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siege griefing

JakemanJakeman Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
are there any plans to prevent people from logging onto their alt accounts and taking up a slot for defending? it would really suck if say 30 slots got taken up and were no shows. i dont see this being a problem for attackers since you can just plan to place a siege scroll down when all your guild/alliances members are on to sign up for the siege


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    VmanGmanVmanGman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    There is currently no plan for a cap on node sieges. Anyone can show up without signing up. You might be thinking of New World.

    Castle sieges have a cap, but those are battles between guilds and therefore automatically more restricted.
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    JakemanJakeman Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 2021
    no plan for a cap YET. theres going to be a cap on node sieges unless everybodys fine with it being a slideshow and unplayable so the issue still stands
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    VmanGmanVmanGman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Well if you want to make up things and act like you know better than the developers then go ahead.

    That being said, there is currently no cap on node sieges and therefore we do not have information on systems planned to make sure the NON EXISTENT cap isn't abused.

    Once a cap is confirmed, we can talk about plans for that system.

    There are no plans for situations that don't exist. Humanity is not working on designing a suit for us to walk on the sun because we do not have any plans to walk on the sun any time soon.
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    I don't think they've elaborated much on this likely because the design is still TBD.

    Master Assassin
    (Yes same Tyrantor from Shadowbane)
    Book suggestions:
    Galaxy Outlaws books 1-16.5, Metagamer Chronicles, The Land litrpg series, Ready Player One, Zen in the Martial Arts
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    Given that you know when the siege will be, both sides could do the same to the other. They've said previously that they want espionage and sabotage to be part of the game.
    This link may help you:
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    JakemanJakeman Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    vmangman wrote: »
    Well if you want to make up things and act like you know better than the developers then go ahead.

    That being said, there is currently no cap on node sieges and therefore we do not have information on systems planned to make sure the NON EXISTENT cap isn't abused.

    Once a cap is confirmed, we can talk about plans for that system.

    There are no plans for situations that don't exist. Humanity is not working on designing a suit for us to walk on the sun because we do not have any plans to walk on the sun any time soon.

    cool never said i know better than the devs but okay. theres still going to be a cap unless steven is secretly a time traveling wizard and has brought back tech from the future that lets us have 2000vs2000 battles i would LOVE that to happen but thats not realistic
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    VmanGmanVmanGman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Jakeman wrote: »
    vmangman wrote: »
    Well if you want to make up things and act like you know better than the developers then go ahead.

    That being said, there is currently no cap on node sieges and therefore we do not have information on systems planned to make sure the NON EXISTENT cap isn't abused.

    Once a cap is confirmed, we can talk about plans for that system.

    There are no plans for situations that don't exist. Humanity is not working on designing a suit for us to walk on the sun because we do not have any plans to walk on the sun any time soon.

    cool never said i know better than the devs but okay. theres still going to be a cap unless steven is secretly a time traveling wizard and has brought back tech from the future that lets us have 2000vs2000 battles i would LOVE that to happen but thats not realistic

    You are saying that you know better than the developers because you are directly contradicting them. They currently claim that the systems they are working on, allow them to not cap the node sieges. If despite that, you so adamantly state that they will have to cap the node sieges, then you are absolutely claiming to know better than the developers.

    We'll see if they are able to pull it off, but that is what their plan is right now.
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    I believe the massiveness of the map will reduce the amount of zerging that you are worried about significantly. Not everyone will play in a singular zone or have the time or patience to travel for hours to another region just to participate in a siege. But hey, I could be wrong, maybe the siege will be so valuable that everyone and their mule wants to join in. Only testing will tell on this.
    Commissioned at
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    mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    If there is a cap, I believe all citizens are automatically flagged as defenders. Outside of that, a long time ago, steven mentioned that there would be a level requirements to join the siege, not sure if that pertains to this. I'm not sure what the plan is beyond that, this could fall under an unintended use of game mechanics and be bannable.
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    MerekMerek Member
    edited February 2021
    A cap isn't something I'd want to see, feels far too artificial, however, I doubt the game will be able to handle anywhere near 2000 players on screen at once. What I am wondering though, is, what is to stop a settlement recruiting another guild as "citizens" before the siege begins? Hmm.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I imagine some Guilds will be invited to set camps in Nodes. It is a Mayor's Prerogative to enable strong defenders. I wouldn't trust outsiders to defend a node though. Sometimes vested interests create better performances. If a Mayor can boost the defenders then it would be up to the Mayor.
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    Merek wrote: »
    A cap isn't something I'd want to see, feels far too artificial, however, I doubt the game will be able to handle anywhere near 2000 players on screen at once. What I am wondering though, is, what is to stop a settlement recruiting another guild as "citizens" before the siege begins? Hmm.

    just because there are 2000 people participating, doesn't mean that there have to be 2000 on your screen.
    Nodes are massive, there might very well multiple different zones within a single siege, like for example (north gate, south gate, east gate, west gate and city center)
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 2021
    Jakeman wrote: »
    are there any plans to prevent people from logging onto their alt accounts and taking up a slot for defending? it would really suck if say 30 slots got taken up and were no shows. i dont see this being a problem for attackers since you can just plan to place a siege scroll down when all your guild/alliances members are on to sign up for the siege

    Citizenship can be claimed for Village (level 3) nodes or higher.[4]

    A player can only claim citizenship to one node at a time.[5]
    Only one citizenship may be declared per account, per server.[6][7][8]
    This may have changed to one citizenship per account.[9]
    Citizenship is lost if the node is destroyed. A player can then become citizen of another node.[6]
    Node citizenship is not tied to membership of a guild. Guilds don't "own" nodes.[6]
    Your account is bound to one declared citizenship per server, which means that if you have two alts and your main character on one server you may only be a citizen of one node between those three... If you have an alt on a different server, it could be a citizen of a node as well.[8] – Steven Sharif

    It won't be possible for Alts to affect a Siege unless the Alt in question is already a member of the node alongside the main. As your warehouses, Guild Storage and personal storage can all be looted in a siege, it would be costly for someone not to attend a siege if they are online.

    Edit: If the Alt is already not a citezen, then they wouldn't even be expected to show for a siege. Their lack of attendance would mean little in the grand scheme. If the citizen toon doesn't show, it could be a greater impact. Further details are unknown though.
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    Warth wrote: »
    Merek wrote: »
    A cap isn't something I'd want to see, feels far too artificial, however, I doubt the game will be able to handle anywhere near 2000 players on screen at once. What I am wondering though, is, what is to stop a settlement recruiting another guild as "citizens" before the siege begins? Hmm.

    just because there are 2000 people participating, doesn't mean that there have to be 2000 on your screen.
    Nodes are massive, there might very well multiple different zones within a single siege, like for example (north gate, south gate, east gate, west gate and city center)

    If they railroad sieges, people will not participate. If I can't choose to directly attack the Keep and remove their leaderships head, it's a waste of time. Why would I send people to attack some random, unimportant location? That'd only happen if the game forced me.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    We don't know enough about the siege parameters. Perhaps we can destroy specific buildings, we may not win the siege overall but we may stunt the Nodes ability to perform high tiered crafting until buildings are repaired or replaced. We don't have substantial information right now to know what sort of objectives will be available in the live game.
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    From what I gather the node sieges are going to progress like check points. Each check point the attacking team captures/destroys will advance their spawn points further into the node/area. I think that Overwatch may be a good example of how the siege progression would go by check points so the last major one is right up against the defenders respawn point.

    It seems plausible to me that there could be anywhere from 2,000 people to 10,000 people interested in participating in any given siege without major travel constraints.

    Do they really try to limit something like this to a single day/window event, it seems unlikely without a cap on participants or some form of queued system to participate regardless if the node is huge or not.
    Master Assassin
    (Yes same Tyrantor from Shadowbane)
    Book suggestions:
    Galaxy Outlaws books 1-16.5, Metagamer Chronicles, The Land litrpg series, Ready Player One, Zen in the Martial Arts
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    only you are talking about random unimportant locations to attack
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