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Time to Discuss Special Characters in Names?

I was looking back and was surprised not to find a mega-thread about this, already in creation.

Not sure about the rest of you, but yours truly really, really, REALLY, REALLY HATES seeing special characters in names, in-game. Unless you have a chart right there explaining how to make the special characters, (which I used to do, as a guild officer) then it can be a real pain the arse to have to figure out how to whisper these people. Older games left you out to dry, while some newer games allow you to reliably right-click on someone's name in a chat-box, and then whisper them - when it works! SWTOR was especially bad about this, because there was only a 50% chance that right-clicking on someone's name that had a special character would then allow you to whisper that person.

Yours truly would greatly enjoy it if AoC were to dis-allow special characters in the in-game naming conventions. Yes, I understand that you want to name your dwarf Gimli, (you know, since this is LoTR, and there WON'T be 500 other people in-game won't also be naming their dwarf this....) but if I'm trying to message you, it's really, REALLY annoying to figure out the Alt+Combo to type out your stupid Umlaut over the one i and the pseudo-apostrophe over the other.

This isn't yet addressed in the Character Naming section on the wiki. Anyone else against special characters in the in-game names?


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    The main thing I hate the most is when someone puts something like: "vxXox...xoXxv"

    Just does my nut in.
    This link may help you:

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    I was looking back and was surprised not to find a mega-thread about this, already in creation.

    Not sure about the rest of you, but yours truly really, really, REALLY, REALLY HATES seeing special characters in names, in-game. Unless you have a chart right there explaining how to make the special characters, (which I used to do, as a guild officer) then it can be a real pain the arse to have to figure out how to whisper these people. Older games left you out to dry, while some newer games allow you to reliably right-click on someone's name in a chat-box, and then whisper them - when it works! SWTOR was especially bad about this, because there was only a 50% chance that right-clicking on someone's name that had a special character would then allow you to whisper that person.

    Yours truly would greatly enjoy it if AoC were to dis-allow special characters in the in-game naming conventions. Yes, I understand that you want to name your dwarf Gimli, (you know, since this is LoTR, and there WON'T be 500 other people in-game won't also be naming their dwarf this....) but if I'm trying to message you, it's really, REALLY annoying to figure out the Alt+Combo to type out your stupid Umlaut over the one i and the pseudo-apostrophe over the other.

    This isn't yet addressed in the Character Naming section on the wiki. Anyone else against special characters in the in-game names?

    i'm against special characters and even numbers.
    Foreign language letters like for example ä ö ü ô é è should be okay.
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    Special characters would mean that we will get a bunch of CoD / Fornite names, seeing them just makes me angry. To be honest they would be the first I kill or ask the server then hunt down :P
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    CypherCypher Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Yeah definitely don’t want to see someone with a name that’s just 10 squares. Or those wild ones where it’s a mess of random characters.

    I think at MOST, I’d be fine with a couple of the foreign vowels with dots or apostrophes above them ONLY if I’m able to easily click on them or have an in game converter that allowed you to input special characters (think how holding down a letter on the iPhone brings up alternate characters)

    Oh and not a special character but I absolutely think people should be allowed 1 or 2 apostrophes in their name. Don’t make it unlinked or you’ll end up with C’o’o’l’G’a’m’e’r types running around.
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    I agree having a bunch of punctuation marks and dashes as a name would irritate me. I do hope that they allow us to put spaces so we can make a first and last name situation. If someone were to nab the name you wanted first.
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    Special characters are dumb. I'm surprised that WoW allows it. Hopefully they don't here.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 2021
    I came across a Youtube Name that was:

    And the name literally makes a white line right across the page. Needless to say, I did not appreciate the effort and I don't like to face complex names unless there is a right click and send whisper/message button.

    I certainly won't be doing any /invite T@mmy (If we were allowed macros).

    Edit: The Name was a line of dashes. Its difficult to see on the forum background.
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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Not a fan of the special characters.

    They are ugly,
    they are a gateway to bad/dumb names,
    they lead to repetitive names,
    they make inviting people annoying,
    they can be used to abusively to get around language filters,
    I am sure there are other reasons.

    My favorite system is:
    Name must be one string of text (No spaces or underscore),
    only A-Z,
    The game will handle case on its own so that the first letter is capital, and all other letters are lowercase,
    mature language filter parses names.

    I don't know what AOC will use. Obviously no system is a deal breaker for me. I just prefer to see sensible character names, and unfortunately the only way that happens is with a few draconian rules (which is something I am normally against.). I would prefer everyone just has a culture of putting some effort into naming their character, but there are people out there who think "Asmöngöld_1xxx" is a perfectly valid and original name.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    daveywavey wrote: »
    The main thing I hate the most is when someone puts something like: "vxXox...xoXxv"

    Just does my nut in.

    I've said a few times around here that I don't refuse people entry in to my guild in games based on race or other such factors - if they are up to the standard.

    I have, however, refused a number of players entry to the guild based on their character name.

    If a characters name isn't immediately recognizable as a name, I want nothing to do with them.
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    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    Not a fan of the special characters.

    They are ugly,
    they are a gateway to bad/dumb names,
    they lead to repetitive names,
    they make inviting people annoying,
    they can be used to abusively to get around language filters,
    I am sure there are other reasons.

    My favorite system is:
    Name must be one string of text (No spaces or underscore),
    only A-Z,
    The game will handle case on its own so that the first letter is capital, and all other letters are lowercase,
    mature language filter parses names.

    I don't know what AOC will use. Obviously no system is a deal breaker for me. I just prefer to see sensible character names, and unfortunately the only way that happens is with a few draconian rules (which is something I am normally against.). I would prefer everyone just has a culture of putting some effort into naming their character, but there are people out there who think "Asmöngöld_1xxx" is a perfectly valid and original name.

    However, I'd like to see the idea of "last names" incorporated. I typically use the same name(s) in most games and am able to secure as they're not "mainstream." As in life, many first and last names are the same Ask John Smith how he feels about naming convention. But if I want my name to be Aurora, I can guess there is someone with that name already (still gonna try). But, Aurora Oakenhammer, now I bet that's not taken. I'm now happy and still my unique self. No underscore, no strange characters, etc. As ESO has implemented, the "behind the scenes" operations for guilds is handled by login name (@aurora123) . But, one can still send mail/invites based on screen name - with autofill function. Pretty nifty.

    Keep up the amazing work! So looking forward to experiencing the game!
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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Lughlaoch wrote: »
    However, I'd like to see the idea of "last names" incorporated. I typically use the same name(s) in most games and am able to secure as they're not "mainstream." As in life, many first and last names are the same Ask John Smith how he feels about naming convention. But if I want my name to be Aurora, I can guess there is someone with that name already (still gonna try). But, Aurora Oakenhammer, now I bet that's not taken. I'm now happy and still my unique self. No underscore, no strange characters, etc.

    We have the family system. Which will make having the Oakenhammer last name more of a real thing. Not just a string of text.
    Lughlaoch wrote: »
    As ESO has implemented, the "behind the scenes" operations for guilds is handled by login name (@aurora123) . But, one can still send mail/invites based on screen name - with autofill function. Pretty nifty.

    I don't like systems like this or the blizzard ID system. I always end up setting myself to invisible or offline. I don't want everyone I know to know what character I am on at all times. Just because I talked to you one time on one character does not mean you know all of my characters. All systems like this do is make me not use the in game friends list. I like more of the old school, each character has its own friends list, and mail. I don't want to get messages from people I know on my main if I am on a alt. Maybe I am a luddite about this type of thing.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    I don't like systems like this or the blizzard ID system. I always end up setting myself to invisible or offline. I don't want everyone I know to know what character I am on at all times. Just because I talked to you one time on one character does not mean you know all of my characters. All systems like this do is make me not use the in game friends list. I like more of the old school, each character has its own friends list, and mail. I don't want to get messages from people I know on my main if I am on a alt. Maybe I am a luddite about this type of thing.

    I agree but it won't happen in Ashes. IS want espionage to be a potential in Ashes. Can't really do espionage if you're visibly on Alt12 of 12 lol.
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    I think developers can't really forbid special characters in games, probably you can forbid to not use 3x times the same letter, but don't forget that elfish characters probably have accents on their names, so I see why people would like to use them.
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    T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I would like to see an accent mark ' or hyphen - in names, but that's it.
    Formerly T-Elf

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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Chufu wrote: »
    I think developers can't really forbid special characters in games, probably you can forbid to not use 3x times the same letter, but don't forget that elfish characters probably have accents on their names, so I see why people would like to use them.

    They absolutely can forbid any special characters, many games do.

    Just because some fantasy languages use accents does not mean that players need accents in their names.
    Because we are not literally using fantasy languages it is fare to assume that we as players are transliterating from the in game fantasy language text to the text we use as players.

    As much as I love the latin æ and like the way it looks in my name. "Vhæyne" I know it is unreasonable for me to expect anyone else to know how to type it. Which is why I don't use it.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    But i love to call my self IlIlIlIlIlIlIlIl

    I think special characters are a gray area. I know some people would like things such as, ë, é, ö, ó. etc
    but enabling special characters as a whole brings allot of weird things with it. Then there are also people who use different keyboards or special characters standard keyboards can't type.

    I think it would be best to disable them but to keep the common ones like i described before. Its also a pain in the ass to whisper someone if you can't even type their name properly.
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    The above should be acceptable.
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    KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    daveywavey wrote: »
    The main thing I hate the most is when someone puts something like: "vxXox...xoXxv"

    Just does my nut in.

    So you won't like my ranger named xXx-69Legolas420-xXx?
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    LeiloniLeiloni Member
    edited February 2021
    Warth wrote: »

    i'm against special characters and even numbers.
    Foreign language letters like for example ä ö ü ô é è should be okay.

    Agreed we need these just because we'll have French speaking people on both NA and EU servers and at least in NA, we'll have all English language servers so people should at least be able to write their name how it was intended to look. I don't know how to type them but as long as I can right click a name in chat to invite someone to groups or whisper that's all I need. Other special characters and symbols, don't need those in names.

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    KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm ok with special characters (to an extent) as long as we are able to easily add them to guild, friend invite and communicate with them via whispering. I'm not a fan at all of seeing an abundance of special characters for no reason but if it fits their roleplaying tendencies, that is great.
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    Nope nope nope, ruins the game. Letters only please and thank you? Also please for the love of all things good no Surname of Family names *points finger at asian MMO's* don't force me to have more than one normal name that starts with a capital letter.
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    TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member
    edited February 2021
    Warth wrote: »
    i'm against special characters and even numbers.
    Foreign language letters like for example ä ö ü ô é è should be okay.

    That's where we differ. Yours truly hates seeing even this, even if it's normal-convention in other parts of the world. Perhaps it could be server-specific, as to accommodate different countries?

    Chufu wrote: »
    I think developers can't really forbid special characters in games, probably you can forbid to not use 3x times the same letter, but don't forget that elfish characters probably have accents on their names, so I see why people would like to use them.

    We don't know this; Elven characters in AoC could be named Roger and Bob, for all we know. Intrepid wants a tight lid on their in-game Lore, at this point. It might even be that ALL of the other races aren't names you can find in the New Jersey phonebook, and JUST the Elves have run-of-the-mill names.

    T Elf wrote: »
    I would like to see an accent mark ' or hyphen - in names, but that's it.

    Yours truly feels that one or two hyphens or apostrophes are fine. After all, these are things that are on an actual keyboard. It's when you have to Google how to make a special character where things get both weird and objectionable.

    The above should be acceptable.

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    TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member
    edited February 2021
    Hmm. I guess I don't know how to post an animated .GIF file. Any insight is appreciated, via PM.
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited February 2021
    I don't get why you dissapprove of '
    How else would you spell names like D'Artagnan, Lil' John etc etc.
    (Three Musketeer novels/Robinhood)

    ' is also a great way to maintain a desired name if it is already taken by another player, without looking ridiculous like xxxlegolas666

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    TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member
    edited February 2021
    I don't get why you dissapprove of '
    How else would you spell names like D'Artagnan, Lil' John etc etc.
    (Three Musketeer novels/Robinhood)

    ' is also a great way to maintain a desired name if it is already taken by another player, without looking ridiculous like xxxlegolas666

    That's perfectly acceptable.

    I just don't feel as though your whole name should be '

    Do I grunt or make a noise, to pronounce just ' ?

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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    I don't get why you dissapprove of '
    How else would you spell names like D'Artagnan, Lil' John etc etc.
    (Three Musketeer novels/Robinhood)

    ' is also a great way to maintain a desired name if it is already taken by another player, without looking ridiculous like xxxlegolas666

    That's perfectly acceptable.

    I just don't feel as though your whole name should be '

    Do I grunt or make a noise, to pronounce just ' ?

    You click on these people and add them to your ignore list and pronounce nothing.
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    daveywaveydaveywavey Member
    edited February 2021
    Khronus wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    The main thing I hate the most is when someone puts something like: "vxXox...xoXxv"

    Just does my nut in.

    So you won't like my ranger named xXx-69Legolas420-xXx?


    This link may help you:

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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited February 2021
    Ah, I remember trying to make in-game macros for targeting certain players, but when they were names something like, "IiiiIIiIi!iiiiIiII", "IiiiIIIIiiIIii!i!", "IIIIiII!IiI!IIII" just a nightmare! One player named all sub characters in a similar fashion and you never knew which one was which!..
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I loved the llllllllll Guild in Archeage (Barcode Guild). lol.
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    KearavainKearavain Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Personally, I do not mind special characters from an RP perspective. However, they do make sending tells or whispers rather frustrating because I often have to look up the character online and copy and paste it if I want to chat with the person and lack other means of doing so.
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