Game suggestion list for the developers

ManoterManoter Member
edited December 2020 in General Discussion
1. Races bonuses.
Each race has small bonuses so people wouldn't mind choosing any race as optimal for any class, although I don't see why it has to be small and not completely 0
What the small bonuses actually contribute to ?
As I see it, they only make the possibility of the character not to be perfect to a specific class.

My suggestion is to delete races bonuses - make it cosmetic only (armor, housing appearance to each race)

2. Enchanting system.
IMO best system is the old maple story one, it was simple, each gear piece have amount of scrolls/enchanting attempts possible, Lets say we want to upgrade a claw - it has 5 scroll attempts

There was 3 types of scrolls for each stat increase, lets say we want to upgrade a weapon attack, There is 10% scroll to add +5 att, 60% scroll that add +3 att and 100% scroll that adds +1 att, the 10% scroll has 10% chance of working and if its not working the only thing it does is delete 1 attempt from the piece and not destroying it.

I see the destruction of an item if the enchanting not working as something frustrating and not fun. This system IMO better.

3. Additional mounts functions
I saw this in black desert, I think it can fit perfectly for ur system if u don't want flying mounts for everyone, instead the wings can be used as boosters + as if falling from height it gonna be smooth with the wings help, u can make it as tier 2.5 mounts or something similar. All in the video bellow

4. Pirate Nodes.
A nodes that will be added to the game/replace the art nodes
The node quests gonna be mostly piracy - attack caravans, assassinate enemy's node NPC's (Can be detected and spotted by normal citizens and stopped), attack travelers/free holds, be the pirates in the sea's etc. although they can be detected in the map so you can be prepared. as well they only can trade with other pirate nodes.
If they attack normal nodes citizens they will not gain corruption.
Only if they attack pirate node citizens they will gain it and will be attacked by any node

5. Cool House.
That's a really cool house I saw the other day in Elder scrolls online and i would like it to be my home :smile:

Will this game be optimized to VR? im looking to see it with VR without head movement or controllers

ill be glad to hear constructive comments :smile:

I'll be glad to hear one of the Intrepid team members opinion.


  • Awwwww man, you're going to make me post it again?!

    You promise you won't delete and re-post the thread, this time?
    This link may help you:

  • Never mind, you just "X"ed it.

    Answers, as requested.

    1. Cos that'd suck, and there would be no reason to pick any race over another. No thanks.

    2. Pretty sure they're implementing their own Enchanting system.

    3. If flying mounts aren't for everyone, then why have the wings to so much extra stuff. Seems a little unnecessary.

    4. They have four node types: Divine, Economic, Military, Scientific.
    Art Node doesn't exist, and there'll be no space for Pirate Nodes on the map they've already planned.

    5. We went through all that on your other thread. Yes?
    This link may help you:

  • daveywavey wrote: »
    Awwwww man, you're going to make me post it again?!

    You promise you won't delete and re-post the thread, this time?

    Next time u get a ban
  • Manoter wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Awwwww man, you're going to make me post it again?!

    You promise you won't delete and re-post the thread, this time?

    Next time u get a ban

    You should really put "AoC Forum Mod" in your signature if you have that power.
    This link may help you:

  • daveywavey wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Awwwww man, you're going to make me post it again?!

    You promise you won't delete and re-post the thread, this time?

    Next time u get a ban

    You should really put "AoC Forum Mod" in your signature if you have that power.

  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Glad to see you are still part of the community @Manoter. I can't wait to find you in game and test out the corruption meter for hours on end. BTW I still haven't died from a brain tumor yet so thanks for that.

    As for your post, yes, racial bonuses are bad.

    What they are doing with the current artisan system looks amazing. Give it a chance. I never played maple looked terrible.

    Mount idea is cool. Floating down to avoid fall damage is a great idea if we don't have flying but have wings.

    Pirate nodes is a bad idea for me because I want to experience NEW things they create....not Jack Sparrow attire and terrible emotes.

    Those houses still ARE NOT cool. They are bad. (not the good bad....the bad bad).

    No VR please. What a waste of resources that would be for a dead market.

    I do hope one of the IS team sees your post so they can give you a solid response. If that happens we may not have to see you keep deleting and reposting and then ultimately attacking the responses with blatently obvious hate and insecurity.
  • Khronus wrote: »
    Glad to see you are still part of the community @Manoter. I can't wait to find you in game and test out the corruption meter for hours on end. BTW I still haven't died from a brain tumor yet so thanks for that.

    As for your post, yes, racial bonuses are bad.

    What they are doing with the current artisan system looks amazing. Give it a chance. I never played maple looked terrible.

    Mount idea is cool. Floating down to avoid fall damage is a great idea if we don't have flying but have wings.

    Pirate nodes is a bad idea for me because I want to experience NEW things they create....not Jack Sparrow attire and terrible emotes.

    Those houses still ARE NOT cool. They are bad. (not the good bad....the bad bad).

    No VR please. What a waste of resources that would be for a dead market.

    I do hope one of the IS team sees your post so they can give you a solid response. If that happens we may not have to see you keep deleting and reposting and then ultimately attacking the responses with blatently obvious hate and insecurity.

    Hi there,
    Glad u still didn't die from brain tumor, u r true survivor.
    Enchanting system they said they open for discussion, well maple as a childhood game was unbelieve good AND looked great to its time.

    Pirates honestly to me its cool as hell but i can see ur point here, I think making them visible from far a way can make it playable

    This house to me is amazing but its a taste thing u know.

    Whats wrong with VR?
    I think its feeling the game more and being more focused in it while it looks incredible
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    An actual response without death threats. You feeling ok? This is how it should be always.
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    1. Races bonuses.
    I mean it is a RPG so races should be better at things than others so it makes sense to have racial bonus

    2. Enchanting system.
    Im already happy with what the devs have planed so pass on this

    3. Additional mounts functions
    some of the higher tier mounts can already hover and glide so its a possibility (maybe)

    4. Pirate Nodes.
    Big no to this

    5. Cool House.
    ashes will have cool house


    I cant speak for the devs but VR seems like a waste of time for a MMO

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • Manoter wrote: »

    This link may help you:

  • Khronus wrote: »
    An actual response without death threats. You feeling ok? This is how it should be always.

    Wha... But... He pretended to report me, and he was glad you hadn't died from a brain tumour. Maybe you're doing something wrong...
    This link may help you:

  • ManoterManoter Member
    edited December 2020
  • Nagash wrote: »
    1. Races bonuses.
    I mean it is a RPG so races should be better at things than others so it makes sense to have racial bonus

    2. Enchanting system.
    Im already happy with what the devs have planed so pass on this

    3. Additional mounts functions
    some of the higher tier mounts can already hover and glide so its a possibility (maybe)

    4. Pirate Nodes.
    Big no to this

    5. Cool House.
    ashes will have cool house


    I cant speak for the devs but VR seems like a waste of time for a MMO

    1 U should think more rpgs are different
    2 Do u even know what the system is
    3 Read again
    Rest pure useless
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Manoter wrote: »
    Nagash wrote: »
    1. Races bonuses.
    I mean it is a RPG so races should be better at things than others so it makes sense to have racial bonus

    2. Enchanting system.
    Im already happy with what the devs have planed so pass on this

    3. Additional mounts functions
    some of the higher tier mounts can already hover and glide so its a possibility (maybe)

    4. Pirate Nodes.
    Big no to this

    5. Cool House.
    ashes will have cool house


    I cant speak for the devs but VR seems like a waste of time for a MMO

    1 U should think more rpgs are different
    2 Do u even know what the system is
    3 Read again
    Rest pure useless


    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • mrwafflesmrwaffles Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    It's threads like this that I feel for the mods. Or does it give them something to do

  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited December 2020
    mrwaffles wrote: »
    It's threads like this that I feel for the mods. Or does it give them something to do


    they must have fun with these posts, I mean I do at least :D

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    1, I prefer races to matter. I like it when my choices impact how things happen. It encourages me to make good choices.

    In terms of race, this means I have the choice of taking the optimal race for the class I want to play, or taking the race I most want to play. This is a choice that I get to make, and no one can influence. It absolutely will have some impact on things later on, and that is a good thing.

    If all races had no bonus, or even only a small bonus, then race wouldn't matter, meaning this choice wouldn't matter. Choices that do not matter are not good.

    2, I would prefer a more in depth enchating system than what Maple Story had.

    3, I don't like the way BDO does that. If my mount has wings, it should always have wings.

    4, Adding a node to essentially remove corruption from the game for players from that node is a very, very bad idea. Corruption is in the game for a reason, and this node suggestion of yours would remove the function it is performing.

    5, This reminds me of some farms from Archeage.

    6, VR in MMO's is not good. You shouldn't play in VR for the amount of time most people play MMO's.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    1, I prefer races to matter. I like it when my choices impact how things happen. It encourages me to make good choices.

    In terms of race, this means I have the choice of taking the optimal race for the class I want to play, or taking the race I most want to play. This is a choice that I get to make, and no one can influence. It absolutely will have some impact on things later on, and that is a good thing.

    If all races had no bonus, or even only a small bonus, then race wouldn't matter, meaning this choice wouldn't matter. Choices that do not matter are not good.

    2, I would prefer a more in depth enchating system than what Maple Story had.

    3, I don't like the way BDO does that. If my mount has wings, it should always have wings.

    4, Adding a node to essentially remove corruption from the game for players from that node is a very, very bad idea. Corruption is in the game for a reason, and this node suggestion of yours would remove the function it is performing.

    5, This reminds me of some farms from Archeage.

    6, VR in MMO's is not good. You shouldn't play in VR for the amount of time most people play MMO's.

    1 Steven said it shouldn't change the player choice of optimal stats to class
    2 they offer exact same with destroying chance.
    3 Where did u read that I want the wings off.
    4 That's not how it works. Read again.
    5 its high tier stuff
    6 higher graphics not it? try Tetris
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Manoter wrote: »
    1 Steven said it shouldn't change the player choice of optimal stats to class
    2 they offer exact same with destroying chance.
    3 Where did u read that I want the wings off.
    4 That's not how it works. Read again.
    5 its high tier stuff
    6 higher graphics not it? try Tetris

    1, Steven said player choice should matter.
    2, that is not the system Ashes will have. Not even close. It is very simple in comparison.
    3, Where did I say that I am commenting on what you think? I specifically said I don't like the way BDO did it.
    4, from the perspective of a player from any of the four current nodes that is attacked by someone from one of your pirate nodes, that is exactly how it works. That player from the pirate node is - with your suggestion - able to attack any player from any non-pirate node without the penalty of gaining corruption. As such, that player is able to avoid corruption.

    While they may still gain corruption for attacking players from other pirate nodes, that is of no comfort to players that are not from pirate nodes.

    5, it's ok.
    6, VR is not "higher graphics". In fact, the same hardware is not able to produce the same resolution, detail or frame rate that it can on a normal monitor if it is instead running VR, because VR essentially requires that hardware to run two monitors - one for each eye.

    Tetris on VR is a better idea than an MMO on VR.
  • ManoterManoter Member
    edited December 2020
    Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    1 Steven said it shouldn't change the player choice of optimal stats to class
    2 they offer exact same with destroying chance.
    3 Where did u read that I want the wings off.
    4 That's not how it works. Read again.
    5 its high tier stuff
    6 higher graphics not it? try Tetris

    1, Steven said player choice should matter.
    2, that is not the system Ashes will have. Not even close. It is very simple in comparison.
    3, Where did I say that I am commenting on what you think? I specifically said I don't like the way BDO did it.
    4, from the perspective of a player from any of the four current nodes that is attacked by someone from one of your pirate nodes, that is exactly how it works. That player from the pirate node is - with your suggestion - able to attack any player from any non-pirate node without the penalty of gaining corruption. As such, that player is able to avoid corruption.

    While they may still gain corruption for attacking players from other pirate nodes, that is of no comfort to players that are not from pirate nodes.

    5, it's ok.
    6, VR is not "higher graphics". In fact, the same hardware is not able to produce the same resolution, detail or frame rate that it can on a normal monitor if it is instead running VR, because VR essentially requires that hardware to run two monitors - one for each eye.

    Tetris on VR is a better idea than an MMO on VR.

    1 why u think he lowered the stats
    2 Read vertical enchantments. Exact same.
    3 hilarious how u even came up with the idea it can be with no wings
    4 that's the whole point of pirates
    5 I have a feeling ur house is farm quality
    6 VR can produce any quality monitor can, even better.
    Play Tetris it is u
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Manoter wrote: »
    ill be glad to hear constructive comments
    Clearly, this is not the case.

    I gave you constructive commentary, it seems all you want is for people to agree with you.

    Why say this if you do not mean it?

    1, not a mind reader, don't care why.
    2, not the same, not at all.
    3, I didn't come up with the idea, it was in the video you linked. Did you not actually watch it?
    4, if that is the point of them, then they should not exist in Ashes.
    5, I am not sure what you mean here.
    6, no it can't. Some people that do not know what they are talking about think it can, but VR straight up can not produce the detail that a normal setup is able to produce. Those few people that think it can simply do not know what they are talking about. This is either you, or someone you are listening to and repeating from - I do not overly care which of these two it is.
  • ManoterManoter Member
    edited December 2020
    Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    ill be glad to hear constructive comments
    Clearly, this is not the case.

    I gave you constructive commentary, it seems all you want is for people to agree with you.

    Why say this if you do not mean it?

    1, not a mind reader, don't care why.
    2, not the same, not at all.
    3, I didn't come up with the idea, it was in the video you linked. Did you not actually watch it?
    4, if that is the point of them, then they should not exist in Ashes.
    5, I am not sure what you mean here.
    6, no it can't. Some people that do not know what they are talking about think it can, but VR straight up can not produce the detail that a normal setup is able to produce. Those few people that think it can simply do not know what they are talking about. This is either you, or someone you are listening to and repeating from - I do not overly care which of these two it is.

    Seems like all you want is me to agree.
    Why you keep commenting then.

    1 Learn the subject before commenting then.
    2 100% same.
    3 No lol it's obvious that pets in AOC should remain same but the upgrades.
    4 They should. It's one of them u didn't understand.
    5 Your house is farm quality. Think.
    6 Literary a phone can have same quality. Even better.
    How 2 monitors can possibly interfere.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited December 2020
    Manoter wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    ill be glad to hear constructive comments
    Clearly, this is not the case.

    I gave you constructive commentary, it seems all you want is for people to agree with you.

    Why say this if you do not mean it?

    1, not a mind reader, don't care why.
    2, not the same, not at all.
    3, I didn't come up with the idea, it was in the video you linked. Did you not actually watch it?
    4, if that is the point of them, then they should not exist in Ashes.
    5, I am not sure what you mean here.
    6, no it can't. Some people that do not know what they are talking about think it can, but VR straight up can not produce the detail that a normal setup is able to produce. Those few people that think it can simply do not know what they are talking about. This is either you, or someone you are listening to and repeating from - I do not overly care which of these two it is.

    Seems like all you want is me to agree.
    Why you keep commenting then.

    1 Learn the subject before commenting then.
    2 100% same.
    3 No lol it's obvious that pets in AOC should remain same but the upgrades.
    4 They should. It's one of them u didn't understand.
    5 Your house is farm quality. Think.
    6 Literary a phone can have same quality. Even better.
    How 2 monitors can possibly interfere.

    1, Can you point me to where I can learn to read minds, since that is what you are saying I need to learn here.
    2, not at all.
    3, these words in this order do not make a coherent sentence.
    4, if they should, then they would. Let's see how that goes for you.
    5, I live in an area with many farms worth tens of millions of dollars. Farms cost significantly more than houses in most cities. I understand you are trying to have a go at me in some way, but you are doing so in an area in which you have made an incorrect assumption.
    6, this is untrue. A phone can have a high resolution (not as high as a computer, but what ever), but when you start talking about model complexity, texture resolution, bump maps, shadows and lighting in general, reflections, basically all the things that make a game look good - phones and VR are simply not there yet.

    There is a reason phones do not have real time ray tracing.

    As to VR, because the same hardware needs to produce an image for the right eye, and an ever so slightly different image for the left eye, it has to render two complete images for each frame. This is why the same hardware will never be able to run VR quite as well as it is able to run a regular monitor.

    If it were a cinematic that was being shown, then it wouldn't be an issue. The problem is, in game engines, the hardware needs to actually render each frame. This means taking the location of the "camera" and figuring out what does and does not need to be shown on each frame, working out the lighting and reflections for each, etc. This is the part of gaming that is the most demanding. It is not displaying the pixels that is hard, it is figuring out what pixels need to be displayed.

    When running a regular monitor the hardware only needs to do all of this once, as there is only one "camera". When running VR, it needs to do this twice, as each eye is it's own "camera".

    As such, VR will never run at the same image quality as a regular monitor on the same hardware. It is simply not possible.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    ill be glad to hear constructive comments
    Clearly, this is not the case.

    I gave you constructive commentary, it seems all you want is for people to agree with you.

    Why say this if you do not mean it?

    1, not a mind reader, don't care why.
    2, not the same, not at all.
    3, I didn't come up with the idea, it was in the video you linked. Did you not actually watch it?
    4, if that is the point of them, then they should not exist in Ashes.
    5, I am not sure what you mean here.
    6, no it can't. Some people that do not know what they are talking about think it can, but VR straight up can not produce the detail that a normal setup is able to produce. Those few people that think it can simply do not know what they are talking about. This is either you, or someone you are listening to and repeating from - I do not overly care which of these two it is.

    Seems like all you want is me to agree.
    Why you keep commenting then.

    1 Learn the subject before commenting then.
    2 100% same.
    3 No lol it's obvious that pets in AOC should remain same but the upgrades.
    4 They should. It's one of them u didn't understand.
    5 Your house is farm quality. Think.
    6 Literary a phone can have same quality. Even better.
    How 2 monitors can possibly interfere.

    1, Can you point me to where I can learn to read minds, since that is what you are saying I need to learn here.
    2, not at all.
    3, these words in this order do not make a coherent sentence.
    4, if they should, then they would. Let's see how that goes for you.
    5, I live in an area with many farms worth tens of millions of dollars. Farms cost significantly more than houses in most cities. I understand you are trying to have a go at me in some way, but you are doing so in an area in which you have made an incorrect assumption.
    6, this is untrue. A phone can have a high resolution (not as high as a computer, but what ever), but when you start talking about model complexity, texture resolution, bump maps, shadows and lighting in general, reflections, basically all the things that make a game look good - phones and VR are simply not there yet.

    There is a reason phones do not have real time ray tracing.

    As to VR, because the same hardware needs to produce an image for the right eye, and an ever so slightly different image for the left eye, it has to render two complete images for each frame. This is why the same hardware will never be able to run VR quite as well as it is able to run a regular monitor.

    If it were a cinematic that was being shown, then it wouldn't be an issue. The problem is, in game engines, the hardware needs to actually render each frame. This means taking the location of the "camera" and figuring out what does and does not need to be shown on each frame, working out the lighting and reflections for each, etc. This is the part of gaming that is the most demanding. It is not displaying the pixels that is hard, it is figuring out what pixels need to be displayed.

    When running a regular monitor the hardware only needs to do all of this once, as there is only one "camera". When running VR, it needs to do this twice, as each eye is it's own "camera".

    As such, VR will never run at the same image quality as a regular monitor on the same hardware. It is simply not possible.

    ever heard of split screen
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Manoter wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    ill be glad to hear constructive comments
    Clearly, this is not the case.

    I gave you constructive commentary, it seems all you want is for people to agree with you.

    Why say this if you do not mean it?

    1, not a mind reader, don't care why.
    2, not the same, not at all.
    3, I didn't come up with the idea, it was in the video you linked. Did you not actually watch it?
    4, if that is the point of them, then they should not exist in Ashes.
    5, I am not sure what you mean here.
    6, no it can't. Some people that do not know what they are talking about think it can, but VR straight up can not produce the detail that a normal setup is able to produce. Those few people that think it can simply do not know what they are talking about. This is either you, or someone you are listening to and repeating from - I do not overly care which of these two it is.

    Seems like all you want is me to agree.
    Why you keep commenting then.

    1 Learn the subject before commenting then.
    2 100% same.
    3 No lol it's obvious that pets in AOC should remain same but the upgrades.
    4 They should. It's one of them u didn't understand.
    5 Your house is farm quality. Think.
    6 Literary a phone can have same quality. Even better.
    How 2 monitors can possibly interfere.

    1, Can you point me to where I can learn to read minds, since that is what you are saying I need to learn here.
    2, not at all.
    3, these words in this order do not make a coherent sentence.
    4, if they should, then they would. Let's see how that goes for you.
    5, I live in an area with many farms worth tens of millions of dollars. Farms cost significantly more than houses in most cities. I understand you are trying to have a go at me in some way, but you are doing so in an area in which you have made an incorrect assumption.
    6, this is untrue. A phone can have a high resolution (not as high as a computer, but what ever), but when you start talking about model complexity, texture resolution, bump maps, shadows and lighting in general, reflections, basically all the things that make a game look good - phones and VR are simply not there yet.

    There is a reason phones do not have real time ray tracing.

    As to VR, because the same hardware needs to produce an image for the right eye, and an ever so slightly different image for the left eye, it has to render two complete images for each frame. This is why the same hardware will never be able to run VR quite as well as it is able to run a regular monitor.

    If it were a cinematic that was being shown, then it wouldn't be an issue. The problem is, in game engines, the hardware needs to actually render each frame. This means taking the location of the "camera" and figuring out what does and does not need to be shown on each frame, working out the lighting and reflections for each, etc. This is the part of gaming that is the most demanding. It is not displaying the pixels that is hard, it is figuring out what pixels need to be displayed.

    When running a regular monitor the hardware only needs to do all of this once, as there is only one "camera". When running VR, it needs to do this twice, as each eye is it's own "camera".

    As such, VR will never run at the same image quality as a regular monitor on the same hardware. It is simply not possible.

    ever heard of split screen

    I mean, sure.

    Split screen is when you run multiple windows at the same time. Running a game in VR is like running two versions of that game in split screen. Obviously, if you run two instance of the same game in split screen, neither will run as well as one would run if you were only running that one instance.

    That is kind of my point.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Manoter wrote: »
    ill be glad to hear constructive comments
    Clearly, this is not the case.

    I gave you constructive commentary, it seems all you want is for people to agree with you.

    Why say this if you do not mean it?

    1, not a mind reader, don't care why.
    2, not the same, not at all.
    3, I didn't come up with the idea, it was in the video you linked. Did you not actually watch it?
    4, if that is the point of them, then they should not exist in Ashes.
    5, I am not sure what you mean here.
    6, no it can't. Some people that do not know what they are talking about think it can, but VR straight up can not produce the detail that a normal setup is able to produce. Those few people that think it can simply do not know what they are talking about. This is either you, or someone you are listening to and repeating from - I do not overly care which of these two it is.

    Seems like all you want is me to agree.
    Why you keep commenting then.

    1 Learn the subject before commenting then.
    2 100% same.
    3 No lol it's obvious that pets in AOC should remain same but the upgrades.
    4 They should. It's one of them u didn't understand.
    5 Your house is farm quality. Think.
    6 Literary a phone can have same quality. Even better.
    How 2 monitors can possibly interfere.

    1, Can you point me to where I can learn to read minds, since that is what you are saying I need to learn here.
    2, not at all.
    3, these words in this order do not make a coherent sentence.
    4, if they should, then they would. Let's see how that goes for you.
    5, I live in an area with many farms worth tens of millions of dollars. Farms cost significantly more than houses in most cities. I understand you are trying to have a go at me in some way, but you are doing so in an area in which you have made an incorrect assumption.
    6, this is untrue. A phone can have a high resolution (not as high as a computer, but what ever), but when you start talking about model complexity, texture resolution, bump maps, shadows and lighting in general, reflections, basically all the things that make a game look good - phones and VR are simply not there yet.

    There is a reason phones do not have real time ray tracing.

    As to VR, because the same hardware needs to produce an image for the right eye, and an ever so slightly different image for the left eye, it has to render two complete images for each frame. This is why the same hardware will never be able to run VR quite as well as it is able to run a regular monitor.

    If it were a cinematic that was being shown, then it wouldn't be an issue. The problem is, in game engines, the hardware needs to actually render each frame. This means taking the location of the "camera" and figuring out what does and does not need to be shown on each frame, working out the lighting and reflections for each, etc. This is the part of gaming that is the most demanding. It is not displaying the pixels that is hard, it is figuring out what pixels need to be displayed.

    When running a regular monitor the hardware only needs to do all of this once, as there is only one "camera". When running VR, it needs to do this twice, as each eye is it's own "camera".

    As such, VR will never run at the same image quality as a regular monitor on the same hardware. It is simply not possible.

    ever heard of split screen

    I mean, sure.

    Split screen is when you run multiple windows at the same time. Running a game in VR is like running two versions of that game in split screen. Obviously, if you run two instance of the same game in split screen, neither will run as well as one would run if you were only running that one instance.

    That is kind of my point.

    i wrecked ur 'VR theory' :smile:
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