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QOTD: What Artisan Skill are you most excited for?

sup guys after putting some thought into it i decided to start a Question of the Day type thing for the whole community,
i plan to be a little more detailed and try to ask more unique questions and the like including thoughts on different parts of the game!


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    NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I would have to say Alchemy or Scribe

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
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    DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
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    ariatrasariatras Member, Founder
    Thievery, possibly. Otherwise something like Alchemy.

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    My interests are in Alchemy and Weapon Smithing.

    But I'm wondering how it'll work in AoC. Since there is this split between Gathering, Processing and Crafting.
    You can only specialize in 1 profession. So can I do Alchemy and Herbalism at the same time? so I can at least get my own herbs when supply is low? Sounds kind of silly if I don't know how to pick the herbs as an alchemist
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    Damokles wrote: »

    i love the meme
    My interests are in Alchemy and Weapon Smithing.

    But I'm wondering how it'll work in AoC. Since there is this split between Gathering, Processing and Crafting.
    You can only specialize in 1 profession. So can I do Alchemy and Herbalism at the same time? so I can at least get my own herbs when supply is low? Sounds kind of silly if I don't know how to pick the herbs as an alchemist

    i agree
    hopefully we get more info in the future!
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    Animal Husbandry!
    This link may help you:
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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited November 2020
    I have not seen any artisan skills yet, only the suggestion of professions.
    If talking skills, then I would like to see a crafting system that took a little leaf out of New World, & Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD)..

    General crafting

    • Perhaps as planned

    • Chance to proc higher tier items
    • Increased chance to proc higher tier if more key materials
    • Increased change to proc attribute if specified item add

    • And ( as in KCD), higher tier / highest tier crafting requires not only the associated range of materials but perhaps also a greater range of manual actions thereby associating the reward with the effort and perhaps actually creating artisans.

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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    For other artisan professions:

    Map Maker
    Those who survey the land can sell maps
    Those who have surveyed the land will find over time, if they do not return the fog of war slowly returns

    Dye Maker
    More elite dyes perhaps craftable by artisans

    Make it a skill to retrieve greater and/or more elite materials.. then perhaps it might elicit a higher market turnover
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    Commissioned at
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    VarkunVarkun Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    My main will be a gatherer miner to be precise but I will have many many alts plus possibly a second account. So I will do it all one day perhaps years in the future.
    Close your eyes spread your arms and always trust your cape.
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    Anygame you played before have scribe craft? How it works?

    Is it something relevant to map making?


    Talisman/Totem making


    Rune engraving into gears

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    daveywavey wrote: »
    Animal Husbandry!

    hell yeah!
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    Varkun wrote: »
    My main will be a gatherer miner to be precise but I will have many many alts plus possibly a second account. So I will do it all one day perhaps years in the future.

    i wish you the best of luck in this quest!
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    Auriel wrote: »
    Anygame you played before have scribe craft? How it works?

    I'm expecting it will make the Books that you can use as weapons.
    This link may help you:
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    daveywavey wrote: »
    Auriel wrote: »
    Anygame you played before have scribe craft? How it works?

    I'm expecting it will make the Books that you can use as weapons.

    Buff scrolls are another possibility.
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    Cooking, I work in a restaurant so i'll leave work, go home, and keep cooking in my tavern :)
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    I'm interested the most in scribe, too. Surprising how many people is!

    If it is not too rewarding, I'd love animal husbandry, or something rare/niche, like carpenter. I'll play a py'rai so something related with woods.

    Hard to say with the info we have atm!
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    Probably one of the gathering ones, I like to be on the move and I have little interest for cities and housing. Although, if a profession allows to craft kites I might try it.
    Be bold. Be brave. Roll a Tulnar !
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    Gathering for sure, I would be especially excited if they do indeed implement it via the "Harvest" skill they described early on. Something about finding cool minerals/plants off the beaten path excites me. I just in general like the linear progression of games like minecraft or runescape where you get better tools to mine better stuff etc etc.

    I also am curious about fishing, my favorite implementation of active fishing was in stardew valley, that minigame was fun af. I hope there is an active option for fishing which gives better/more rewards and a passive option for the many people who would prefer that.
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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Thought of mining rigs and other such higher volume return gathering equipment
    • Must be crafted
    • Higher return than solo
    • Requires group
    • Stores materials that are vulnerable
    • Must be defended
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    I'm looking at siege crafting or ship building but undecided atm. Will want to see more info on them to fully decide.
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    Fishing of course.
    Commissioned at
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    Hmmm that's a good question. I've always been more interested in adventure than crafting so maybe mining/herbalism would be the job for me. I plan on playing Dünir though and they will surely get some sort of bonus to either cooking or a variation of smithing because of their dwarven heritage.

    I'll wait and see what my friends/guild/node needs me to be.
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    Would aim at rolling a weaopnsmith

    But am actually most excited about animal husbandry.
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    HalaeHalae Member
    edited December 2020
    The animal husbandry system is something I'm deeply excited for. Gonna have to experiment with it before I decide whether I want to be a gatherer, processor, or crafter (since it's reasonable to guess animal husbandry will be in all three) but it's something I'm very interested in playing with.
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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Ship Building.
    I like boats and ____.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    My interests are in Alchemy and Weapon Smithing.

    But I'm wondering how it'll work in AoC. Since there is this split between Gathering, Processing and Crafting.
    You can only specialize in 1 profession. So can I do Alchemy and Herbalism at the same time? so I can at least get my own herbs when supply is low? Sounds kind of silly if I don't know how to pick the herbs as an alchemist

    you can only master 1 profession, but you still can have some development in other professions, so yeah you should be able to get your herbs when supply is low, but you might not be able to get the best herbs in the game by yourself.
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