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Who's excited for the game? I can't wait to play. :D

Yes, very much so.


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    VmanGmanVmanGman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I've been excited since the Kickstarter. I just really hope they can pull it off.
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    Let us hope it's not gonna be another Fallout 76, No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077 flop!
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Let us hope it's not gonna be another Fallout 76, No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077 flop!

    No Mans' Sky is an ok game now. The problem that game had (or one of them) was that people formed expectations of it, and held on to them even when they were told that is not what the game was. The number of people that fired the game up on day one expecting to be able to play with friends, despite being told directly that they won't be able to, was disturbing.

    Ashes hype is going to cause this same issue, at least to a degree. We already have people coming on to these forums every few weeks from Reddit or Discord, with completely incorrect assumptions about how the game will be. If there are people coming here with those thoughts, there are ten or a hundred times more that aren't coming here, meaning there are that many people out there with an incorrect assumption about what this game will be.
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    KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Noaani wrote: »
    Let us hope it's not gonna be another Fallout 76, No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077 flop!

    No Mans' Sky is an ok game now. The problem that game had (or one of them) was that people formed expectations of it, and held on to them even when they were told that is not what the game was. The number of people that fired the game up on day one expecting to be able to play with friends, despite being told directly that they won't be able to, was disturbing.

    Ashes hype is going to cause this same issue, at least to a degree. We already have people coming on to these forums every few weeks from Reddit or Discord, with completely incorrect assumptions about how the game will be. If there are people coming here with those thoughts, there are ten or a hundred times more that aren't coming here, meaning there are that many people out there with an incorrect assumption about what this game will be.

    I sold over 500 copies of No Mans Sky at my Gamestop on launch day (manager). A few months before the launch, we had a managers conference (I think in Vegas that time). I met the developer. We were TRAINED to sell that game. We were promised that the game would launch with all of the expectations and on launch day, we had to deal with the complaints that there was no online, that the game was boring, that you couldn't do anything in the game that was promised other than go from planet to planet exploring. There was even a glitch with the damn preorder bonus that prevented you from completing the WARP DRIVE mission allowing you to leave the first planet.

    I was on the front line. Peoples expectations of that game were valid because sony promoted the shit out of it falsely. We were NOT informed that it would not be online until after launch because people discovered it wasn't online by being on the same exact planet, in the same spot and not seeing each other.

    AOC cannot be compared to that game in any way. We are receiving information directly from the source and will soon be able to see all of it with the NDA lifted. Even if AOC has issues at launch it will not even be as close to a flop as No Man Sky was lol.
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    KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yes, very much so.

    I am more excited for this game coming out than any other game I have waited for. It's going to be great!
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    This will be my first MMORPG, so I don't know where my expectations are on a scale of reality vs imagination but either way I am excited.
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    xydrassialxydrassial Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
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    I mean everyone here is on the official forums. Even before the alpha is launched. Of course we are all excited.
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    TarklTarkl Member
    edited February 2021
    the case of those 3 games is a problem of the times and not really that they were or are bad games, no mans sky now after so many years they have been able to polish and update it to resemble what they were looking for in the beginning, fallout76 was still too fast its release for what they wanted to offer and Cyberpunk exactly the same, they had several delays and still it was not close to what they needed , the case of cyberpunk in 1 year approximately will be a great game.

    while intrepid does not hesitate to delay it if it should do so and not commit to dates that they cannot meet it will be fine, if the game can be ready by 2022 and starts to make mistakes or break somewhere, they should not hesitate and be totally transparent in that it should be retracted, then it should not be a problem.

    they are also very transparent with what they have and not, few companies do and it is a quality to the potential customer, we know the dates of the alpha 1 and if this break may be long enough to fix it before passing the alpha 2 and so progress cautiously although it may seem somewhat slow.

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    NeliryaNelirya Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Of course I'm excited! But, managing my expectations as there is still a significant wait ahead before we can actually "play" the game.
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    ChimeChime Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Very, the hype is real. I've lost interest in the MMO I was playing after I learned about this game and read up on it. Now I'm playing RPG's to occupy myself lol.
    ☼ Alpha 2 let's gooooo ☼
    ♢ Empyrean ♢ Py'Rai ♢ Vaelune ♢
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    bigepeenbigepeen Member
    edited February 2021
    People don't want to hear this, but the game won't have all the promised features at a good level of polish if it comes out this year or next year.

    I think what will end up happening is that they will either cut some features, or implement rudimentary versions and iterate on them later. I think they should realistically release the game in 2023 or later, but I think all the hype will pressure them to release early, and then people will be pissed that it's not a polished game, or that it lacks promised features.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited February 2021
    Khronus wrote: »
    Peoples expectations of that game were valid because sony promoted the shit out of it falsely.

    Key point there.

    Sony misrepresented the game, I totally agree.

    The actual developers of the game were trying to tell people that Sony had it wrong.

    Also, I would be very surprised if you met the developer of the game. I wouldn't be surprised if you met someone in marketing or PR from Sony, but Hello Games only had 20-something staff, and 6 months before release all 20-something of them were well and truely in crunch mode. Their family would hardly have even seen them in that time.

    I can't even count the number of times I saw comments or posts from Sean Murray specifically, but also others from Hello Games, doing their best to temper expectations, saying that some of the features talked about in the past will be in the game, just not at release.

    The fact that someone on Reddit compiled a list of all game features they had talked about - and totally omitted to include whether the plan was to have them at launch or not - was probably the single most dishonest destructive thing I have seen a game community do to a game. Basically, they were in an interview (which is not a part of the games advertising - see the AMA in the UK there), and they were talking about features they would like the game to eventually have, and people (including Sony) took that to mean features the game will have at launch.

    I listened to the developers. I bought No Man's Sky on day 1. It was exactly the game I was expecting it to be. If others had other expectations, then they were obviously listening to the wrong people.
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    Wandering MistWandering Mist Moderator, Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Noaani wrote: »
    Khronus wrote: »
    Peoples expectations of that game were valid because sony promoted the shit out of it falsely.

    Key point there.

    Sony misrepresented the game, I totally agree.

    The actual developers of the game were trying to tell people that Sony had it wrong.

    Also, I would be very surprised if you met the developer of the game. I wouldn't be surprised if you met someone in marketing or PR from Sony, but Hello Games only had 20-something staff, and 6 months before release all 20-something of them were well and truely in crunch mode. Their family would hardly have even seen them in that time.

    I can't even count the number of times I saw comments or posts from Sean Murray specifically, but also others from Hello Games, doing their best to temper expectations, saying that some of the features talked about in the past will be in the game, just not at release.

    The fact that someone on Reddit compiled a list of all game features they had talked about - and totally omitted to include whether the plan was to have them at launch or not - was probably the single most dishonest destructive thing I have seen a game community do to a game. Basically, they were in an interview (which is not a part of the games advertising - see the AMA in the UK there), and they were talking about features they would like the game to eventually have, and people (including Sony) took that to mean features the game will have at launch.

    I listened to the developers. I bought No Man's Sky on day 1. It was exactly the game I was expecting it to be. If others had other expectations, then they were obviously listening to the wrong people.

    I disagree personally. Sean Murray was given plenty of opportunity to say that there was no true multiplayer aspect in No Man's Sky, and he either lied, gave some vague marketing BS or just didn't answer the question at all.

    He only came clean about it AFTER the players discovered it for themselves and called him out on it. I guarantee that if the players hadn't done that, he would still be claiming there was multiplayer in the game at launch.

    This is honestly what pisses me off the most about the games industry. The devs and publishers act like children - they steal cookies from the cookie jar and then lie about it until you catch them red handed, then give a half-hearted apology before immediately going back to the cookie jar as soon as your back is turned.

    That's why I'm so hyped for this game, because Steven and the rest of Intrepid act like adults and treat us like adults as well. They listen to the community, and when mistakes happen, they take responsibility and fix it.

    On the other hand we have our dear old friends at Activision-Blizzard who got boo'ed off the stage at their own event when they announced Diablo Immortal, and yet still insist of releasing the "game".....
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Noaani wrote: »
    Khronus wrote: »
    Peoples expectations of that game were valid because sony promoted the shit out of it falsely.

    Key point there.

    Sony misrepresented the game, I totally agree.

    The actual developers of the game were trying to tell people that Sony had it wrong.

    Also, I would be very surprised if you met the developer of the game. I wouldn't be surprised if you met someone in marketing or PR from Sony, but Hello Games only had 20-something staff, and 6 months before release all 20-something of them were well and truely in crunch mode. Their family would hardly have even seen them in that time.

    I can't even count the number of times I saw comments or posts from Sean Murray specifically, but also others from Hello Games, doing their best to temper expectations, saying that some of the features talked about in the past will be in the game, just not at release.

    The fact that someone on Reddit compiled a list of all game features they had talked about - and totally omitted to include whether the plan was to have them at launch or not - was probably the single most dishonest destructive thing I have seen a game community do to a game. Basically, they were in an interview (which is not a part of the games advertising - see the AMA in the UK there), and they were talking about features they would like the game to eventually have, and people (including Sony) took that to mean features the game will have at launch.

    I listened to the developers. I bought No Man's Sky on day 1. It was exactly the game I was expecting it to be. If others had other expectations, then they were obviously listening to the wrong people.

    I disagree personally. Sean Murray was given plenty of opportunity to say that there was no true multiplayer aspect in No Man's Sky, and he either lied, gave some vague marketing BS or just didn't answer the question at all.
    I mean, a month before the game came out, he specifically said this.
    If you're thinking, “Okay, okay, I understand all of that, Sean, but let's say all my friends want to go and play together.” That's not what this is about.
    He literally said dont get this game expecting to play with your friends.

    That seems clear to me. He even followed that quote by saying that people will see that and think it's hard, but possible, and that they shouldn't think that.

    There could be an argument that there was no multiplayer at all at launch, but there was an article a long while before this (I want to say in 2015, but I cant find it any more) where they said multiplayer wont be in the game on launch day as they want people to explore the world, not just try and find their friends, so there was never any plan to have multipiplayer on day one, and from then on all discussion on multiplayer I heard from them, I made the automatic association that they were talking about it in terms of "when we add it" as opposed to what it will be on day 1.
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    AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    On the other hand we have our dear old friends at Activision-Blizzard who got boo'ed off the stage at their own event when they announced Diablo Immortal, and yet still insist of releasing the "game".....
    Just wait until Steven announces in a livestream that Ashes of Creation will now be a F2P mobile game funded by microstransactions.
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Atama wrote: »
    On the other hand we have our dear old friends at Activision-Blizzard who got boo'ed off the stage at their own event when they announced Diablo Immortal, and yet still insist of releasing the "game".....
    Just wait until Steven announces in a livestream that Ashes of Creation will now be a F2P mobile game funded by microstransactions.

    "... oh and btw, it's a single player game. kthnxbye"

    I wish I were deep and tragic
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