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New website and features you want

JeanPhilippeQCJeanPhilippeQC Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited February 2021 in General Discussion
i just learn that we will got a new website, maybe late February. What features you guys would like to have?
I dunno what i would like for the pre-release website, except for a site 100% dedicated to the mmorpg(probably will be).
Hope to heard from you soon!


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    ARG, what the? We Just got a 'new' website a while ago and now we have to start all over from scratch again?

    Well if this is the case I would like on site polls for members again (they do exist on this forum but only for Mods). I would also like personal forum pages like we had on the original forum as well.
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    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    ARG, what the? We Just got a 'new' website a while ago and now we have to start all over from scratch again?

    Well if this is the case I would like on site polls for members again (they do exist on this forum but only for Mods). I would also like personal forum pages like we had on the original forum as well.

    Steven said that we are going to have an actualization for the web site now in february.

    I'll like a skill calculator or somthing that help us to personalize our characters on the web.
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    Sholer wrote: »
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    ARG, what the? We Just got a 'new' website a while ago and now we have to start all over from scratch again?

    Well if this is the case I would like on site polls for members again (they do exist on this forum but only for Mods). I would also like personal forum pages like we had on the original forum as well.

    Steven said that we are going to have an actualization for the web site now in february.

    I'll like a skill calculator or somthing that help us to personalize our characters on the web.

    I second a skill calculator once all those details get released! Also would really like to see a working roadmap (for the lack of a better word) much like how Rust does it with live updates. If it were the same thing you could even add a suggestions page to get new ideas for the game. AoC wouldn't need to Tweet like Rust, but could put what they are working on so we can see the progress. Something like what Profane just released would be a welcome addition as well, releasing a roadmap month by month for the next year I believe. All this in a tab on the website would be awesome.
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    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    ARG, what the? We Just got a 'new' website a while ago and now we have to start all over from scratch again?

    Well if this is the case I would like on site polls for members again (they do exist on this forum but only for Mods). I would also like personal forum pages like we had on the original forum as well.

    To clarify, "website" in the sense OP noted is referring to our main webpage, Nothing will be changing here on the forums (at least during this first iteration), and I would expect any early changes here to be more cosmetic than changes to forum features and the like, so as to better match the new style of the main website :smiley:

    Please rest assured that if we were going to "start all over from scratch" again here, we would aim to give you a heads-up well in advance, so that you all knew what was going to happen on that front!

    While forum functionality will not be changing for the moment, I do appreciate your notes on what you'd like to see on that front in the future <3

    To OP's point, we do still plan to share an article with you sometime this month detailing new website features and those to come down the line, so we're eager to hear your feedback on that front once we release it!
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    PlagueMonkPlagueMonk Member
    edited February 2021
    Ah, thanks for the heads up Lieut. Toast.

    I had not seen or heard about this announcement so was just going by the OPs info. Basically new website really means you are revamping / updating the current website. The current one looks good so I can only imagine it will get better. B)
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    A player blog system like FF14's "The Lodestone".

    It's obviously too early for that now, but I hope when Ashes eventually goes live, the official site will have a player blog section.
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    MaezrielMaezriel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The wiki is a great resource but it'll be good to have blurbs on each race and the current concept art/models for the races included.

    Other than that I mostly want the website to be where to go for the most up-to-date information so I hope it doesn't remain static for years like the current one did. Little things like a Twitter feed and popular forum discussions being shown on a Community page would be nice.
    If I said something that you disagree w/ feel free to say so here.
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