Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Visual effects covering character model looks and weapon looks

I'd like to talk about lazy visual effects I have encountered in many games which ruin our character appearance and our weapon appearance.
Some abilities, some armor effects, some conditions in general cause the characters to look all green/yellow when there is a healing feature involved, all red if there is a rage feature involved, all green when there is a toxicity feature involved and so forth and so forth.
So times these effects last for an extended period of time, in which a characters armor or weapon loses it's unique and beautiful design and looks like a boring single color ugly... thing.
Other times these effects are for a short duration, however the spam nature of the ability that causes the coloring feature, effectively causes the armor or weapon to look ugly, again, for an extended duration of time.
ESO is the prime example of full body, single color effects, that completely ruins the purpose of buying a cosmetic skin, or wearing a good looking ingame armor, that people have worked hard to attain.
So I would like to bring up the topic of how important it can be for effects to be designed with detail and subtlety, instead of slapping a blue color on the whole body of a Lightning Archemage or slapping a red color on a Rage Fighter.
Wouldn't it be better to have electric fields surrounding the mage, with the ocassional lightning arch? Wouldn't it be better for some short of sublte aura and subtle cracking group to appear around and beneath the fighter?
I just logged back into eso and I am already sick of looking all medium armor users look like they wear a static TV channel for an armor set, and full white colored weapons on their hands, because 2 buffs for mitigation and dmg boost are a must for PvP or PvE.
What are your experiences with full body, full color effects for extended duration on your otherwise good looking character model?
Some abilities, some armor effects, some conditions in general cause the characters to look all green/yellow when there is a healing feature involved, all red if there is a rage feature involved, all green when there is a toxicity feature involved and so forth and so forth.
So times these effects last for an extended period of time, in which a characters armor or weapon loses it's unique and beautiful design and looks like a boring single color ugly... thing.
Other times these effects are for a short duration, however the spam nature of the ability that causes the coloring feature, effectively causes the armor or weapon to look ugly, again, for an extended duration of time.
ESO is the prime example of full body, single color effects, that completely ruins the purpose of buying a cosmetic skin, or wearing a good looking ingame armor, that people have worked hard to attain.
So I would like to bring up the topic of how important it can be for effects to be designed with detail and subtlety, instead of slapping a blue color on the whole body of a Lightning Archemage or slapping a red color on a Rage Fighter.
Wouldn't it be better to have electric fields surrounding the mage, with the ocassional lightning arch? Wouldn't it be better for some short of sublte aura and subtle cracking group to appear around and beneath the fighter?
I just logged back into eso and I am already sick of looking all medium armor users look like they wear a static TV channel for an armor set, and full white colored weapons on their hands, because 2 buffs for mitigation and dmg boost are a must for PvP or PvE.
What are your experiences with full body, full color effects for extended duration on your otherwise good looking character model?
And removed all your cosmetic changes, not just armor. Hair style/beards/tattoos. I usually make a bald, beardless character on the creator and then do all the styling later in the game. Really annoying to be doing a quest and suddenly I'm an egg head...
I understand the single body colors, it makes for easy visual cue about what's happening to your character, but there could definitely be better ways to see it dealt with. A sort of mist rising off your shoulders for things like healing/rage depending on color, puddles of blood on the ground around you, etc.