Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Limited aesthetics

I've heard a lot of passionate ideas be shutdown by the immersion argument... Personally i'd like to know if there will be a skeleton aesthetic available for our character. I'm super excited for ashes but im worried visuals may be too limited by the idea of everything fitting strictly into ashes identity. To be honest (though its early) i dont really see ashes of creation not loosening up in the future on this front. MMO immersion will be there with all the community interactions we are starving for that ashes will fulfill but i like to go a little wild on the customization side. Im obsessed with skeletons and would pay for something unique and meaningful to me
FFS, that fricking corgi.....
freaking heathens
That's definitely the first thing I've seen in the cosmetic packs where I thought "Uh-oh, don't start that..."
Most of everything else looks great, or at the very least fits the high fantasy identity that AoC is creating for itself, but I'm personally not a fan of things like the corgi with a crown... hoping it doesn't lead to lollipop weapon skins and the like. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for variety to provide different avenues of self expression, but there is a line I hope doesn't get crossed. Seeing as this isn't another Korean MMO, I have faith they'll keep it tasteful.
I will leave this here for you, like a runny dog turd on a sidewalk.
Lmao, wow. That happened, huh? I missed this one.
Really hoping they don't put out too much of this stuff... I remember when Tera first came out I really liked what I saw but wasn't able to play it at the time. Came back to the game a couple of years later ready to play only to find it was littered with players driving sports car mounts and wielding lollipop swords and candy shields. I was super disappointed and didn't even bother with the game.
I don't think they will. Based on what they've said about Stuffertons in the past:
The stuffertons mount will not be a sore thumb when it comes to matching the materials and textures that are seen in the world of Ashes. It will fit in visually, with the rest of the world. As for the lore aspect of it, in a world as magically influenced as Verra, the concept of magically animated objects are quite common. This mount stuffertons would likely have served as an Aelan, upper class gift to a university wizard's child, an animated toy that would serve its purpose as a means of transport between the mages tower and home.[2] – Steven Sharif
Stuffertons will probably be one of the most rare pieces of cosmetics.[3] – Steven Sharif
I doubt there will be anything super similar to it, and if there is, it might be a piece every now and then
The Stufferton is the worst thing they've done cosmetically and fortunately it is very much an outlier. I use it as an example of the kind of thing they could do, but fortunately I haven't seen anything since that's nearly as bad. I don't expect to see many of them in-game, if I ever see one at all.
I too share your annoyance with the aesthetics of TERA. I have enjoyed many aspects of that game but there is absolutely zero immersion. I have faith that AoC won't go that route of putting literally anything in the game. Race cars, boomboxes, wedding dresses, bikinis, space ships, whatever.
That's at least appropriate to the setting. It's not like marriages wouldn't take place at all in the world.
These are what you find in TERA Online. It's soooooo much worse. It's less wedding dress, more "wedding-themed clubbing outfit".