Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Mob type ideas

So far the wiki has 14 different mob types listed for enemies we will be up against out in the world. Besides the 14 listed, what else would you want to see?
- Undead?
- Planar monstrosities from the void?
- Mermaids and sharks, kraken?
- Giant Dune worm?
- Spiderpig?
- Undead?
- Planar monstrosities from the void?
- Mermaids and sharks, kraken?
- Giant Dune worm?
- Spiderpig?
Agreed. In the wiki at least they mention other planes, but have been fairly silent about how many or what they might be. Opens a lot of possibilities for npcs and mobs from said planes in addition to the lore associated the material plane.
I think Spiderpig would be a little OP. He'd probably have some sort of power to weasel his way into your party and then break you apart from the inside, cause half your party to get stuck under an inescapable dome, and the rest to be teleported miles away to the mountains, and a vicious poison ability that mutates anything it comes into contact with. Good luck anybody thinking they can beat that!
"I thought the maximum party size was 8?"
"It is."
"Oh - why does my screen say we have 9 people in the party?"
I agree that some new things would be cool, but so to is having things that us players instantly recognize.
They already have walking mushroom-things, funky dinosaur-raptors, etc. So, it looks like we should get a nice selection!
You hurt my undead and I will hurt you ^^
> AoC releases an expansion with an undead area
> Nagash becomes #1 on the corrupted players list for bounty hunters
I absolutely hate snakes in games. Conan Exiles/ARK has some really nasty looking snakes. Every time I see them I can feel my heart beat faster and I get so scared and usually flee. I hate how they move and look and ugh! For those reason I super duper want a slithery snake type creature because although I hate's pretty good fun.
Oh also ant types. I like killing them...because ants suck.
Type: Undead, animal, humanoid, dragon, troll, giant, ect
Intelligence: insect, animal, humanoid, modern, prepared, adaptive, genius
Movement: Territorial, patrol, erratic, destination, changing tag, limited, none
Volatility: Aggressive, passive, selfish, unselfish, helpful, hurtful, opportunist
Rarity: common, uncommon, rare, unique, legendary
Behavior: Pack, solo, pair, hive, organization,
Migration: How does it spawn?
Stage: Does this mob have multiple stages of battle?
World connection: Does day/night, seasonal, tide, or natural occurring event change any of these categories, attacks, or capabilities?
Player connection: How other species, quests, node changes, and how many creatures have recently been killed in this area affect their spawn rate.
Example: Zombie mob (controlled by a Zombie Lord, imagine many weak zombies with one in the center)
Type: Undead
Intelligence: Hive (if the zombie lord is destroyed the magic infusing the rest of the zombies fall)
Movement: Territorial or destination
Volatility: Agressive to non-undead
Rarity: Rare (each rare mob has a 5 - 10% variation of stats)
Behavior: Hive ( once one is attacked they all turn)
Migration: They spawn from the graves in cemeteries, swamps, and place where fell magics were/are practiced. Typically appear by coming out of the ground or water.
Stage: Most zombies mobs are destroyed with the zombie lord however, once in a while the magic the zombie lord wielded retain until all their bodies are destroyed, or only half the zombies were summoned and a second set is summoned from the graves once 40 - 60% of the zombies are killed.
World connection: Only come out at night. When the dark god rises, an eclipse occurs, or ect...their stats increase by 20%.
I just hope the world is truly dynamic.