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Tools for Tanks in small scale group PvP



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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    I'd suggest adding mechanics that allow tanks to take damage for teammates & blocking projectiles.

    1. Allow a tank to activate a skill (or toggle a "shields up mode") and take all non-aoe damage (and may be reduce cleave damage) for a friendly, when the tank's in front of & within melee range of the friendly.

    2. Allow a tank to activate a skill (or toggle a "shields up mode") and block (but take reduced damage from) any projectiles (and may be frontal cone aoe) aimed at friendlies behind the tank, provided that the tank's actually on the path of the projectile.
    I would assume this would be a standard part of a tanks tool kit, as most games have some sort of mechanic along these lines.
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    Kr0_ValKr0_Val Member
    edited February 2021
    @Maciej mentioned a "guard" ability.
    It would be neat if you'd be able to personally alter/preset a "guard" ability, to favor the guarding of specific classes within your team/ vicinity. So you take a larger % of damage that those classes would be taking, unto yourself as a tank. Why should a tanks role be limited to individual shielding? A guard ability might help make playing tank more flavorful in pvp.

    Edit: And the closer the tank is to the person he's guarding, or even to the person dealing the damage, will enable him to take higher % of damage for his allies, to mitigate the tank from staying behind everyone on the front lines, to keep himself useful when using the guard ability, with exposure and risk to himself real.
    Thanks @Voidwalkers
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    CosmaAglow wrote: »
    @Maciej mentioned a "guard" ability.
    It would be neat if you'd be able to personally alter/preset a "guard" ability, to favor the guarding of specific classes within your team/ vicinity. So you take a larger % of damage that those classes would be taking, unto yourself as a tank. Why should a tanks role be limited to individual shielding? A guard ability might help make playing tank for flavorful in pvp.

    I'm fine if this kind of area / range / vicinity group-targeting "guard" skills/stances has a duration and limits the tank's movement & positioning somewhat. e.g.

    "For the next 10 seconds, automatically rush towards the next <target class> ally attacked (within X metres), protecting the ally and receiving 100% of the incoming damage (mitigated by the tank's stats & gear) in the ally's place"

    Otherwise ranged-guards could end up with awkward (and stupid) looking situations like "the tank running around in the back kiting the attackers while soaking up all damage for his allies on the frontline".
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    MaciejMaciej Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm not a fan of things being automated, much less so if some passive thing I've turned on is forcing my character to zap around the battlefield because somebody around me got shot by an arrow.

    Guard in WAR being single target was fine, any organized small scale PvP isn't a bunch of duels happening at once, someone is being focus fired. Knowing who to guard and when adds to the skill cap, and when in doubt guarding the healer tends to be a good bet.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Maciej wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of things being automated, much less so if some passive thing I've turned on is forcing my character to zap around the battlefield because somebody around me got shot by an arrow.
    I totally agree.

    An ability like this - which again, I would expect at least one tank variant to have something comparible to, but don't consider it an adequate substitution for tanks inherent lack of taunts in PvP in most games - is probably best left to the ability of the players involved in terms of who gains the most protection.

    Make it so that players within 3 meters get a high amount, and players within 5 meters get less. That way, smart players can decide who gets what benefit, and dumb players are likely to lose their healer.
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