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I play League of Legends and the only MMO I've played is Path of Exile barely so this might be a dumb question

In league, there are 2 types of abilities, skill shots or Point and click, for the combat aspect of Ashes, can you dodge abilities by moving around, or are abilities target locked on to you and undodgeable, for example in a duel can you win by moving around and dodging the enemy abilities and hitting them with yours or is it just two characters shooting abilities at each other and the one with the higher stats win.


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    MowabyMowaby Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 2021
    I play League of Legends and the only MMO I've played is Path of Exile barely so this might be a dumb question

    In league, there are 2 types of abilities, skill shots or Point and click, for the combat aspect of Ashes, can you dodge abilities by moving around, or are abilities target locked on to you and undodgeable, for example in a duel can you win by moving around and dodging the enemy abilities and hitting them with yours or is it just two characters shooting abilities at each other and the one with the higher stats win.

    There are action and tab target skills. Tab target is a locked on ability. Action abilities would be like skill shots or weapon swings. POE is an action RPG not an MMO.
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Steven estimates that you''ll have to invest at least 25% of your skill points into both types.

    They're pursuing a hybrid system that uses a mixture of point-and-click (tab targetted) and skillshots/hitboxes (action combat) - inspired by Guild Wars 2

    Combat is currently undergoing a redesign - probably won't get an update until ~March
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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