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Summoners, Mages and summoning players

ShoelidShoelid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
I had an interesting thought about summoners and mages. What if either summoners or mages, as a very limited, ultimate ability, could summon another player? I'm talking about something as rare as a flying mount, available once every 48 hours.

I think it could be a cool flavor ability. It would be rare enough that it wouldn't really change the way the game is played. At the same time, it would add some possibility and depth to the game. It could be used for so much!

If it was rare enough, and the cooldown was long enough, I doubt it would be used to simple assemble your group quickly. I could see the ability usage being sold in advance to the highest bidder, or used as a trump card in world PvP to quickly bring in some backup.



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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Shoelid wrote: »

    Want a PvP trump card? Have your friends be there at the start.

    Want to make some money? Pick up a profession.
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    ShoelidShoelid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Noaani wrote: »
    Shoelid wrote: »

    Want a PvP trump card? Have your friends be there at the start.

    Want to make some money? Pick up a profession.

    I suppose that I just value individual potential over a set of rules that everybody plays by.

    I'm not even interested in the summoner/mage archetypes, but the idea of my guild leader being one-of-three people on the server that's capable of summoning another player seems really cool to me. I'd love to drop everything I'm doing at a moment's notice to warp to my buddy and back him up.

    This isn't a suggestion that I made because it's going to fulfill some role. I just think it would do more good than bad, and allow for some interesting politics and creativity :)
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    MaezrielMaezriel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited March 2021
    @Shoelid wrote:
    I just think it would do more good than bad, and allow for some interesting politics and creativity

    That's where many here will disagree w/ you

    One of the main cornerstone of AoC's difficulty and the size/danger of it's world is in the logistics of getting enough people together in one place at the right time to sway a battle, hold a siege, defend a dungeon, etc.

    Being able to fast travel undermines that in a big way.
    If I said something that you disagree w/ feel free to say so here.
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    Why is this idea so pervasive? Is it because of warlocks in WoW? Another thread already has the same topic:
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    MaezrielMaezriel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    bigepeen wrote: »
    Why is this idea so pervasive? Is it because of warlocks in WoW? Another thread already has the same topic:

    Most modern MMO's (and games TBH) have a ton of fast travel, it makes sense people are on the fence w/ not having it
    If I said something that you disagree w/ feel free to say so here.
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    Maezriel wrote: »
    bigepeen wrote: »
    Why is this idea so pervasive? Is it because of warlocks in WoW? Another thread already has the same topic:

    Most modern MMO's (and games TBH) have a ton of fast travel, it makes sense people are on the fence w/ not having it

    Yeah, I think it's people coming from other modern MMOs, and expecting AoC to be like those. The problem is that those MMOs are largely themeparks where distance is meaningless because everyone can be teleported directly to instanced content.
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    ShoelidShoelid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Did you guys miss when I said "I'm talking about something as rare as a flying mount, available once every 48 hours"? That's what I wanted to talk about...
    Maezriel wrote: »
    One of the main cornerstone of AoC's difficulty and the size/danger of it's world is in the logistics of getting enough people together in one place at the right time to sway a battle, hold a siege, defend a dungeon, etc.

    Being able to fast travel undermines that in a big way.

    I understand that, which is why access to it would be incredibly valuable.

    Even if it's only one person who can be summoned, every other day, it would still be incredibly valuable.

    I'm perfectly fine with AoC's travel time, and would even prefer the family system didn't exist. I'm just interested in the super rare exception to that rule.
    bigepeen wrote: »
    Why is this idea so pervasive? Is it because of warlocks in WoW? Another thread already has the same topic:
    This is hardly the same topic. Yes, this guy is talking about giving specific classes teleportation abilities, but on a completely different scale than what I brought up.

    I'm talking about like, six summons a day for a whole freakin server. Six people can get summoned a day. Depending on population size, most people will never get summoned in their entire time playing the game.

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    edited March 2021
    1. the more rare it is, the more players can exploit it in currency demand and potentially ruin the economy
    2. players would just create alts and utilize the summoning in proxy summons around the maps, even within limitations and conditions, they'll find a way to exploit it to their needs and wants.
    3. there's nothing wrong with your suggestion, it makes good content for community to discuss, debate and understand.
    4. the scientific nodes/metropolises will already have a relatively fast travel between them and their vassels,
    5. bring some supplies, mount up and go PvX :D
    6. they plan for some flight pathing already
    7. family summoning seems like it's going to have some serious exploitation issues from my understanding of it until it is further explained, unless i am missing something

    I posted it in another thread but essentially, you could have a family of up to 8 members apparently which could allow you to have 1-2 family members each in a party or raid, split them up and multiply the size of the raid by 6-7 times if each family has that many participants. This would cause backdooring mechanics that could cause some serious cheese (again, not sure on the full mechanic with design and conditions yet).

    Players will find a way, lol.

    imo, there seems to be lots of traveling mechanics planned in it without adding classes in to the mix.
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    ShoelidShoelid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    imo, there seems to be lots of traveling mechanics planned in it without adding classes in to the mix.

    This is a good point. Adding classes into the mix might be overcomplicating things.
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    Shoelid wrote: »
    imo, there seems to be lots of traveling mechanics planned in it without adding classes in to the mix.

    This is a good point. Adding classes into the mix might be overcomplicating things.

    will need to see more on the planned travelling mechanics :)
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