Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
If you make skeletons of giant monsters in the world, please deliver a giant monster.

So this is something I think monster hunter got right. Shadow of the Colossus got it to a T... If there are giant horns and building motifs of colossal scale, but you can't deliver a polished experience where you hunt a monster in a classical sense. Then do the sort of shadow of colossus style of encounter building, and really go deep. Make the monster terrain, make bits of it attack-able. Give it parasites. Get us to the monster-top and let us live the dream of interacting with the titans of the world.
Thanks for listening to my bit of world-building feedback. I noticed in Jahlon's interview monstrously huge skeletons as features of the background... please live up to the world-building promise of giant monsters that you've seeded.
Thanks for listening to my bit of world-building feedback. I noticed in Jahlon's interview monstrously huge skeletons as features of the background... please live up to the world-building promise of giant monsters that you've seeded.
Such a creature could be the key to the entire zones major changes as the node progresses. Sort of a main questline if you will in that node.
I'm pretty sure this is something you'll be fighting @Nagash . Not a pet.
Maybe if you gather 8 other necromancers and pool your mana.
Oh I can do that in a moment
I swear if I have to run past its sweeping arms to get into its chest and kill its heart imma scream.
*cries in chaos fireball*
I want to have a house design that uses massive monster bones as part of its structure. Like a big F**k you dragon skull for a roof.
I present to you the Bone Collector
no no no that would be neck romancer
Haha I can't breath
" These are the types of systems that we want to put in place where groups of a single primary archetype can come together to summon these types of effects that play off of what the identity of that archetype is.[14] – Steven Sharif
Summoners can collaborate to summon larger summons, such as Golems.[4]
A siege summon will have an incremental size based on the number of summoners participating in that summon activity, with a maximum of eight.[15]
The number of summoners participating in the summon will determine its overall size.[15]"
So we might see some big ass fight
Maybe between summoners gruops and raid/dungeon what ever or pvp like necros vs shadowmancers with diffrent agumnet i hope to see a big shadow beast against a giant skelton or someing in that direction
I want Mechagodzilla
Nagash: *in ecstasy*
Nagash: *sad bone noises*
Did you forget my subclass is a healer? I can fix anything