QOTD #2: How powerful do you think Elemental effects from weapons should be if they are added?

A sword obtained from the depths of a dungeon in the coldest and deepest parts of the north.
Or a bow taken from a Mysterious Ranger deep in the woods.
how strong do you think the effects of these weapons should be?
example: the sword from the dungeon mentioned above could have a frost bite effect that slows down the player by 10%
small things like that
how would you scale it and should its effects be amplified for pve and dampened for pvp depending on the equipment of the enemy player?


  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I'd like to say they should go all out and have a variety of effects that vary in power but after thinking about it, I don't think the effect needs to be that strong. The base item should be a strong enough to justify it's use and the effect should be more of a bonus that adds some flavor without too much focus on making the effect powerful.

    For actives, it would be nice if they did make them strong enough to justify using and balance it with a decent cooldown.

    There can be some exception to this and have items with extremely powerful effects but my general stance is that it shouldn't be too strong and should be more of something that is there for flavor. I love items that have little effects like this but sadly, they are rare in a lot of games.

    I'd prefer no amplification or damping based off content type. I like my effects to be constant.
  • I'd like to say they should go all out and have a variety of effects that vary in power but after thinking about it, I don't think the effect needs to be that strong. The base item should be a strong enough to justify it's use and the effect should be more of a bonus that adds some flavor without too much focus on making the effect powerful.

    For actives, it would be nice if they did make them strong enough to justify using and balance it with a decent cooldown.

    There can be some exception to this and have items with extremely powerful effects but my general stance is that it shouldn't be too strong and should be more of something that is there for flavor. I love items that have little effects like this but sadly, they are rare in a lot of games.

    I'd prefer no amplification or damping based off content type. I like my effects to be constant.

  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited December 2020
    In a previous game, elemental effects could be added to weapons to increase dmg. There were 6 elements and it took a lot of mats to get give your weapon the extra dmg.

    2 years later they added elemental resistance for arnors and the game turned into RNG victory or defeat.

    Since then I am skeptical about elemental dmg not tied to SPECIFIC abilities.

  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Always a hard thing to balance. I don't think the effects should be massive, but I do thing they should be cool. Most games don't even allow bows to have visual effects when you enchant them. Always an issue for me. TBH I would rather see cool minor effects than a shit ton of damage added. Considering that the system has to exist a long side the over enchant system. I would like to see a % of the damage type get changed to a elemental type. I would also like to see elemental resistance gear be a thing. Another thing that would be cool is all of the little effects. Like chance to summon a crap temporary mob on hit for 20 secs that attacks target. I always liked gear that did that. You really notice them working. Especially since we wont have DPS meters. Visually seeing a fire elemental pop out and attack the target would be cool. Just tune them so that are not too strong.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The effects will be the same for PvE combat and PvP combat.
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