swapping equipment in the middle of combat? / General equipment stats philosophy
I see there are some other discussions about this already, but I do not see any clear answer from a dev about this.
Will equipment be designed to be "all-around" and you basically can't swap it out during combat? Or will it be designed for people to form different gear sets to swap out during combat to optimize every last type of attack or ability?
If the latter, will there be some sort of macro system or something to facilitate saving and swapping to different gear sets? Perhaps automatically?
I come from a background of FFXI where basically the entire gear philosophy is designed around that idea of (or at least... used to be), of building full gear sets for optimizing every last type of attack or ability or optimizing survivability.
Will equipment be designed to be "all-around" and you basically can't swap it out during combat? Or will it be designed for people to form different gear sets to swap out during combat to optimize every last type of attack or ability?
If the latter, will there be some sort of macro system or something to facilitate saving and swapping to different gear sets? Perhaps automatically?
I come from a background of FFXI where basically the entire gear philosophy is designed around that idea of (or at least... used to be), of building full gear sets for optimizing every last type of attack or ability or optimizing survivability.
So, it will be possible to change out weapons in combat if you absolutely have the wrong weapon equipped, but you probably shouldn't really try and incorperate this in to a build.
Just trying to let you know you attached the wrong link crow.
It's not Rick Astley, is it....?
Thx, bud. Fixed.
But allowing one-button instant armor-swaps mid combat just feels wrong. How would your character instantly take off all his armor, store them, pull out another set of armor, and put them on all while facing some boss monster?
Well unless it's implemented in a hilariously non-practical way, e.g. armor-swap is a 30 seconds cast that fixes the character in place, and monster can respond to that armor swap:
Imagine you're that dragon, charging your mighty draconic fire breath, and you see that knight you've been pounding upon suddenly takes off his plate armor, pulls another set of seemingly fire-resistant dragonscale plates out of his backpack, and begins putting them on. What do you do?
You cut your charging short and roast him before he's ready, of coz.
But then, that kind of implementation will be 1. useless (although hilarious) & 2. just scope creep.
Are they considering a weapon swap from my backpack to my hand?
this seems like it could be really interesting for the classes that have stealth/aggro dropping mechanics. Could be fun, could be cancer but I feel like its a good system.
In answer to your first question as they have made them two separate equipment slots I can’t imagine you would not be able to switch between the two more freely than the weapon swapping system would allow. However I believe we haven’t had anything official said about this yet, at least not that I’ve seen recently
The skill in OSRS is knowing when to swap your gear to gain an advantage in what would otherwise be a completely dead even fight.
you can freely utilize both the equipped ranged and melee weapon. That isn't considered a weapon swap as both are part of your load out.