Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Ideas for gathering skills

hello! my name is angel and i'm EXTREMELY excited for AoC iv registered 64000+ hours on video games and personally can't remember a time iv been this excited for a game to release
unfortunately i never found much info on how the gathering skills within AoC will work
what tiers and what use they will have (obviously i have some common sense so i know ores refined into bars can be used for weapons/armor and the like)
but i was never able to find a tier list of resources or an in depth explanation about how gathering as a whole will work.
so! i would absolutely appreciate anyone who could give me some pointers on how they will work and the like
as the the whole title of this discussion
i had a few ideas
modular tools
i feel like being able to have absolute control over your tools will encourage the implementation of newer resources being added into the game
i'm worried about the community thinking if modular tools are a thing why aren't modular weapons/armor and other stuff aren't (no clue if modular anything is planning to be implemented into the game)
personally i feel like being able to have full control of what materials you use to actually make tools would offer some nice freedom and potential benefits depending on the combination of resources used in the creation of the tool crafted
this would also encourage players to potentially go out and gather resources which may go under the radar for being useless in the creation of certain things and instead be used for the creation of modular tools
of course as prementioned
i got no idea what resources are being thought of for the game
no clue what stats they will provide
or anything about gathering as a whole for the game as i haven't been able to find anything detailing some information on the subject
the main reason i feel like modular tools would be a good thing for the game is of course to allow a smoother implementation of newer resources into the game doe of course this may end up backfiring
another thing i was hoping for would be resource elementals
things like elementals for certain ores and woods would randomly spawn rarely across the world
and offer a rather nice amount of resources if your able to bring it down!
of course this could also work as an idea for something i like to call resource havens
a spot on the map that is highlighted by the resource icon of whatever resource it has an unusual abundance of
i feel like this would be a reallllly nice open world gathering event that happens randomly
anyone within a certain distance of the haven would be notified that a haven might be around here
and the general direction of the haven
the haven will not be highlighted on the map until someone finds it
doe when it is found by someone it will be highlighted on the map for everyone to see
the haven is protected by 4 normal sized elementals (so for example if its an ore haven it will have 4 elementals around 6-7 feet tall that provide a couple of ores of its designated type)
and 1 so called ancient elemental holding a large quantity of its designated resource a plentiful supply of normal nodes of the designated resource type
once the haven is completely cleared of resources the haven area will disappear and turn the area into what it was
i have a bunch of ideas for lore aswell
for example the sole reason elementals exist is due to resources being exposed to large quantities of mana for extended periods of time
and the lore behind the haven area that appears is due to the mana in the area going out of control and creating the haven area
things like that
i would LOVE to hear what you guys think of resource havens as a whole
of course many adjustments could be made to it
and the main reason i even thought about the idea of elementals being present at havens is to add a risk to attempting to gather at a haven area
since iv realized something about AoC
its trying to maintain that in all reward there is risk
and i feel like a completely unguarded haven with plentiful resources would just be too easy
plus elementals add a whole layer of possibilities for lore and mobs to the game and i really wanted to showcase that in the example of lore for elementals i mentioned above
but i truly hope this game shines
this game truly is ambitious
i want it too work and i hope this game makes it big
i know im late
with some players being around in this community since 2016
but i really wanna see this game shine
it has the potential to become my most played game ever (war thunder currently sits at 11008 hours (hit 11k hours yesterday yay
but yeah i would appreciate any feedback to these proposed ideas and i have sooooooooooooo many more ideas that i would love to share if people wanna hear them
just let me know!
unfortunately i never found much info on how the gathering skills within AoC will work
what tiers and what use they will have (obviously i have some common sense so i know ores refined into bars can be used for weapons/armor and the like)
but i was never able to find a tier list of resources or an in depth explanation about how gathering as a whole will work.
so! i would absolutely appreciate anyone who could give me some pointers on how they will work and the like
as the the whole title of this discussion
i had a few ideas
modular tools
i feel like being able to have absolute control over your tools will encourage the implementation of newer resources being added into the game
i'm worried about the community thinking if modular tools are a thing why aren't modular weapons/armor and other stuff aren't (no clue if modular anything is planning to be implemented into the game)
personally i feel like being able to have full control of what materials you use to actually make tools would offer some nice freedom and potential benefits depending on the combination of resources used in the creation of the tool crafted
this would also encourage players to potentially go out and gather resources which may go under the radar for being useless in the creation of certain things and instead be used for the creation of modular tools
of course as prementioned
i got no idea what resources are being thought of for the game
no clue what stats they will provide
or anything about gathering as a whole for the game as i haven't been able to find anything detailing some information on the subject
the main reason i feel like modular tools would be a good thing for the game is of course to allow a smoother implementation of newer resources into the game doe of course this may end up backfiring
another thing i was hoping for would be resource elementals
things like elementals for certain ores and woods would randomly spawn rarely across the world
and offer a rather nice amount of resources if your able to bring it down!
of course this could also work as an idea for something i like to call resource havens
a spot on the map that is highlighted by the resource icon of whatever resource it has an unusual abundance of
i feel like this would be a reallllly nice open world gathering event that happens randomly
anyone within a certain distance of the haven would be notified that a haven might be around here
and the general direction of the haven
the haven will not be highlighted on the map until someone finds it
doe when it is found by someone it will be highlighted on the map for everyone to see
the haven is protected by 4 normal sized elementals (so for example if its an ore haven it will have 4 elementals around 6-7 feet tall that provide a couple of ores of its designated type)
and 1 so called ancient elemental holding a large quantity of its designated resource a plentiful supply of normal nodes of the designated resource type
once the haven is completely cleared of resources the haven area will disappear and turn the area into what it was
i have a bunch of ideas for lore aswell
for example the sole reason elementals exist is due to resources being exposed to large quantities of mana for extended periods of time
and the lore behind the haven area that appears is due to the mana in the area going out of control and creating the haven area
things like that
i would LOVE to hear what you guys think of resource havens as a whole
of course many adjustments could be made to it
and the main reason i even thought about the idea of elementals being present at havens is to add a risk to attempting to gather at a haven area
since iv realized something about AoC
its trying to maintain that in all reward there is risk
and i feel like a completely unguarded haven with plentiful resources would just be too easy
plus elementals add a whole layer of possibilities for lore and mobs to the game and i really wanted to showcase that in the example of lore for elementals i mentioned above
but i truly hope this game shines
this game truly is ambitious
i want it too work and i hope this game makes it big
i know im late
with some players being around in this community since 2016
but i really wanna see this game shine
it has the potential to become my most played game ever (war thunder currently sits at 11008 hours (hit 11k hours yesterday yay

but yeah i would appreciate any feedback to these proposed ideas and i have sooooooooooooo many more ideas that i would love to share if people wanna hear them
just let me know!

im just so excited for this game i keep forgetting i said something already so i may go back and edit this kekw
Pretty much all of the information we have so far about crafting can be found on the wiki:
You're right though, in that there is not a whole lot of specific information about what gathering - or professions as a whole - will look like.
There is going to be a lot of customization available throughout all of the equipment, it seems very plausible that you'll be able to customize your tools as well. We do know that better tools will last longer and be able to acquire better materials, and it seems plausible you might be able to further customize your tools in terms of unique characteristics, speed, durability, or other effects - but that's just speculation.
I see you are excited about the possibility of having big open world crafting events, and I think that is something we will see. There are indications that raw materials (such as ore) will be finite in availability throughout the world, concentrated in particular areas. So, the idea is that players will gather in those places, exhaust the supply, and move on the the next massive supply that spawns - not unlike your elemental idea. Much of the danger in these areas will come from other players, who will be seeking to hunt you down and take your resources while you are vulnerable and valuable.
I like the sound of big elementals composed of crafting resources. That might be a nice way to have crafters and the more combat focused types come together to mutually benefit from an event, without necessarily being there to fight one another.
As for lore ideas, I have not read them myself, but I understand there were some pretty big reveals this weekend, which has also been transcribed on the wiki:
You're not late at all, rather early in the grand scheme of things. The game has a long way to go before it comes out, and so there is plenty of time to have your thoughts and feedback heard. Glad to have you here!
Also having in-game events that temporarily make an area resource rich is a great idea!
What do you think would be the trigger for such an event?
A mine that is abandoned for too long?
i feel like a random trigger would be appropriate since i feel like its the most fair,
unless some sort of system is implemented to prevent that i feel like a completely random trigger would be best
Why not mix this in with Corruption events that were teased at the latest stream? These "elementals" could be bolstered by corrupted essence and spawn in droves for players to kill for a limited time during these events. There could be a processing profession that purifies and makes them useable, such as an Essence Refining artisan.
thank you very much for the informational links!
i will be doing a full read through of both in just a second
i wanna thank you for taking the time to explain a bunch of things and i can't thank you enough
as for the presented idea of the 4 smaller elementals and 1 big elemental spawning
was to present a decently hard PVE experience on top of the already risky environment (the pvp side of things)
i base it off the roads of albion in albion online where havens are plentiful at the risk of it being a pure pvp zone (black zone)
this sounds like an amazing idea
i guess one would be tiered resources (not the conventional one thats gonna be implemented) but something like a quality type thing
for example every time you mine you have so and so chance of extracting an exceptional piece of ore which could be used to craft higher quality items once smelted down
this would reward dedicated gatherers
i just got up so its hard to think of ideas right now, but if you'd like to hear more of my ideas let me know
U.S. East
Personally, I'm dying to know how accurate some of our older information on gathering is from the wiki. Notably, the Harvest skill and the idea that "Gatherable resources are discovered by trial-and-error and by learning their visuals". This is in stark contrast to recent gameplay streams where gatherable plants are sparkling and have a "hit E to gather" prompt pop up when players approach them. I really want to know if this is place holder, a change in direction or what...I've tried to ask this question in stream Q&A but no luck.
good point
yeah im thinking its simply a placeholder line and probably wont work like that but all we can do is wait unfortunately