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Rank Scaling Particle Effects

Hello everyone!
I'm new to the boards but got excited about the game after discovering it recently due to the overall vision, looks and mechanics that are aimed for. As a dedicated Dark Age of Camelot player, this is one of those extremely rare moments of cautious excitement for new MMO's for me.

Anyway, I believe the game already looks visually on point. The graphics seem to be mature yet vibrant and although some animations seem to be somewhat rusty still I can definitely see their potential. Overall I'm genuinely impressed.

I've noticed the skills will work with a 3 tier Rank system which ups the strength of the skill. A feature which I think is definitely a vast improvement over having a static skill that only scales with player stats.

That being said, still to this day I have not found an MMO that actually transfers such a boost in power of an ability to an actual visual update of its particle effects other than Dark Age of Camelot. The reason I love this approach is because it not only allows for players to immerse themselves in the more powerful ability, but also because it helps attentive enemies distinguish the nature of the player they are facing due to making the distinction between the various particle effects of the spells and skill they are hit with.

I was wondering if there were any known plans in this regard, to match the different ranks of skills with more imposing particle effects as they scale?

All the best


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    VmanGmanVmanGman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited March 2021

    That is a really good question, but so far Intrepid have not confirmed if improving abilities with skill points will change the visual effect of the ability. However, as you can see in the mage skills descriptions we have so far the rank 2 fire ball would add a dot and rank 3 will add an AoE effect. I’m sure that those added effects will have a visual representation. Now for example I don’t know if a spell like Gift of the Magi would have an added visual effect since all it does as you rank it up is increase the mana transferred and the efficiency.

    We do know that your secondary archetype ability augments will sometimes/often change the visual effect of your ability.

    Edit: link
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    That's encouraging to hear, also thanks for the link!
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