Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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How many people have bought Voyager Plus?

BehagueBehague Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited 2020 16 in Support & FAQ
Is the information anywhere? I'd be interested to know which packs were most popular. Pretty bummed out I didn't know about Ashes sooner, I would have liked the Py'rai pack with the Swift Claw mount, that Raptor looks great.


  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Intrepid don't give out that kind of information, sorry.
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    Behague wrote: »
    Pretty bummed out I didn't know about Ashes sooner, I would have liked the Py'rai pack with the Swift Claw mount, that Raptor looks great.

    Agreed on both comments :(
    This link may help you:

  • BehagueBehague Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2020 15
    Intrepid don't give out that kind of information, sorry. at 18:37 Jahlon and Steven talk about roughly how many registered accounts.
    For someone at Intrepid to say which packs were more popular than others wouldn't be too difficult of a thing to work out. What harm would it cause? Or would I be the only one interested in this?
    I'm sure this months' Under the Frost pack is very popular, Howling Ridge Ox and Stillsoul Plate look amazing.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Behague wrote: »
    Is the information anywhere? I'd be interested to know which packs were most popular. Pretty bummed out I didn't know about Ashes sooner, I would have liked the Py'rai pack with the Swift Claw mount, that Raptor looks great.

    I would like a alpha 1 key, but I did not know about Ashes sooner.

    Kinda confused by your post. Are you trying to find out how many voyager plus there are to see what your odds of buying such an account from someone who has one? or are you just hoping the sales were low enough the first time that you could try to convince them to sale it again? Or just straight want to know how often you will see that mount in game taunting you?
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • BehagueBehague Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Option 3, whats rarer. I'm not looking to convince anyone, let alone Intrepid of anything, I think their business model is on point. And trying to buy someone's account is probably an easy way to get banned.
    I might feel great strutting around in my Titanbark Mail, but when I see someone in their Protectors Armor with their Proctector Lion Pet, I'm gonna ask for a screenshot.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Behague wrote: »
    Option 3, whats rarer. I'm not looking to convince anyone, let alone Intrepid of anything, I think their business model is on point. And trying to buy someone's account is probably an easy way to get banned.
    I might feel great strutting around in my Titanbark Mail, but when I see someone in their Protectors Armor with their Proctector Lion Pet, I'm gonna ask for a screenshot.

    Makes sense.

    I was not sold on the whole, buying cosmetic mounts myself. Then the realization set in that someone was going to be riding that snail boi in front of me one day. I was not going to have that. The fact that the mounts are so limited makes it more acceptable to me. I remember back in wrath when wow released that first store mount. Everyone had that damn thing, I still see it all the time. If we are going to have mount skins, I at least don't want to see a billion people on the same mount I like.

    How many people could I expect to reasonably see on snail boi, when he sold for one month years before the game launched?

    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    I was not sold on the whole, buying cosmetic mounts myself. Then the realization set in that someone was going to be riding that snail boi in front of me one day. I was not going to have that.

    The day everything changed! Hehe :D
    This link may help you:

  • AsgermonAsgermon Member
    so if i had to guess i wouldn't say that a pack has sold more than a few thousand times worldwide. the older packs probably only a few hundred times. the community is still quite manageable (even if I am very surprised how many there are already) and most of the packs are not exactly cheap. that is a lot of money for most of them. If you consider that 8-10k players play per server, it will be very rare to find someone with a certain skin from the pack.
    however i would also say that the majority of the community so far consists of north americans and probably most of the buyers come from there. therefore i can well imagine that packs sold so far will be seen more often on NA servers than EU or SA servers. But that's just speculation on my part.
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  • MichaelMichael Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2020 15
    I still have the KS account record with my cancelled $400 Early Bird BoW because I had IRL emergency and could not justify it :( I would upgrade to a non KS equivalent of Avatar of the Phoenix if there was one. Alas, I am a non KS plebeian for life now... I would have done the $10 one, but they had no plans on allowing KS upgrades at the time... But now people can upgrade all the way from the cheapest package, all the way to Avatar of the Phoenix.
  • LieutenantToastLieutenantToast Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hi there! As was mentioned above, while we haven't shared detailed specifics on those particular pre-order packs, some rough numbers may have been discussed in previous live streams or interviews (or in the case of Kickstarter packs for example, you can still see those backer details directly on the Kickstarter page).

    I'm going to go ahead and move this thread on over to our Support & FAQ section and close it out, but please feel free to reach back out if there's any other questions we can help answer!
This discussion has been closed.