Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Bard "Weapons" and other obscure ideas.

Having simple lutes and violins etc is probably fine for early gear but lets make sure there is something neat at the end of it all!

I'm hoping to see something reflective of the magical nature bards seem to be having in Ashes, what do you all think?

I'm hoping to see something reflective of the magical nature bards seem to be having in Ashes, what do you all think?
Example for an epic Lute I would actually appreciate:
This is a Harp skin for Staffs which I absolutely love in Guild Wars 2:
Are you sure you don't want to be bonked in the head by an instrument in-game? =p
I will do it for you if you are not Bard enough.
Damn, now I want to be a tank who fights with a set of bagpipes. Talk about generating aggro!
I want a spoken word bard!
Looking at Bard/Bard for the first time myself. It feels like they with all of the other classes, they are leaving it pretty open to interpretation.
"Bards may be able to play musical instruments, such as Flutes and Bagpipes."
That is the key point I was looking for. It says nothing about bards having special weapons.
Personally I don't think they should be making a bunch of special weapons for classes. I feel like it is a design trap, especially in a game that does not tie your class to your weapon. Weapons should be tied to races and cultures instead.
I could see them doing music themed weapons as cosmetics, they seem to be having a good time with the cosmetics designs.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
What I don't want is to have to stand in the middle playing the bagpipes for an entire raid boss!
Beatbox people to death
Support is my favourite role, but man, I hope I don't have to pull a flute mid-combat, that would be anti-climatic to me.
I just wanna do some war dances, please!
Don't you mean 'Beetbox', or did you turnip to this thread forgetting the other?
Hopefully we can see some leeks on this soon.
I'm Crosim' you off my list of friendlies.
What if the spoken word bard uses puns for buffs?
Then, we're all going the Musical Bard route.
They mentioned Word of Power bard mechanics or Poetry etc as the channel for the bards magic.
Have a dedicated caravan for transporting the piano, with a 5 minute set up time to offload it.
You could put your tailcoat in there too.
You'd be one of THOSE bards.
I'd be down for this - though my hope is that there is an option for poetry, or reciting an epic/stage play.
This is good, I just hope it is more than one or two abilities.
If you google "the bard", the results are not about a musician at all - you get Shakespeare, a writer.
The original notion of a bard in an adventuring party in a fantasy setting (as far as I can tell) was that it was someone coming along to record the heroic deeds being performed. Basically, writing.
To me, that means the main entertainment skill a bard needs is the ability to write. Singing is also fine - but a bard that just plays an instrement is not able to accurately record those heroic deeds they are there to record - which to me means such a bard is straight up unable to perform the actual original function of their existence.
Obviously, there is no easy game system to suggest that a bard is recording what their party/raid are doing. To me, the one thing that a game can do to offer a suggestion of this notion is to make it so a bard is able to be played without needing music or a musical instrument at all.
I mean, there should also be the option to use music - I'm just saying there should be the option to not use it, as well.
Over hill, over dale,
We will hit the dusty trail,
And those Pianos go rolling along.