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Nice Collision Detects

perseus01perseus01 Member
edited March 2021 in General Discussion
Great job Intrepid! The new gameplay footage already looks more polished. I can tell you guys have come a long way from previous revisions.
I see you guys are actually taking the advice from the community. It's kind of cool to watch it come together and just watching the improvements from the last 3 Gameplay videos.
It's really inspiring for me to watch as a long time avid gamer and having some html and C+ experience back in high school. I have taken some updated lessons on Udemy. Watching the iterations of gameplay has made me come to realize that I could easily take on a game design degree and graduate with continued aspiration because I know I was apart of something bigger. I hope the people at Intrepid Studios continue to do wonders well after the milestones you are creating now.

May The Code Be With You
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