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What weapon is perfect for summoners?.

Can summoners use any weapons type to the fullest or mage weapons only like mages can do. What weapon is perfect for summoners?.


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    Any archetype can use any weapon. I don't suppose we know enough yet about the Summoner or the weapons to know which weapon will work best.
    This link may help you:

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    RivalzsRivalzs Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    In my opinion I would say a Spellbook.
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    Kemani wrote: »
    Can summoners use any weapons type to the fullest or mage weapons only like mages can do. What weapon is perfect for summoners?.

    Probably the same thing lion-tamers use, when in that cage:

    A whip and a long-legged barstool!

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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Rod, it is like a ruler a nun would use to slap their students hands when they get out of line.
    I imagine summons are all delinquents that could stand to learn to behave.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    I find the door myself.
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    VirulentVirulent Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Any character can use any weapon. In regards to your question about which type of weapon might be the most efficient? There is simply not enough information yet about the game to know, or even speculate on that.
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    Generally Ranged weapons will be the most ideal, where defensive weapons will overtake this if they provide utility like dashes and escapes. Summoners do not generally like to be focused when they could have a pet taking that damage instead, so the further away or harder to kill you are, the longer your pet has to murder whatever you are trying to kill.
    Commissioned at
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    AsgerrAsgerr Member
    edited February 2021
    The 3 types of weapons I've seen the most for summoner types are

    - Rods
    - Books/Tomes
    - Staffs

    For the lolz, why not some sort of giant quill or piece of chalk with which to draw summoning circles?
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    Remote control. I summon drones.

    - - - - - - -

    I guess it depends on your secondary archetype? The typical magical summoner might use rods tomes staffs, but a beast master could use ... I dunno, bows & whips & crossbows? and a bladecaller should probably use ... blades?

    At the end of the day you can train in whatever weapon you want, that's Ashes.
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    DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 2021
    Two handed hammer. You need to be able to give your summons a good bonk on the head if they misbehave!
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    KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Gloves would be an interesting take of primary weapons. With an elegant focus. It's probably going to end up being a staff though : (
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    greatsword, spellbook, staff
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    Summoner with buff aria making those summoned qnd allies more powerful.

    Like a shield that distributes your character's resistance to his summoned, or as a staff whenever you use a spell your summoned are 3 seconds stronger.

    Summones can do alot of things Just has to be inplemented
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    Sum12hateSum12hate Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Depends on subclass but I like the idea of summoner with bow, sit back and poke while the summons do the heavy lifting
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    LycancoffeeLycancoffee Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Let me tell you about this weapon you can get from a hotel room in Cyberpunk....
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    Cattle prod, enchanted with lightning. Great for "Crowd Control" too!
    Brm brm tsh!
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    Kemani wrote: »
    What weapon is perfect for summoners?.

    A bear holding a shark just running around biting things.

    The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

    [NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!

    If you want in, send me a message!
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    Free-range, non-GMO eggs. Put one in your sling and, "Smack!" You got yourself a dead summoner. 😆🤣
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    NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The 9 books of Nagash

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
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    do you get to alter your summons and quite possibly their gear where applicable? or we just talking about gear for the summoner?

    it's a very dualistic archetype/class with a wide spectrum of options depending on choices and preferences

    Beastmaster - altering your beasts or armouring them with abilities/gear/spells?
    Blood Warden - altering your own items or enhancing them with magic
    Conjurer - altering your conjured summons with enhancements via magic/summoned items
    Enchanter - enchantments and enhancements to music/songs
    Necromancer - undead/ethereal enhancements and abhorrent alterations and spells
    Shadowmancer - ghost/ethereal/shadow-like enhancements with stealth elements
    Spellmancer - elemental/arcane embodiments of spells and enhancements
    Wild blade - summon/cast additional magical weapons as well as personal enhancements with effects.

    Cant think of a perfect weapon as there is multiple scenarios and class structures for the archetype and playstyle :)

    I may have veered off from the intended purpose of the thread :P
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    mobtekmobtek Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    PoliceGirl wrote: »
    Kemani wrote: »
    What weapon is perfect for summoners?.

    A bear holding a shark just running around biting things.

    "so I got this idea for a bear-shark trebuchet...we can't lose!" - Police Girl
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