Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Minor Node Specialization Question/Suggestion

So I haven't been researching long on this. But I have read a bit about the node development on the wiki, as well as watching older interviews with streamers/ect to get the gist of the concept. One thing that stands out to me is the core node that levels up, and limits the growth of the surrounding nodes/area.
We talked a bit about the military node being our potential focus, but we (the guild) are pretty much of the pirate style of play that Archeage had. In short we enjoy killing players and taking their hard earned 'tendies.' We plan to stay a small guild and go for high buffs since we like the quality over quantity approach.
1.) Would the military node's (that we call home) NPC Guards kill us on sight from a successful raid on a caravan or ganking players for their loot? (As in we had corruption gained from the PKing)
2) If so what kind of option is their for our style of play to store our 'hard earned' goodies? Would we have to lose all our corruption before we can even get into town to store it in a bank, or would we be forced to have alts that can take the loot for us into town?
Since I haven't seen anything that would fit that style of play I would like to suggest something of potential value to players like us (maybe even a random dev who might read it), and I don't like to leave things sounding like a complaint (its not trying to be, as I am more or so just trying to find an approach for our playstyle) so I'll make a suggestion.*
*Maybe on the outskirts of a node/zone we could create a bandit/highwaymen hideout that could be upgraded (to a minor extent) that us 'Acquisition Specialists' can use to store our loot for a period of time. Until which our corruption can be cleared to try and move it into town. It could have Bandit NPC Guards that attack anyone not affiliated with the camp, or only attack players that have no corruption/ect. This could be raided on occasion via a quest line from the main node, and be a fun small scale node operation with potential for stolen loot to be reacquired/confiscated. Same concept could be applied to smaller areas like islands for raiding posts, provided they aren't massive areas/nodes all unto themselves. Would be kind of cool to avoid/lock a node below a certain level, and maybe specialize it into a pirate port for raiding from the coasts.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
My guild and I are looking forward to the game immensely!
We talked a bit about the military node being our potential focus, but we (the guild) are pretty much of the pirate style of play that Archeage had. In short we enjoy killing players and taking their hard earned 'tendies.' We plan to stay a small guild and go for high buffs since we like the quality over quantity approach.
1.) Would the military node's (that we call home) NPC Guards kill us on sight from a successful raid on a caravan or ganking players for their loot? (As in we had corruption gained from the PKing)
2) If so what kind of option is their for our style of play to store our 'hard earned' goodies? Would we have to lose all our corruption before we can even get into town to store it in a bank, or would we be forced to have alts that can take the loot for us into town?
Since I haven't seen anything that would fit that style of play I would like to suggest something of potential value to players like us (maybe even a random dev who might read it), and I don't like to leave things sounding like a complaint (its not trying to be, as I am more or so just trying to find an approach for our playstyle) so I'll make a suggestion.*
*Maybe on the outskirts of a node/zone we could create a bandit/highwaymen hideout that could be upgraded (to a minor extent) that us 'Acquisition Specialists' can use to store our loot for a period of time. Until which our corruption can be cleared to try and move it into town. It could have Bandit NPC Guards that attack anyone not affiliated with the camp, or only attack players that have no corruption/ect. This could be raided on occasion via a quest line from the main node, and be a fun small scale node operation with potential for stolen loot to be reacquired/confiscated. Same concept could be applied to smaller areas like islands for raiding posts, provided they aren't massive areas/nodes all unto themselves. Would be kind of cool to avoid/lock a node below a certain level, and maybe specialize it into a pirate port for raiding from the coasts.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
My guild and I are looking forward to the game immensely!
GM of No Quarter
PVP Pirate guild
No Mercy, No Rules
GM of No Quarter
PVP Pirate guild
No Mercy, No Rules
2. Not sure but you might have to store it in your freehold or farm off the corruption before you can bank your spoils.
Gotcha, and yea I forgot about freeholds. I wonder if I can just make a big warehouse lol
GM of No Quarter
PVP Pirate guild
No Mercy, No Rules
Caravans , sieges and the like are outside the corruption system.
Is freehold the only real option?
Cause I know we are going to be threading the needle on the corruption end. It is just what we enjoy.
GM of No Quarter
PVP Pirate guild
No Mercy, No Rules
You're not going to see griefing in the game very often; and that's because our flagging system. The corruption mechanics are based around disincentivizing a griefer or PKer but still offering the opportunity, should the occasion arise, where the benefits outweigh the risk, you have the ability to do so. If you gain corruption, which is killing a non-combatant - a player who is not fighting back basically - if you gain that corruption, your world has changed. It is not going to be a very beneficial place to be and you have the potential of losing your gear. Your combat efficacy decreases based on the amount of corruption you accrue. It is a comfortable balance between player agency and grief and basically removing player agency for other players.[44] – Steven Sharif
Sweet yea I'll give that a watch!
So the wiki doesn't talk about it, but is the corruption applied only to the last hit, or does it get divided out among all those who are contributing to the kills? Cause I can see my guys wanting to jump a group that is farming/grinding for their certs/mats, and I am curious as to if my DPS guys are going to take the brunt of it.
GM of No Quarter
PVP Pirate guild
No Mercy, No Rules