Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Game looks great but characters walk/move a bit clunky
I find the character movement a bit clunky ,hope this will change in the furure.
People need to learn to shut up with the "it's pre-alpha" comments, when somebody gives a simple feedback without talking down the game.
It's not like the OP attacked the game ffs.
It doesnt merrit such responces.
How hard is it to do some research into a game these days? I know I gave the OP a hard time but you can see the improvements from alpha 0 to alpha 1 and all you have to do is go on youtube
running looks clunky
jumping looks buggy
fighting is static and boring
fighting/casting animations are terrible
mounts disappearing
there is no content
there is no gameplay
we are aware of it and yes ITS an pre Alpha!
Maybe OP just wanted to discuss something with the community and this was his first choice? I understand your sentiment though lol
If you make "No Shit Sherlock" statements, you get told No Shit Sherlock. People will come in without even the insignificant effort of a google search before hopping in, assume they know the entire score and then go spread bad info to others. Why do you think they have to preface every little thing with "this is in an alpha state, alpha state means X"
and now he knows
1st of all the OP's complaint is totally valid. The animations are clunky and combat looks awkward. I've been around since the beginning (I don't remember how many forums there have been, 3, 4?) so I've seen this over and over as well and I get being tired of it. But this is still a totally valid complaint because it's true. And when a developer puts out footage that isn't fully done yet, they should expect to get some negative feedback over it. That's the risk you take when sharing these things so early.
But 2nd, there is no reason to be concerned. Imagine someone is making a car and it's covered in primer. Of course it looks dull, it hasn't had paint and chrome and all the stuff that gives it the proper sheen. They are still putting the skeleton together to make sure the structure is sound, so expect things to not be fleshed out.
(No offense @Nagash.)
None taken, I was a bit too gung-ho on this
He is aware of the early development phase and to say he is supposed to read up on every forum thread to know whether this feedback has already been voiced is pretty dumb.
People like to dictate others
The thing is people don't necessarily know where to look. The official forums would understandably be an initial touching point for many people, and from there they might then learn about the wiki and dev streams.
all of these tell you and show you that the game is pre-alpha and the differences.
Hahah nice ! Seriously though new comer or not, Pre alpha is Pre alpha, many don't understand its not a full game yet and with that a simple comment game looks clunky gets some flak.
Which invalidates his feedback?
The entire porpuse of open development is feedback.
Even when it´s of low quality and research. There is value in it, as it shows opinions of different segments of the community.
Creating this hardcore elitists community enviroment, where any opinion you share is stamped as "they will have it in future" is so contraproductive.
Why not ignore the threads that feel redundant for you?
The real truth is that the forums don't get as much traction as people would hope so I, and others like me, will respond to just about any post :P. He already admitted that it was a bit harsh of an opener but the point still stands that the game is sooooo early in development that its a little silly to say "wow this game is clunky! I hope they fix it!"
No harm was meant from what I can tell, so there's no need to rag on nagash who has probably been here a bit longer than others. The grumpy old man....
I am the old man and the forums are my garden
Compound that with the other fact that most developers keep a tight lid on alphas. You don’t get a lot of raw footage from games in alpha. Usually you’ll see cinematics and concept art, if anything. Alphas are usually tested in-house, then you don’t open the game to outside testing until the beta stage, and even then you clamp down on early beta with NDAs until the game is more developed. Ashes is more transparent earlier on than a typical MMO, so people are seeing stuff earlier than normal and it leaves some with a bad impression from what is clearly unfinished.
This seems to be a trend with games that have come from crowd funding, and that sort of thing is getting to be more common of late, so eventually people might get used to this and become more forgiving. But for now it is unusual and some gamers are understandably misled in their expectations.
Also, here I go again:
Nagash was old even on the original forums, stuff is starting to grow on him now(and I'm not talking about flesh). If you ever wonder about why he glows green, it's because of the luminous moss
Judging from what i have read from Nagash it seems like 95% one liners and 50% gotcha comments à la reddit in order to receive attention. That´s my perspective on it.
People not visiting intrepid´s platform often will say "nope " and head immediately out.
Idc if stuff like that would be directed at me but i genuinely hate this insider circle jerking directed towards new people that don´t get the contexts.