Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

Just wanted to say great job!

I've been looking over content that has been shown on the game, the concepts that form the foundation of the game, and what the future may hold. I am very impressed! Keep up the good work! I'll definitely be playing on release!


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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Captured the salt and captured the candy. Awesome job so far :)
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    artikwind wrote: »
    I am very impressed! Keep up the good work!

    Thanks! It takes some effort to ensure my posts are always top quality, but I like to think I'm doing it for you guys. :)<3
    This link may help you:

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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    daveywavey wrote: »
    artikwind wrote: »
    I am very impressed! Keep up the good work!

    Thanks! It takes some effort to ensure my posts are always top quality, but I like to think I'm doing it for you guys. :)<3

    Mischievous, this one.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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