Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
A plea - let's make sure we, the fans, don't overhype this game.

Overhyping will directly affect our own gameplay experience negatively. I am sure we all want this game to succeed (so, so badly). So my plea is that we don't hype the game in ways it just can't deliver. Obviously, this goes for the devs as well.
I have been buried in Cyberpunk 2077 the last few days and have had a blast. Easy 8/10 for me in its current state. It's also not a game I have really been following, so I wasn't hyped nor expecting anything in particular.
But when I look at reddit, oh boy the hate has been turned up. I 100% understand why the PS4 users are upset. It probably should not have been released on that platform at all. But people are also hating on the gameplay itself, like it's one of the worst games ever. I know, it's the internet and people tend to turn the circlejerks to 11. And, well... This is the way.
From what I gather, it seems the hype waaaay overshot what the game promised to deliver. Maybe the devs also overpromised, I am honestly not sure. Some things were cut for release I think.
Now, in singleplayer games like Cyberpunk 2077, the haters don't affect you. In Ashes, if the haters start dominating after launch, it'll definitely suck for all those who like the game too, because it affects server populations and ingame chat and all that jazz.
Personally, I want this game to be the one I live in for the next 10 years, because it's
and it's everything I ever dreamed of in an MMO! Realistically I also know this is very unlikely. There are going to be features that I think are missing, or don't quite live up to my hopes and dreams.
To conclude, please make sure to only hype up what we actually see working in the alphas and betas. In other words: Don't hype the dream, hype reality.
I have been buried in Cyberpunk 2077 the last few days and have had a blast. Easy 8/10 for me in its current state. It's also not a game I have really been following, so I wasn't hyped nor expecting anything in particular.
But when I look at reddit, oh boy the hate has been turned up. I 100% understand why the PS4 users are upset. It probably should not have been released on that platform at all. But people are also hating on the gameplay itself, like it's one of the worst games ever. I know, it's the internet and people tend to turn the circlejerks to 11. And, well... This is the way.
From what I gather, it seems the hype waaaay overshot what the game promised to deliver. Maybe the devs also overpromised, I am honestly not sure. Some things were cut for release I think.
Now, in singleplayer games like Cyberpunk 2077, the haters don't affect you. In Ashes, if the haters start dominating after launch, it'll definitely suck for all those who like the game too, because it affects server populations and ingame chat and all that jazz.
Personally, I want this game to be the one I live in for the next 10 years, because it's

To conclude, please make sure to only hype up what we actually see working in the alphas and betas. In other words: Don't hype the dream, hype reality.
Steven has confirmed, that this will be the best MMO of our lifetime.
If you don't believe him, then why are you even here?
This might just not be the game for you.
Stop hating, keep believing.
What if I hype this in secret?
The fact is, Ashes isn't gonna "take the MMORPG market by storm" even if it does end up exactly as they promised because it doesn't appeal to a large majority of MMORPG fans these days. Most MMORPG players don't want to be PK'd. Most MMORPG players don't want to contest dungeons/raids with other players, they just want a nice cosy instanced PvE experience where they won't be interrupted.
Now, that's not to say Ashes won't be popular if done well. I fully expect it to sit at around the 3rd most played MMORPG spot (behind WoW and FF14), but people have definitely overhyped it already. I think that the alphas/betas being mostly non-NDA will be able to reduce and bring the hype to a stable level since people will be able to see exactly what Ashes is years before it launches, but there'll be some people who do overhype and then cry when it's not what they expected.
Yes, great point. I was extremely happy when Asmon and Peon did their videos, interviews, but at the same time Asmon is all Wow PvE.
This game plays differently and when people learn what truly open world PvP is, they will love it or hate it.
I played Perfect World from the start, it's not a great game, but PvP was there. You had to fight for farming spots, and if people were assholes, then it was KoS.
Your guild mattered.
If your guild was something like "Murderers" and you saw someone from that guild, you either tried to parley, expected incoming attacks or just avoided them.
No pressure IS
We can have a harem?!
You've got my attention!
One thing is for sure, some people are gonna be let down. Could be me, could be Asmond... Hopefully Steven at least gets the game he wanted. I am willing to roll the dice on his MMO dream based on the games he was inspired by.
I do think no matter what, the launch is going to be insane.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
I am guessing we'll see a lot of negative posts during alpha 1, about how this and that looks bad and blahblah the game is doooooomed! My opinion of the avg. gamers ability to understand what an alpha 1 is isn't super high
People won't like getting killed in open world pvp and they won't find many places to hide.
I don't think most will be able to handle that risk
I believe our biggest hurdle is, KEEPING the train fueled for 2 years.
AoC deserves all the hypes! ^_~
Steven Sharif is my James Halliday (Anorak)
“That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.”
the hype died after the first year, I remember all the people complaining (I was one of them) ^^
This has worked for me 4 times now.
All those discussions are naturally going to evoke players' imaginations based on their past experiences and create expectations.