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Will we be able to turn off pop-up damage numbers?

I've spent the most of my MMO time playing a game that simply did not have any visual damage numbers appearing on-screen, but rather showed me them in a dedicated combat log.

Having the damage numbers pop up during combat is useful to a certain extent, but at the same time I'd love to have the option to simply turn it off as I feel doing so strongly increases the immersion.



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    NchDuNchDu Member
    I agree
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    Totally agree, i dislike the floating numbers. Ive seen it in the devstreams, and the font doesn't look to great for it either which would take me out of immersion even more, although thats probably a placeholder.
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    KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm going to go against the wave here and say I want to see how much damage we are doing. It should be optional for sure. Without a dps meter, I am looking forward to doing my own internal guild measurements to see how I can help tweak rotations or skill uses. I enjoy being able to help guild members improve and this seems to be one of the only ways to do this.
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    Khronus wrote: »
    I'm going to go against the wave here and say I want to see how much damage we are doing. It should be optional for sure. Without a dps meter, I am looking forward to doing my own internal guild measurements to see how I can help tweak rotations or skill uses. I enjoy being able to help guild members improve and this seems to be one of the only ways to do this.

    Oh I agree and I think it should probably be turned on as a standard, but just having the option to turn it off and perhaps even have a dedicated but hidden combat log would be a good addition.
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