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Reduced Fall damage in water Confirmed. Thoughts?

SathragoSathrago Member
edited January 2021 in General Discussion
Now that this has been confirmed to be a feature of ashes, what are your thoughts on this? Good? Bad?

I for one am ok with this, Steven's reasons seem perfectly fine but maybe others feel differently?
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    good, i think it will offer the possibility for some jump/glide into the water, then enter their ship ideas
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    JamationJamation Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm glad water will have some fall damage because imagine belly-flopping off a bridge. It's still going to hurt.

    Not to mention it makes it more interesting/challenging to get on ships. can't just climb a mountain and swan dive next to a boat to board it without taking some risk.
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    Seems reasonable. I'll be zig-zagging my ship through those straights, as to ensure you darn, dirty pirates land in the water and get eaten by giant turtles - instead of getting my bountiful shipment of sugarcane, tobacco and spices!

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    VmanGmanVmanGman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Sounds great. If landing on ground has a fall damage component, there really is no reason for water to not have a (reduced) fall damage component as well.
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    As others have said, if you fall from a great height it makes sense that there would be some fall damage involved.

    Also, I can't begin to tell you how many times I have used water as an escape route because there were no consequences. This will increase the level of thought required to effectively escape sticky situations and so I am a fan.
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    I really appreciate what Steven said about this being put in place to add possible risk to crews on ships when they get on the crow's nest etc.

    I am wondering when fall damage comes in to place in general. As in, after how much falling distance? What would you guys expect as a percentage of reduction? 50% less on water than in land? 30%?
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    Asgerr wrote: »
    I really appreciate what Steven said about this being put in place to add possible risk to crews on ships when they get on the crow's nest etc.

    I am wondering when fall damage comes in to place in general. As in, after how much falling distance? What would you guys expect as a percentage of reduction? 50% less on water than in land? 30%?

    Personally, I think that the minimum distance for fall damage taken would be higher, but the linear scaling of damage taken would likely be the same. Meaning, you start taking damage at say, 30 units, for land, but 60 units for water. Not sure how that would work as far as implementation.
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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited January 2021
    I like it. I mean, when people jump off tall bridges and such, a lot die from the impact, but how the body is positioned makes a huge difference, so from a realism standpoint it makes sense.

    More importantly, I like it from a gameplay standpoint as well. A flat reduced damage percentage would be fine, but the dream would be if we could maneuver while in the air to make a good landing and further reduce it. Adds some skill to it.
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    What do you guys think about making the character go deeper the further they fall from? Making it harder to get back up to the ship and such. Or would that be too annoying for gameplay?
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    Sathrago wrote: »
    What do you guys think about making the character go deeper the further they fall from? Making it harder to get back up to the ship and such. Or would that be too annoying for gameplay?

    I think that could be a very fair balancing technique for the naval portion of the game. Verging on necessary honestly.
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    VmanGmanVmanGman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Sathrago wrote: »
    What do you guys think about making the character go deeper the further they fall from? Making it harder to get back up to the ship and such. Or would that be too annoying for gameplay?

    That would be cool. It seemed to work that way in today's stream video preview.
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    I think it would cool if there were underwater caves that could only be accessed by jumping off a cliff at the right spot...(if depth was tied to jump height)...
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    Rumbler wrote: »
    I think it would cool if there were underwater caves that could only be accessed by jumping off a cliff at the right spot...(if depth was tied to jump height)...

    That could lead to some fun "mario tunnel" puzzles XD Jump down one and a geyser shoots you out of another or something like that.
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    JamationJamation Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I don't know if this will be a thing, but if ramming a ship and causing character movement/stagger is plausible then communication would become even more important between the people above and below to make sure no one fell to their death/overboard
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    Jamation wrote: »
    I don't know if this will be a thing, but if ramming a ship and causing character movement/stagger is plausible then communication would become even more important between the people above and below to make sure no one fell to their death/overboard

    Yes this could be really awesome for naval combat, but on the flipside I feel like it would be a nightmare to program for a game expecting to have hundreds of players fighting at the same time.
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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited January 2021
    I would like to see the reduced fall damage from water to a point. Like, at a certain height you still take a lot of damage or die.

    Ya, know... Like how real life do.

    Might be harder to implement than what they have now.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    MowabyMowaby Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Better than 0 fall damage from water.
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    ZexoZexo Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Personally I believe falling into water should not cause any damage at all. But some fall damage is better than outright dying when jumping into it.
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    Better than no fall damage, it has been a easy way out in so many games.
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    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    I would like to see the reduced fall damage from water to a point. Like, at a certain height you still take a lot of damage or die.

    Ya, know... Like how real life do.

    Might be harder to implement than what they have now.

    Wouldn't really be that hard to implement, just create a simple mathematical function, that makes the damage reduction from water higher, the lower the fall distance is.

    They already track the type of terrain people land on, they already track the fall distance to calculate the damage, which are the only 2 input variables they really need for that.
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    VoidwalkersVoidwalkers Member
    edited February 2021
    I'm just glad that fall damage on water is NOT zero.

    Can't wait to see the loads of ppl coming from WoW & GW2 jumping off cliffs thinking it's safe :smiley:
    I assume it's perfectly fine to scam/trick ppl into taking a dive and then loot their corpses?

    Speaking of fall ... If I knocked a non-combatant off a cliff and he dies from fall-damage, does that count as a kill / do I get flagged as corrupted?
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    MowabyMowaby Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm just glad that fall damage on water is NOT zero.

    Can't wait to see the loads of ppl coming from WoW & GW2 jumping off cliffs thinking it's safe :smiley:
    I assume it's perfectly fine to scam/trick ppl into taking a dive and then loot their corpses?

    Speaking of fall ... If I knocked a non-combatant off a cliff and he dies from fall-damage, does that count as a kill / do I get flagged as corrupted?

    I would think so. You would have to be attacking them to cause a harmful effect.
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    You should only take damage if the height is greater than 15 meters. Past that height, the amount of damage you take should start to increase as the height does, obviously.
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    VolgaireVolgaire Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Love the idea, it's a no brainer that falling into water from a certain height will cause injury, this also makes players think a bit more instead of relying on a water escape route.
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    FrostshotFrostshot Member
    edited February 2021
    After watching the jump ability in one of the Alpha previews, I don't think the fall damage will be that extreme. Probably more along the lines of, if your almost dead don't fall off a cliff to escape.
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    I think everyone should have a "Fall Allowance" on land and then a Fall Allowance into water, which is 2-3x higher. You only start taking damage if you fall further than your fall allowance.

    If the devs wanted to get detailed about it then armor, equipment weight, strength, agility and acrobatics should figure into the equation. It would certainly add to the immersion if done well.

    I'm happy to see "feather fall" / damage reduction type spells and abilities.
    I wouldn't want to see any skanky "get an ability off just before impact" exploits to avoid damage.
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    Seems reasonable. I'll be zig-zagging my ship through those straights, as to ensure you darn, dirty pirates land in the water and get eaten by giant turtles - instead of getting my bountiful shipment of sugarcane, tobacco and spices!

    I think I'd rather the pirates landed on my deck and died from fall damage, so long as they don't go through. I'd have their Darwin awards ready for them with a commemorative screenshot! :D
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    AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Rumbler wrote: »
    I think it would cool if there were underwater caves that could only be accessed by jumping off a cliff at the right spot...(if depth was tied to jump height)...

    That could lead to some fun "mario tunnel" puzzles XD Jump down one and a geyser shoots you out of another or something like that.

    Can they also incorporate the giant green pipes the Tulnar built?
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    KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Falling at about 325km/hr into water makes the water act like concrete with your body in real life. I am glad there is damage when jumping into the water. If only all those Druids in my past would have died when jumping into the water in WOW.....would have been a lovely time.
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