Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

King`s Avatar

Hello dear Friends and developer of Ashes of Creation,
i am reading the novel "king´s avatar" and i read the manga and watched the anime to it. It is about E-Sports and mmorpg. Even thought Ashes of Creation already sounds really great, maybe there are some points which could be taken out of the novel/manga/anime.
For Exampel: There are also dungeons in the game called Glory. There is a System which annouces the Player names and when all of them are in a guild, with guild name as well, when the dungeon is first cleared. But that is not all, everytime a group has a faster cleartime, there will be such an annoucement on the server.
I really think, that this system entforces people to try hard and find best compositions or routes for some dungeons.

This is just a small exampel, what i would find intresting to talk about. There is a lot more. I really would love to see, that AOC becomes as popular as Glory in the Novel!

What do you think? Is there already such a topic? Did the developer already conciter this?

Sorry 4 my bad englisch, i am from germany so it is not my mothertunge.

Best Regards,


  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2020 20

    "Trophy park is an area within Town, City or Metropolis nodes that has available spots for trophies. These trophies show the character names of players who are the first to complete world bosses and dungeon bosses that were spawned as the result of the development of that particular node."

    "Der Trophäen Park ist ein Ort innerhalb eines Dorfes, Stadt oder Metropole, in dem Trophäen ausgestellt werden können. Diese Trophäen zeigen die Charakternamen von Spielern, die die Ersten waren um einen bestimmten Weltboss oder Dungeon zu besiegen, welche durch die Entwicklung des Nodes entstanden."

    Gotchu bro.
  • ChrintzChrintz Member
    Ohhh wow.Thank you, i havent read this!
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