Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Design your own spells!



  • A really fun spell I would like to see is Fake death, a player can fake his own death, would love to see it on rogues and clerics, both acting as a defensive skill even tho it needs to be really high reuse, maybe even some 5 mins.

    Another thing that I would like to see is collab skills, some skills might be game changer or really overpowered, so they need to be casted by a whole party, most likely a good mechanic would be that 7 (or less) members of a party would channel some "recharge" skill into the cleric, the cleric once has all needed charges/channels, 7 in this case, can cast this super overpowered skill, most likely some whole raid o whole guild heal or invincibility. Adding a bit more of complexity to it, the effect could be based on the number of charges the cleric has, like no charges is just party heal, 2 charges is party heal+mana, 3 charges some heal+cleanse, 4 charges party invincibility, 7 charges alliance invincibility

  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I would love to see a hybrid Tanking/CC ability called (insert cool name here). The tank slams his shield into the earth giving damage resistance to allies behind the shield in a cone shape for a "balanced" amount of time and for a "balanced" amount of damage mitigation. At anytime or at the end of the skill timer, the tank slams the shield (kick the shield would be cooler) and CC enemies in front of the shield for a "balanced" amount of stun time. Add cool effects, shield/gong sound of some sort and dead enemies.

    This would NOT give the tank any additional mitigation than he/she already has. This abilities first half essentially applies the shield to the allies.
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Shadowmancer spells:

    Hungering Shadows- (cast time)You animate the surrounding shadows to envelop the target, eating away at their very soul. The target takes damage over the next 15 seconds.

    Combination ability:

    Umbral Dagger- (instant)You throw out a shadowy dagger towards a target dealing damage, If the target has Hungering Shadows on them they take additional damage and spawn a shade minion to fight for you for the next 10 seconds.

    Shade- A shade is a melee-based temporary summon that focuses targets marked with Hungering Shadows. Dealing damage to a target with Hungering Shadows will slow the target for a second.

    Orb of Darkness- (cast time)an inky black darkness envelops the target, reducing the target's vision and enemies within 10 (feet? Yards? stuff?) of the target for a couple of seconds.

    Night's Reprieve- (instant) the caster becomes surrounded in darkness , making them un-targetable, increasing speed and mana regeneration for a couple of seconds. Taking damage does not end this effect however casting any spell, basic attacking, or use of a consumable does.

    That's just a few off the top of my head. let me know what ya think.

    Expanding on my other ideas for the Shadowmancer:

    Vestige of Feasting: (cast time/long cooldown)You manipulate the target's shadow into the most savory of feasts for shadow creatures, causing the target and anyone within 15 units to have Hungering Shadows applied to them. If Hungering Shadows is already on an affected creature it instead summons a shade to fight for you.

    Ace of Shades: (instant cast/long cooldown) The caster alters their material form, becoming a shade for the next 10 seconds as well as changing places with a random shade within range, losing control for the duration. The shade form can be killed causing you to revert to your true form instead of dying. Any excess damage dealt during the killing blow passes over to your true health. (basically polymorph or shifting from 5e dnd)

    Curtain's Fall: (long cast time/long cooldown) Invoking an ancient ritual the caster rips open a portal to a plane of pure darkness above the targeted area. Creatures within the area upon completion of the casting have a curtain of darkness crash down upon them, knocking targets to the ground for one second and debuffing them for 30 seconds. The debuff absorbs healing done to the target equal to 15% of their maximum health.

    Thought I would go with some big boy spells this time. Tell me what ya think.

    Commissioned at
  • DmhofmaDmhofma Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Not really a new spell, but an effect specific to pvp for hatred generating moves would be interesting. I want Hatred to not only be a factor in pve and hope it can cause some sort of encouragement or discouragement mechanic that makes tanks a relevant factor for the other teammates and can punish people for not focusing them.
  • ShakuZaShakuZa Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Mage spells:

    Prismatic displacement:
    AoE ground targeted.
    Projects a live projection image of allies in x radius around you to the target location.
    Drains your mana per second until you stop it or it is dissolved.
    Enemies can can dissolve the image using anti stealth skills, making you reappear at your real location

    Dimension marks:
    Mark a spot or player in close proximity to your character.
    You can teleport to any marked location at will.
    Can have up to 3 marks simultaneously.
    Mana regeneration is reduced for each active mark. The further away from a mark you are, the higher the mana degeneration gets. You can only deactivate a mark of yours if you are right next to it.

    Lightning flash:
    Enemies looking at the lightning flash when it goes off get white-screened and dont hear sounds for a short duration (like csgo flashbang, a bit longer in duration as i imagine ashes to be more slow paced of a game in comparison)

    I like the way it is on the wiki. I would love if you could augment it so enemies have no choice but to take it when they step on it.
  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Whilst I don`t have enough play time to know if my understanding of Divinity spell system is correct.
    I would thoroughly enjoy a spell system that allowed individual spells of those within your group to cast a combined spell and/or proc of a greater spell including the use of oils, traps & potions.

    Essentially I want to see many ways one benefits from playing with others in all manner of ways.
  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I would LOVE collab skills!
    But they'd need to be more than pressing one button kindof thing.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • All great abilities 👻I'll think of some new ones as well
  • Cold 0ne FTBCold 0ne FTB Member, Alpha One, Adventurer, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I really like the spell from DND 3.5 Apocalypse From the Sky. Cough cough, Steven would be a really cool random event or boss skill.

    I really liked the shape change spell from 3.5 too!

    An AOE Silence or hard CC would be epic!

    Honestly if steven took a bunch of abilities form dnd and made similar versions in this game that would be really cool. I loved a lot of the abilities the Lich had. The cloudkill spell and globe of Invulnerability, would be hilarious mechanics for a fight. Even having a spellcaster boss that kited the raid. That is a mechanic I have never seen before. it would be interesting.

    What I want form abilities is mobility, damage and specializes on engaging or counter engaging enemies in pvp. I really hope there is a class that combines both. I suspect there will be. As long as abilities work towards this. Like snare/immobilization immunity. Movement speed buffs. Access to hard or soft CCs that force engagements or prevent/hamper enemies from engaging.

    I really enjoy streak from ESO. Which you guys already have a similar ability. The Mage's Blink ability. The only difference is streak can be used repeatedly in quick succession and has an aoe stun attached to it but I think my itch will get scratched with blink.

    I also really enjoy abilities that take thought and require correct positioning to get the most out of them.

    I really like two abilities in ESO one is called shade what it does is it creates a shadowy image of a rogue, this image attacks enemies within range. Activating the ability returns the PC that casted the ability to the space the shadowy image occupied. It makes for some really interesting PVP dynamics and plays. There is a similar spell called Undo this ability returns a player to a spot they were 4 seconds prior with the same resources and health totals they had at that point.

    That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
  • Rogue

    Mug - Deals X amount of damage. Should this skill deal the final KO monetary rewards are increased. (Does not apply to bosses and/or pk drops)
    Rank Lv.2: Restores HP based on damage dealt.

    Veil of Shadow - Evasion increases by 10%.
    Additional effect: For every attack dodged evasion will further increase by 2% up to a maximum of 20%, and grant Shadow's Embrace. (DoTs will not proc this)
    Shadow's Embrace: Dispels Veil of Shadow and activates stealth in combat. Your next combat ability will deal 1.2x the damage.
    ""Rank Lv.2: Modifier increases to 1.5
    ""Rank Lv.3: Guaranteed critical hit on the next ability.
    (DoT damage is affected by damage modifiers)

  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    A stealth pvp spell cast that temporarily turns your group into an item the spell caster selects that is in the immediate field of view; shrub, chest, fence post!
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited November 2020
    Heartseeker Strike - Combopoint generator, slide behind the enemy and strike him from behind for x amount of damage.
    Spleencleave - Requirement: standing behind enemies, combopoint spender, strike the enemy from behind and leave him stunned for 1sec.
    Poisonstrike Coating - Coat your weapon in a poisonous substance for the next 10 attacks/abilities, inflicting a stacking poison debuff with each attack/ability.
    Kidney Piercer - Combopoint generator, Strike at your targets kidney, inflicting a bleeding and healing recieved debuff.
    Bloodletter Jab - Combopoint spender, Hit your target with an enhanced attack for 200% weapondamage, and resett all poison and bleeding debuff timers.
    Poison Breath - Breath out a poisonous smoke, leaving behind a poisonous smokescreen for the next 10sec, which inflicts all enemies inside of it with a stacking poison debuff for every sec.
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    Damokles wrote: »

    That's one hell of a nasty-sounding name.... it almost hurts just reading it!
    This link may help you:

  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Damokles wrote: »

    That's one hell of a nasty-sounding name.... it almost hurts just reading it!

    I mean... thats what i think of rogues:
    Gut hitting, underhanded, backstabbing, ruthless fellows that strike from the shadows.
  • Now that we have many more new people, I'd love to see what ideas for abilities they'll come up with 👻
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2021
    The EQNext design had an ability called Unsummon.
    I was hoping to put as many points as possible into Unsummon - master the ability to Unsummon enemy minions.
    I would love to be able to cavort around on my Stufferton while Unsummoning enemy Golems.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    As a crowd control for clerics, please. A very strong Sleep spell, to allow the poor healers to keep themselves alive.

  • MaphMaph Member
    Something on one of the more magically inclined Tank sub-classes like Karmic Justice from Dark Souls would be cool.

    Basically, if you take a bunch of hits in a short amount of time you just explode out in a huge damage aoe.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I really should stop myself from adding more than one, so, something simple and boring.

    "A Vigori" - A heal for Cleric that overheals as a temporary shield lasting like a minute after. Not stackable or additive. Just there to let you have the basic extra HP when you know things are about to get rough but you have a few seconds beforehand.

    ... I have too many ideas...
    Y'all know how Jamberry Roll.
  • 90Bubbel90Bubbel Member
    edited June 2021
    class-keeper/bladecaller (both could work)

    Weapon mimic

    duration based

    for x amount of time each basic attack (not ability) create 1-3 etheral (depending on the rank of the ability copies of the weapon currently used for 2-4 consecutive hits (including the initial hit)

    variant-each etheral weapon inflicts a different kind of abnormal status (blind, slow, silence etc) effect or element (fire, lightning, poison, ice)

    variant 2-each hit has a chance to hit twice resulting in a max of 7 hits (initial hit does not count)

    note-the etheral copies would look like afterimages behind the initial weapon but in other color tones with slight delays between each weapon.

    Mount of war

    duration/damage taken based

    summon a spiritual mount which gives you additional speed, armor, health and magic resist but do not inhibit the use of any abilities or items


    variant 1-your mount gain the ability to fight by itself, and staying close to it will give you a small buff to health and damage

    variant 2-the mount is much slower but both has and gives you a much larger buff than normal to your health, armor, magic resist and debuff resistance.

    Spectral armor

    damage taken based

    (same idea as the mount)

    summon a ancient armor to protect the wearer from harm, increases armor, health and magic resist at the cost of speed. if used with a summon weapon skill increases its damage by 20%

    variant 1-instead of gaining a protective armor instead summon the boots of hermes , reducing your armor, health and magic resist and giving you a massive boost of movement speed

    variant 2-wile using spectral armor give out smaöö damaging waves of a chosen element and its debuff/effect
  • edited June 2021
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Shadowmancer spells:

    Hungering Shadows- (cast time)You animate the surrounding shadows to envelop the target, eating away at their very soul. The target takes damage over the next 15 seconds.

    Combination ability:

    Umbral Dagger- (instant)You throw out a shadowy dagger towards a target dealing damage, If the target has Hungering Shadows on them they take additional damage and spawn a shade minion to fight for you for the next 10 seconds.

    Shade- A shade is a melee-based temporary summon that focuses targets marked with Hungering Shadows. Dealing damage to a target with Hungering Shadows will slow the target for a second.

    Orb of Darkness- (cast time)an inky black darkness envelops the target, reducing the target's vision and enemies within 10 (feet? Yards? stuff?) of the target for a couple of seconds.

    Night's Reprieve- (instant) the caster becomes surrounded in darkness , making them un-targetable, increasing speed and mana regeneration for a couple of seconds. Taking damage does not end this effect however casting any spell, basic attacking, or use of a consumable does.

    That's just a few off the top of my head. let me know what ya think.

    Expanding on my other ideas for the Shadowmancer:

    Vestige of Feasting: (cast time/long cooldown)You manipulate the target's shadow into the most savory of feasts for shadow creatures, causing the target and anyone within 15 units to have Hungering Shadows applied to them. If Hungering Shadows is already on an affected creature it instead summons a shade to fight for you.

    Ace of Shades: (instant cast/long cooldown) The caster alters their material form, becoming a shade for the next 10 seconds as well as changing places with a random shade within range, losing control for the duration. The shade form can be killed causing you to revert to your true form instead of dying. Any excess damage dealt during the killing blow passes over to your true health. (basically polymorph or shifting from 5e dnd)

    Curtain's Fall: (long cast time/long cooldown) Invoking an ancient ritual the caster rips open a portal to a plane of pure darkness above the targeted area. Creatures within the area upon completion of the casting have a curtain of darkness crash down upon them, knocking targets to the ground for one second and debuffing them for 30 seconds. The debuff absorbs healing done to the target equal to 15% of their maximum health.

    Thought I would go with some big boy spells this time. Tell me what ya think.

    I would like to see for the shadowmancer a real use of shadows in mechanics
    Useing the shadows to control,manipulate the environment with skill like

    Consume shadow- heal yourself and leaving target immobilized for x period of time

    Shadow orb - create an orb at target location that suck target foe shadow leaving them immobilized then blowing up dealing x shadow DMG

    Shadow step - toggle a location of shadow to teleport

    Dark Pact - your summon posses target For x period of time

    Metirialized - create spikes of shadow from enemy shadow to pierce threw his body

    Light Bane - banish all light leaving target player blind ,remove all boons from target.

    Using stealth & cc for aguments waiting to see what the the two other will be.
  • CorpierCorpier Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2021
    Reaver inspired abilities:

    Bloodrage- Toggle that adds a 1% max health cost to all damage dealing actions, but damage scales with missing health while active up to a 100% bonus. Ending Bloodrage heals the user for 10% of damage done while using Bloodrage up to 50% of user's missing health with a 60 second cooldown on the heal.

    Consuming Strikes- Melee conal attack that also deals a small part of its damage to the user. No Cooldown. (Bloodrage must be active to use)

    Killing Field- A ground aoe centered on the user. Enemies inside the aoe are slowed. Both user and enemies take a small amount of damage per second when inside the aoe. Damage user takes from this ability does not scale with Bloodrage. Lasts for 8 seconds, 10 second cooldown. (Bloodrage must be active to use)

    Bloodhunt- A charge/closer ability that moves the user to a target within range. if standing in a Killing Field, Killing Field moves with the user when activated, target is rooted and takes 25% increased damage from Killing Field. 10 second cooldown, can be used again if target is killed before cooldown is over. (Bloodrage must be active to use)

    Essence Devour- Melee single target ability that restores health to the user based on damage done up to 10% of the user's missing health, If Essence Devour kills the target it can restore up to 25% of the user's missing health. This ability's damage modifier from Bloodrage is increased by 50% of its current bonus, ex: base 50% increased damage is 75% for this ability up to a potential 150% bonus. 10 second cooldown (Bloodrage must be active to use)

    I like the idea of a melee class that trades health for damage. Also, I think its a cool idea to add in damage based heals that scales with missing health, partly so it doesn't end up killing itself just by attacking, unless by choice. The missing health% cap on healing is critical to control how much healing is possible to prevent heals from becoming too strong, as the point is to encourage playing risker by staying at lower health thresholds than usual, yet be able to offset their own damage done to themselves. Not to become a self-healing juggernaut that out heals incoming damage from exterior sources.

    Not only does the healing mechanic allow getting back some, if not most or all if playing well, of the health spent for damage, but adds an additional layer of measuring tradeoffs and risk/reward. Less health=more damage=bigger heals=higher health=less damage. All while less health, of course, means a higher risk of dying. Wait to heal for higher damage? How low is too low? Eventually its risking one shot damage. Playing risky can be fun, but will getting greedy dig a hole that can't be can't be healed out of with limited heals?

    P.s. I know the numbers probably aren't the most balanced, but I tried to keep it simple enough that if roughly 1-3%ish health is lost per second by attacking, then roughly up to 10-25% can be regained every 10 seconds. Also I thought it would be cool to synergize skills so that Essence Devour covers for the health lost from Bloodrage's passive, while Bloodrage's toggle heal covers for the health lost over time through using Consuming Strikes and Killing Field, but also either could be used before or after those thresholds for more risk/damage or safer/more frequent heals.

    P.p.s. I doubt this would ever make it into an mmo just because the damage dealer playing this and their group's healer would constantly be at each other's throats over what health threshold is too low to hover at. Also a having a skilled healer that would allow someone to constantly hover at lower health would be hard to balance, not to mention percentage based buffs can become monstrous when combined with stacking group buffs.
  • SunboySunboy Member
    edited June 2021
    Theme is the day cycle for a Rogue.

    Morning glory: AoE flashbang that makes the screen white for everyone in the area for X seconds. Duration is less severe for females. You cannot use this ability in nighttime.

    Noonish necktie: You lock on to the target's back and remain there X seconds. The target cannot hit you. If you use another ability this is broken.

    Evening tea: You relax and for each friendly player in X radius that is not in combat you gain X amount of health. You cannot get foodbuffs for X amount of time after this.

    Night clubbing: Your auto attack confuse the enemy. Only works with blunt weapons. Bonus duration if it's nighttime. If there is more then 50% females in the party the duration increase. If it's a Friday the duration increase. If you have more than 1 Bard in the group the duration is decreased. If you been in a tavern for more then X amount of time when activating the duration is increased. On cool down you take X more damage. Even more so from sonic damage.

    Much Love!

  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2021
    2 legit and 1 a joke.

    Tank ability

    Take Cover

    The tank slams a shield into the ground knocking enemies down in a frontal cone shape. X seconds later (ideally as the enemy players get back 1-2 seconds), the shield is picked back up creating a damage mitigation buff for allied players behind the tank in a cone shape.

    This ability will add to the tanks CC capability, helps mitigate damage, gives allies the opportunity to get into the cone (if they are fast enough and have map/player awareness), and also allows for Intrepid to customize the ability based on the augmented class. The buff can be adjusted to fit the secondary choices. Seems like this can be easily balanced as well.

    Tank Ability

    Valiant Effort

    The tank charges to the player in the party or raid with the lowest amount of health and applies a protective bubble that can absorb X damage over X amount of time. Long cooldown.

    The idea behind this one is to have a way to save whoever is being targeted during pvp. You *may* use this in pve when being countered but usually you don't want to just leave the boss. Potential for avoiding damaging attacks from bosses? I named this one Valiant Effort because the person may die while in transit still....thus creating a valiant effort by trying but still resulting in their death haha. We used to have an internal joke when playing Magic The Gathering by saying VALIANT EFFORT! loudly when defeating your opponent.

    Tank Ability

    Bellowing Sneer

    The tank shouts repugnant comments about an enemies mother causing their casting time to be delayed by X %. No effect if the person dislikes their mother.

    This could potentially upgrade to have an effect on a large group of people especially if those people are in the same family in game.

    I do like the name Bellowing Sneer for an ability though : ).

  • 2DOLKI2DOLKI Member
    daveywavey wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »

    "Rousing Intro"
    Music Spell. For X seconds, all nearby party members are inspired by your song, and gain X% damage mitigation.

    "Rhythmical Motif"
    Music Spell. Must follow a Pattern. For X seconds, all nearby party members follow your rhythm, and gain X% damage increase.

    "Grand Finale"
    Music Spell. Must follow a Pattern. For X seconds, if target enemy is under 25% Health, target enemy loses X% damage mitigation.

    Pattern. Must follow a Music Spell. For X seconds, nearby party members gain X Health Regeneration.

    "Musical Fill"
    Pattern. Must follow a Music Spell. For X seconds, nearby party members gain X Magic Regeneration.

    Edit: Sorry, I did 5! :p


    To follow the Musical route, I thought I'd do a more word-based one, too.

    For X seconds, increase the damage of your weapon skills by X%. You cannot use another Bard skill for X seconds, and this duration is increased by X per additional member of your party.

    "Once Upon A Time"
    Story Spell. For X seconds, nearby party members gain X Health Regeneration. This effect is refreshed whenever that party member is affected by a Story Spell.

    "Central Plot"
    Story Spell. Your 3 closest party members gain +X damage to their next attack.

    "Dramatic Flourish"
    Story Spell. The next time your closest party member attacks, they interrupt their target's action.

    "Love Interest"
    Story Spell. The next time your 2 closest party members use a skill, they are healed for X health.

    "Unmasking the Villain"
    Casting this spell on three separate enemies within a 6 second window causes the following: The first enemy is knocked down, the second enemy is interrupted, and the third enemy takes X damage.
    daveywavey wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »

    "Rousing Intro"
    Music Spell. For X seconds, all nearby party members are inspired by your song, and gain X% damage mitigation.

    "Rhythmical Motif"
    Music Spell. Must follow a Pattern. For X seconds, all nearby party members follow your rhythm, and gain X% damage increase.

    "Grand Finale"
    Music Spell. Must follow a Pattern. For X seconds, if target enemy is under 25% Health, target enemy loses X% damage mitigation.

    Pattern. Must follow a Music Spell. For X seconds, nearby party members gain X Health Regeneration.

    "Musical Fill"
    Pattern. Must follow a Music Spell. For X seconds, nearby party members gain X Magic Regeneration.

    Edit: Sorry, I did 5! :p


    To follow the Musical route, I thought I'd do a more word-based one, too.

    For X seconds, increase the damage of your weapon skills by X%. You cannot use another Bard skill for X seconds, and this duration is increased by X per additional member of your party.

    "Once Upon A Time"
    Story Spell. For X seconds, nearby party members gain X Health Regeneration. This effect is refreshed whenever that party member is affected by a Story Spell.

    "Central Plot"
    Story Spell. Your 3 closest party members gain +X damage to their next attack.

    "Dramatic Flourish"
    Story Spell. The next time your closest party member attacks, they interrupt their target's action.

    "Love Interest"
    Story Spell. The next time your 2 closest party members use a skill, they are healed for X health.

    "Unmasking the Villain"
    Casting this spell on three separate enemies within a 6 second window causes the following: The first enemy is knocked down, the second enemy is interrupted, and the third enemy takes X damage.

    "Центральный сюжет"
    Заклинание рассказа. 3 ваших ближайших члена группы получают + X урона к своей следующей атаке. Заклинание(я предложил сделать баф более хардкорным 3 случайных союзников усливаются и только если в группе 4 и более)))
  • InixiaInixia Member
    edited June 2021
    we'll categorize this a crowd control spell even though its not what you'd normally think of for that. I just think it might be fun as an escape or setup in pvp.


    The caster splits into three illusory clones in the likeness of themselves who begin to travel in random directions. The caster is randomly put into the point of view of one of the clones. The clones perform action motions mirroring the real caster but without any effects (maybe with some slight discrepancies to make it a game to spot the real one).

    If a clone where the caster is not residing in takes x% amount of damage or if the caster is killed it dissipates. Otherwise the illusions naturally fade away after 10 seconds. (early aoes act as a good counter)

    While non-caster clones exist the ability is transformed into "Shifting Vision", pressing the button again during this time, randomly teleports the caster into the point of view of one of the other remaining clones (otherwise if none but the caster remain, the spell reverts to Mirage and goes on cd).
  • InixiaInixia Member
    edited June 2021
    Trs wrote: »
    A really fun spell I would like to see is Fake death, a player can fake his own death, would love to see it on rogues and clerics, both acting as a defensive skill even tho it needs to be really high reuse, maybe even some 5 mins.

    In Rift necromancer had a feign death spell which basically served as a detarget and it was one of my favorite 'tricks' with the class in pvp because of some of the unintended functionality (but also pretty much their only trick).

    The thing is it was super rare to actually fool players into thinking you're dead though (although rewarding when you did) because opponents often expected it or just tabbed back onto you after you used it intentionally or unintentionally (sometimes automatically if they target based on incoming damage since necro was pretty dot heavy). I'm not sure how to get around that, or if you could make it more believable.

    But one thing it did though that really made it worthwhile is that it ported your pets back to you and fake despawned them though (you know to keep the illusion you were dead). So a better use was actually to summon a bunch of minion pets and then feign death and pop up almost as quick as you cast it, so all your pets would reappear next to you and they would have to try to pick you out from all the targets. At this point you could run away and try to hit them with a cc if you notice they target you again or just try to fight your way out of it.

    There were these one necromancer minions that were on a high cooldown that attacked players uncontrollably based on proximity too, so if they got locked on a bad target, this was one of the only ways you could get them to redirect.
    Anyways these kinds of detargets could be fun for summoner.
  • Inixia wrote: »
    Trs wrote: »
    A really fun spell I would like to see is Fake death, a player can fake his own death, would love to see it on rogues and clerics, both acting as a defensive skill even tho it needs to be really high reuse, maybe even some 5 mins.

    In Rift necromancer had a feign death spell which basically served as a detarget and it was one of my favorite 'tricks' with the class in pvp because of some of the unintended functionality (but also pretty much their only trick).

    The thing is it was super rare to actually fool players into thinking you're dead though (although rewarding when you did) because opponents often expected it or just tabbed back onto you after you used it intentionally or unintentionally (sometimes automatically if they target based on incoming damage since necro was pretty dot heavy). I'm not sure how to get around that, or if you could make it more believable.

    But one thing it did though that really made it worthwhile is that it ported your pets back to you and fake despawned them though (you know to keep the illusion you were dead). So a better use was actually to summon a bunch of minion pets and then feign death and pop up almost as quick as you cast it, so all your pets would reappear next to you and they would have to try to pick you out from all the targets. At this point you could run away and try to hit them with a cc if you notice they target you again or just try to fight your way out of it.

    There were these one necromancer minions that were on a high cooldown that attacked players uncontrollably based on proximity too, so if they got locked on a bad target, this was one of the only ways you could get them to redirect.
    Anyways these kinds of detargets could be fun for summoner.

    That does sound pretty cool
  • KyonsuppKyonsupp Member
    edited June 2021

    Warp set (15s cooldown of 2 charges of the skill):

    "The character touch the floor or a wall with the hand and set a warp portal. The max amount of portals at the same time is 5. Anything -Player or skills- entrying a portal will spawn in the nearest portal setted"

    Warp Link (60s cooldown)

    "Touch 2 warps and link them, while 2 warps are linked the player can choose if things entrying one linked portal will spawn in the neareest or the matched linked portal"

    Warp Protection (40s cooldown)

    "The player cast a warp wall and sends out anything charging in front of him to the nearest portal setted"

    Swap (20s cooldown)

    The player swap places with anything or anyone. This automatically creates 2 "Warp Sets" in the places where him and his objetive was when swap was activated.

    Warp Chain (300s cooldown)

    "If the player has succesfully setted 5 portals he can activate "Warp Chain".

    The player cast a chain that enters through one portal and then for the nearest one until it links the 5 ones with the chain. This create a space where the caster can teleport and deflect anything he wants, he can freely teleport himself also."
  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Magic Wards

    Fire/Wind/Frost/Earth Ward: 1 time mana cost for <element> based damage absorption (more mana efficient then general damage warding/shields) possible reflective chance the deeper you go into the specialisation of this skill.

    Aetherial Form: Shift into the aetherial plane. Becoming immune to damage of all sorts for 1 second per twenty percent of total mana. Allows the user to move through objects/barriers/people. Allows detection of stealth for the duration. If the user rematerialises into a solid object, they die instantly. If user materialises into PC/NPC deal damage equal to total mana left x 1.75

    Elemental Wall: Summon a physical object based on the terrain the caster stands on. With X amount of hp. Lasting for 10 seconds or until destroyed. (Elemental Weaknesses apply)

    Swap: Swap position with target, both swapper and swapped get stunned for 1 second.

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