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What are some activities / functions you would like to see in towns?

akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
Many other mmo towns are brought to life and provide reasons to be in town and to go to all the far reaches of towns.
  • ESO I found interesting in that the towns that appeared to have a good relationship of functions and accessibility appeared to be the most popular and active.
  • L2 had a very vibrant albeit AFK center of town with many player shops and people perusing those shops.
  • BDO has many filler NPC to make a town feel more active than perhaps it actually is.

I enjoyed visiting the Auctioneer in L2

What are some activities / functions you would like to see in towns that perhaps AoC have not touched on (yet)?


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    NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Grave digging

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
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    daveywaveydaveywavey Member
    edited October 2020
    Merchants, very very basic versions of the crafting professions for basic early game needs, NPC housing for us sneaky thief types.

    Also, I like climbing things. If there's a mountain, or a building, or a strange-looking tree, I want to get to the top of it. So, I'd like to be able to climb whatever's there.
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    Honestly, one idea I'd REALLY love to see, and I'm sure MANY people would love it as well, would be a city-based idea similar to the old 3-Rings producers in PP(Puzzle Pirates).

    That is to say, for those who never knew or seen it, you have mini-games / puzzle games inside your Taverns or Festivals in the cities.

    How this might look:
    Maybe you have a sword-play mini-game where you can compete against others or an NPC in the town. And you get some incentive rewards possibly (betting? EXP? Fame? etc.)

    Or perhaps your more of a Strategist? Theres always the easy-to-do implemented Card Tables.
    Play some multi-player card-games, allow betting tables? Allowable in Taverns and public areas, what not. Maybe the Street corner in Poor's-villa has your gambling Dice? Your Knuckle bones? etc.

    I think adding these distractions to towns will provide variety, add to the life of the cities, and provide hot-spot locations within towns.

    Or.... they could be completely ignored because only point of doing them is 'for funsies'.
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    PlagueMonkPlagueMonk Member
    edited October 2020
    I would like to see a city/town that actually looked ACTIVE and was going about it's daily business regardless of PCs being there. If I or others show up we are just one of many and little impact on the goings on.

    I also like the idea of having a reputation in an area so the more favorable it is, the more friendly and personal townspeople will be towards you (maybe even in awe, suspicious or even a bit terrified that you were the one who took down the demon terrorizing the area recently).

    This could even extend to negative reputation that is different than corruption. Maybe you failed to do something, or chose not to help.....word DOES spread of your misdeeds!
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    The only way to make cities look lively/active is having stuff to do there, by example, requiring crafters to go certain places in the city to process certain items
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    Drinking in a inn and listening to visitors adventures.
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    I want towns to feel like a blend between Ultima VII, Witcher III, and Skyrim. Then add in mini-games, crafting, writs, random rep quests, secret rep quests, a robust rumor mill system, crimes to commit, thieves to bust, ways to help the town, etc. There are about a thousand things I can think of for larger cities.

    We should also have some stockades and be able to poke players that get placed in them. I have a feeling @Nagash is going to have a few run-ins with local law enforcement. ;)
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'd really like npc villagers with who have routines, who you can befriend and unlock quests with.

    That said, I think that's too much to ask for in an MMORPG.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    Events maybe, not tied to holidays. Like a travelling carnival shows up or something with rides and games. When it's done it will pack up and head to the next town or metropolis or whatever size fits.
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    I would like to see disabled mounts in towns with stables at the outskirts.
    I would like to see small open arenas outside of some towns for people to get together and try stuff without receiving death penalties.
    Also, guards should attack players tjay unshethe weapons.
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    How about guards attack players that go AFK in town for more than 10 minutes. lol
    Master Assassin
    (Yes same Tyrantor from Shadowbane)
    Book suggestions:
    Galaxy Outlaws books 1-16.5, Metagamer Chronicles, The Land litrpg series, Ready Player One, Zen in the Martial Arts
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    Tyrantor wrote: »
    How about guards attack players that go AFK in town for more than 10 minutes. lol

    /Crowe returns from making coffee "WHAT THE !???"

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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I would like to see NPS social actions as fillers..
    • npc day/night cycles..
    • npc social gatherings /events
    • npc meetings,
    • npc patrolling..
    • npc animals - on ground and upper levels, air (to keep the eye active more 3 dimensionally, rather than just 2d ground only)
    • banners, flags, signs change for events, day / night, open / closed
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I think it would be hilarious if Metropolises had weekday peak hours where the metropolis becomes flooded with npcs in the morning, lunch time, and the evening. And then a bunch of extra npc's hang out on the streets on weekends.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    Mini-games for sure. But I also love the idea of NPC vendors having pseudo-random items for sale (from some table depending on the level of the node and it's geographic location). That way people are incentivized to check in with vendors. Also, a similar system to runescape where items sold to vendors by players could be bought by other players is fun and occupies people trying to snipe items. This creates a nice density of players around shops/vendors. These were all nice ideas that people came up with in an old thread of mine, if anyone wants to read more ideas regarding how vendors might work:(
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    CROW3 wrote: »
    Tyrantor wrote: »
    How about guards attack players that go AFK in town for more than 10 minutes. lol

    /Crowe returns from making coffee "WHAT THE !???"

    That's a biiiig coffee!
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    NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    CROW3 wrote: »
    I want towns to feel like a blend between Ultima VII, Witcher III, and Skyrim. Then add in mini-games, crafting, writs, random rep quests, secret rep quests, a robust rumor mill system, crimes to commit, thieves to bust, ways to help the town, etc. There are about a thousand things I can think of for larger cities.

    We should also have some stockades and be able to poke players that get placed in them. I have a feeling @Nagash is going to have a few run-ins with local law enforcement. ;)

    I regret NOTHING!

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
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    CROW3 wrote: »
    Tyrantor wrote: »
    How about guards attack players that go AFK in town for more than 10 minutes. lol

    /Crowe returns from making coffee "WHAT THE !???"

    That's some harsh punishment for loitering.

    So maybe we will have designated safe AFK areas? Kind of like smoking areas. So you will have herds of AFKers crammed into these small zones around town :D
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    How about ...

    - AFK for 20 mins you are flagged as suspicious by guards
    - AFK for 45 mins you are places in stockades
    - AFK for an hour you are catapulted over the walls
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    Connect 4 with Sheep.

    U.S. East
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    Yuyukoyay wrote: »
    Connect 4 with Sheep.

    Ooooh, that could be one of the mayoral election methods!
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yuyukoyay wrote: »
    Connect 4 with Sheep.

    Ooh! That gives me an idea:

    Hunting Competitions!
    Competitors pre-register and arrive in town on a set day.
    At the midday stroke of the clocktower, competition begins.
    Competitors have 24 hours to submit as many certificates as they can from a selection of beasts on a bounty list
    1st place wins a cash prize, a Title and greatly increased reputation with the town
    2nd - 5th place win a smaller cash prize
    A portion of the total value of certificates submitted go directly into the town's tax funds for the next caravan.
    A portion of the total value of certificates goes towards node progression (or upkeep)

    Scoreboard is available on the noticeboard to see who's in the lead during competition.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    I want to see corrupt gate guards that try to get bribes out of players, alley ways lurking with dangerous thieves and homeless folk looking for hand outs, and that lovely medieval feces and urine mixture that lines the roadways.

    Also have random nobles barreling down the road in a carriage that instantly kill afk players or heavily injure active players they hit. If its an active player that gets hit the noble arrogantly stomps out and demands they pay for the carriage repairs or they will be sent to the executioner for harming a noble. I can't think of any other horribly "fun" things just yet but...

    Aren't Medieval times the best?
    Commissioned at
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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    New Word had water wells and bee hives that provided limited resources that replenished or were accessible again after x cool down

    That was an interesting touch and something along those lines I would like to see
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    im hoping to see lots of quest's related to node progress..

    - fishing
    - gathering
    - and so forth..

    Hopefully also alot of pvp quest's or goals with connected nodes

    Hopefully also nodes have surroundings like capture points.. or what so ever to increase influence of the node itself..
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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    NPC non-interactive activities might include

    NCP to go round lighting the lanterns at night and at dawn going round to put them out
    Hawkers in the streets to get business into taverns at night
    Hawkers to usher players to games
    Towncriers to announce new events
    Children playing
    NCP collecting milk, water, goods between vendors
    Domestic animal activity
    Wild animal / bird activity and perhaps some interaction / action/reaction between each

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    /drops mic, walks away...

    Steven Sharif is my James Halliday (Anorak)


    “That is not dead which can eternal lie,
    And with strange aeons even death may die.”

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    /drops mic, walks away...

    It's being planned and arranged.....
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    daveywavey wrote: »
    /drops mic, walks away...

    It's being planned and arranged.....

    I asked Jahlon a while back and these are not in. Blame the "T" rating.

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    CROW3 wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    /drops mic, walks away...

    It's being planned and arranged.....

    I asked Jahlon a while back and these are not in. Blame the "T" rating.

    Jahlon can't stop us making our own....! ;)
    This link may help you:
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