Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Are spell books considered 1h weapons?
I plan on running Spellshield (Tank/Mage) and was wondering if one could equip a Sword and Spell book at the same time? Nothing on the wiki states if its a 1 or 2h weapon...unless I'm blind.
You can't have both out at the same time, you'd swap between them instead, but you can have them both equipped.
An example they've beat to death on the exact subject would be the "Charge" and "blink" abilities being combined with that class combo and now instead of the Tank running to it's target he would blink/teleport there. In addition if the tank has some sort of slash attack ability you should be able to augment that with an elemental damage such as lightning or fire. While it's possible this augment would scale with the games version of INT or WIS it likely wouldn't be enough to justify building the gear to try and maximize that - mostly because from what I understand you won't get a mage fireball ability to shoot while being a tank.
I could be wrong but this is the best I understand it.
Master Assassin
(Yes same Tyrantor from Shadowbane)
Book suggestions:
Galaxy Outlaws books 1-16.5, Metagamer Chronicles, The Land litrpg series, Ready Player One, Zen in the Martial Arts
I feel like they should consider it at the very least. On the wiki it states shields won't be forced upon tanks, so what would be the harm in slotting in Spellbooks?
I really hate the idea of dual shield tanking. Not sure anyone actually ever did this in real life (not that I expect real life in a game!) but it just sounds really stupid.
But, in Ashes weapons have weapon abilities and there will be some form of QTE to trigger those weapon abilities. Doesn't seem possible to do that with two different weapons.
And, seems like we would basically accomplish something similar to adding spells to Tank abilities via augments.
True and I hope that the interesting concepts have functionality because I love designing out of box or anti-hard counter class designs.
Master Assassin
(Yes same Tyrantor from Shadowbane)
Book suggestions:
Galaxy Outlaws books 1-16.5, Metagamer Chronicles, The Land litrpg series, Ready Player One, Zen in the Martial Arts
That one's a 4H weapon
I think it may have been the video where they showed the Monster Coin transformation? Did one of the testers have a spellbook?
Master Assassin
(Yes same Tyrantor from Shadowbane)
Book suggestions:
Galaxy Outlaws books 1-16.5, Metagamer Chronicles, The Land litrpg series, Ready Player One, Zen in the Martial Arts
As you can see, the book is held in the right hand, but the left hand is blasting enemies with magic, which makes me believe it is a 2-handed weapon. The same way that you carry a bow around with one hand, but it takes two hands to fire an arrow from it.
Yeah, cos you're effectively reading the spell book to cast your spells.
Thanks for the video link
Edit: By the way, what's that red blob on the cast bar?
Sweet my memory was on point lol. I think it's important to note the mage never once appeared to melee during this video, maybe because it would be a useless +1dmg or maybe because they're unable to attack with a spell book equipped. I still believe it's unlikely anyone who takes a mage archetype would want to equip a spell book in main or off hand in place of more functional base class equipment regardless of attribute/augment builds.
Also without understanding what attributes/augments can be applied to equipment it may not make a difference such as if you can craft or augment shields with +int + mana regen and still benefit from +def why would you carry the spell book.
Master Assassin
(Yes same Tyrantor from Shadowbane)
Book suggestions:
Galaxy Outlaws books 1-16.5, Metagamer Chronicles, The Land litrpg series, Ready Player One, Zen in the Martial Arts
So lets combine these two can use a spell book "barehanded" but you could ALSO channel the magic through an appropriate focus. Operative word there is appropriate. So while you could cast through something like a wand, orb or staff, a sword would not work normally. Maybe if you were a mage that had a fighter secondary, then that weapon would be an allowed focus.
To play devil's advocate: What makes a wand "appropriate" and a sword "inappropriate"?
maybe wands have cores made of phoenix feather/unicorn tail, but swords don't?
Just need to learn to read now, right?!
Dont test me mouse
Nagash, the juggling librarian. See him now at the Cirque du Mort.