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Suggestion: Illusion magic based disguise magic for pvp purposes

aocjakeaocjake Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
Hi all,

One suggestion for the game I wanted to put forward is an illusion based magic disguise for pvp purposes. The inspiration for this was talk about how guild leader assassination may have a negative impact on a guild and also during guild war skirmishes. If possible, it would be neat to have illusion magic skills that allow you to disguise someone as another. This way you could allow your guild leader to be disguised as a regular member to avoid assassination, or have multiple "guild leader" targets. Furthermore this could be like a concentration effect from D&D where if the original caster is downed the illusion fades.

I think since guild leaders and other political figures may be important targets, having this ability could be a very useful feature and change how some of these skirmishes work as a whole. I like the tactical approaches to this ability.



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    I think that’s a cool idea.

    If it is implemented in such a way that there is good counter play to a mechanic like that, I’m all for it. Otherwise I think it might be kind of frustrating. I imagine it’ll already be hard enough to find a specific person in a 250v250 skirmish.

    I think it would be cool if guild leaders and mayors provided some kind of tangible benefit to combat scenarios. Them being high value targets bc of that is a fun implication to that mechanic. I think it could add another level of strategy that might be fun to play around as long as the leader benefits weren’t overly powerful
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    Moe1Moe1 Member
    I thought something like this was already mentioned. I believe Steven said there will be a default character appearance for the larger scale battles due to rendering/net code limitations.
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    squeeteesqueetee Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Moe1 wrote: »
    I thought something like this was already mentioned. I believe Steven said there will be a default character appearance for the larger scale battles due to rendering/net code limitations.

    Yea I believe he did say that. For the castle/node sieges at least.
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    *star wars flashbacks intesifies*
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    Is there currently a mechanic to see which enemy is the guild leader?
    This link may help you:

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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Is there currently a mechanic to see which enemy is the guild leader?

    I don't believe so, and I also don't really see the point of having one - or of the suggestion in the OP.

    To me, the guild leader should not be the one running things during a battle - whether PvP or PvE. These two roles have vastly different skill sets.
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    So, if we don't know which is the guild leader, why do they need to be hidden?
    This link may help you:

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    aocjakeaocjake Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited March 2021
    Being that it's only pre-alpha who knows? I'm not sure what mechanics have been decided on yet. But I heard that a guild leader assassination could have potential effects and so I thought if that's the case having a counter to that would be an interesting concept.

    I'm not sure what you mean by the guild leader shouldn't be running things. Are you suggesting they aren't in the battle at all, or just on the sidelines? I was under the impression they would have an active role in battle. And if they have a significant impact on the battle they should be protected, and this is a method of protecting them.
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It would be cool to see Guild Leader assassinations affecting guild reputation or something.

    Extra cool if tank/other classes have more abilities to intercept attacks - so they can actively defend an assassination attempt. Significant people having body guards? I'm just throwing out ideas.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    LyiatLyiat Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    aocjake wrote: »
    Being that it's only alpha 2 who knows?

    We're not even out of Pre-Alpha just yet. Alpha 1 is scheduled for April.

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    SathragoSathrago Member
    edited March 2021
    daveywavey wrote: »
    So, if we don't know which is the guild leader, why do they need to be hidden?

    Because its going to be pretty easy to figure out who is a guild leader with a bit of investigation. Be it their website or finding out by faking to join a guild on an alt. That is if people wanna know and the gm isn't actively keeping it secret.

    But at this point we have to wonder if targeted and repeated ganking of a player is considered "harrassment" or not. I doubt it is since they created the corruption system but who knows these days.

    Now as for the topic of the thread. I think illusions would be great but not as spells cast by players but consumables made as like scrolls or talismans. The higher grade the talisman the harder it is to break the illusion. Perhaps there are some rare items in the game that can see through this illusion up to a certain grade, but have it so that the highest grade illusions are impossible to see through. This will make them insanely expensive so use of them will be for truly important things like infiltrating a guild to figure out the enemy officers or travelling around as a notorious player but wanting to avoid being noticed.

    Could add a unique element to the game for sure.
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