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A cosmetic/clothing/armor suggestion from a person who adores that aspect of games

Hello! I came across this game only today and was absolutely smitten with a lot of details of it. However a couple of things seem a bit dated for such a wonderful game to me. Namely the infamous boob plates. It's been said times and times that not only they are unpractical (your chest will cave in from one hit with the help of those sculpted half orbs), they also look painfully lame and there are other ways to "make sure you know it's a woman" such as silhouette or a woman's head sticking out of the armor. I'm begging of you to reconsider that design choice in the year of our lord and savior 2021.

Another thing I saw is that dresses and suits are basically gender locked which I suppose is what most people are used to but I guarantee you there are people who would love to wear a dress or a suit independent on what type of character they play. Some for jokes and some seriously. A few mmos I've played in past years started to introduce non gender locked gear and it was always to a roaring applause from the fanbase (not including hateful people which I hope I do not encounter on this post).

I will be following the release with great attention and wish only the best for Ashes of Creation!<3 (Sorry for any mistakes as English is my second language)


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    WarthWarth Member
    edited March 2021
    ????? They stated since the beginning that there won't be boobplates.

    Also there is no gender locked looks. Its the same armor, just adapted in a minor way

    Get off the Age of Conan wiki and join the Ashes of creation one. You'll be amazed
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    Warth wrote: »
    ????? They stated since the beginning that there won't be boobplates.

    Get off the Age of Conan wiki and join the Ashes of creation one. You'll be amazed

    Am I mistaken that those two are from a week old stream?

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    Warth wrote: »
    ????? They stated since the beginning that there won't be boobplates.

    Also there is no gender locked looks. Its the same armor, just adapted in a minor way

    Get off the Age of Conan wiki and join the Ashes of creation one. You'll be amazed

    no boob plates? but this is supposed to be rated for teens! :D
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    What? Rated for Teens? But TEENS don't even watch things rated for teens, only tweens do that.. Teens watch Adult content. So this game should be Adult rated :)
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    WarthWarth Member
    oh my bad. i thought you refered to the overly exposed/skimpy ones
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    Ostaff wrote: »
    What? Rated for Teens? But TEENS don't even watch things rated for teens, only tweens do that.. Teens watch Adult content. So this game should be Adult rated :)

    technically wow has a teen rating, and look what they're allowed to present, just saying :D
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    Just to make it clear I am not against fun/risque/form fitting outfits. A dress with low neck? Hell yeah! Thigh high boots? Nice! But when lady guards are walking around clinking with their ridiculous looking plates it's the least appealing thing I can think of and I love women.
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    Riessene wrote: »
    Just to make it clear I am not against fun/risque/form fitting outfits. A dress with low neck? Hell yeah! Thigh high boots? Nice! But when lady guards are walking around clinking with their ridiculous looking plates it's the least appealing thing I can think of and I love women.

    it's their body, their choice! lol

    you're right though, there needs be a line drawn somewhere. I was just pointing out what a teen rating is allowed to present by using wow as an example.
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    AlsopAlsop Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Keep in mind that there are many people who want to wear that kind of armor or may like that kind of aesthetic. There is no problem with someone liking or disliking an aspect of the game. But you can't base the whole argument on screenshots of the latest stream because there are not enough sources (besides one of them is leather, not plates). You can check the cosmetics of previous months and you will see that many do not differentiate in gender, some do, but that's ok, you can not use them.

    Look for example July 2019, the clothes are exactly the same for both, this happens also in October 2019, November 2019, March 2020 or September 2020 among others. Then you have some like July 2019 which has slight changes in the shape, or August 2019 which changes completely.
    These are cosmetics that are not even in the game and that will not be in the game for a long time, we are talking about a game that has at least 2 years left to enter beta phase. They have plenty of time to add or modify things that they consider appropriate, but I do not think that this issue right now is a priority, it would be better to focus on the engine, the stability of the server, the gameplay, etc.

    In the end it's a game and you decide what you want to wear. If the community asks for something they will end up putting it. I just hope that the day they decide to make radical changes in aesthetics, they put a public vote in-game to see what the whole community thinks.

    I will end up using mage robes anyway :/

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    Thank you very much for the long answer, Alsop. You actually put my mind at ease a bit (although the leather armor also doesn't have any reason to be like this except for...titillating;'D) . Of course I wouldn't have a problem with different options. I was afraid ALL female armors would be like this because it's sadly a very common occurrence. I'm gonna see what the game will offer in later versions and form my opinion then.

    I was also wondering what do you think about the second part of my post? About fancy suits or dresses also not being gender locked and adjusting to the character figure instead of turning into a completely different piece of clothing.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Riessene wrote: »
    Just to make it clear I am not against fun/risque/form fitting outfits. A dress with low neck? Hell yeah! Thigh high boots? Nice! But when lady guards are walking around clinking with their ridiculous looking plates it's the least appealing thing I can think of and I love women.

    To be fair, the male version of plate armor is just as ridiculous - none of it would actually be practical to wear in a fight.

    It isn't as ridiculous as armor in games like WoW, but it is still ridiculous and impractical.
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    AlsopAlsop Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Riessene wrote: »

    I was also wondering what do you think about the second part of my post? About fancy suits or dresses also not being gender locked and adjusting to the character figure instead of turning into a completely different piece of clothing.

    Its totaly fine to me , if someone wants to just let them do it. But to be clear that means that every single cosmetic on game should get a variaton for every race and gender, that would mean 16 variations of the same cosmetic (is not as easy as it may seem , you can't make the same asset fit 8 different models just pressing a button) .I just hope no one can use dyes(ink/tintures) as in new world where the iron armor could be radioactive light green or a pink color that hurt the eyes, i dont want to see again the team of power ranger tanks.

    On the other side I would like to see race locked cosmetics, like a py`ray dress made out of thorns or a dunir dwarf exclusive armor.
    Noaani wrote: »
    To be fair, the male version of plate armor is just as ridiculous - none of it would actually be practical to wear in a fight.

    It isn't as ridiculous as armor in games like WoW, but it is still ridiculous and impractical.

    Imagine a dwarf with the Ward of the Implacable outfit from January. i think i will stick to mage robes on this game.
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    Outfit designs are only over sexualized and perverse if purposely designed that way from inspired pieces AND perceived that way by the onlookers. Everyone has their own perspectives and tastes in the matter.

    It really comes down to collective thinking based on societies manipulations of what classifies what to be the way people SHOULD perceive it as.

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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Something to potentially consider with "Boob plates". I do agree that they are historically lame, but you can not deny their place in fantasy art. It has been around for a long time. In the grand scheme of world history, it may not make sense, but as far as the history of modern fantasy. "Boob plates" are a part of the aesthetic that have been around since the 70s and 80s. I have a stack of "Dragon Magazines" to prove it.

    Another consideration in favor of boob plate is that "IF" we get a "Boob Slider" at character creation. People will MAX that slider out. Armor that has room to accommodate the geometry of such extreme anatomy might be easier to implement.

    These two ideas might explain why we have seen so much "Boob plates" in the past. Personally I don't mind it. I think it is kind of essential to the "Dark Elf" Aesthetic (assuming it exists in AOC).


    It seems like this months cosmetic almost has it. Hard to tell? I have put one hand over the screen and looked at the other over and over. I still think the right one has it going slightly.

    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    females do have pectoral muscles behind "boobs". If boobs are over sexualized, then so are pectorals.

    And to be fair, many cultures in human history did not always allow or prefer females to participate in combat nor create an abundance of chest plating from blacksmithing and leatherworking.

    Plate armouring was not that common for the community. It was for their higher ranked and selectively equipped based on combat strategy

    So yes, it is more of a fantasy aesthetic than anything else.
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    Why is always someone saying ''boob armor is not practical'' thats such a stupid comment in a high fantasy game. For me? I dont care if SOME armor types are more revealing and other not, it doesnt disturb me and if someone wants to run around with less clothes, go for it.
    Its such a High Fantasy game you eat a f**** Meteor made of pure Fire and just loose some Hp. so what type of Armor is ''practical'' at this point ? its not a realistic game and nobody should give a duck about something like that.
    There shouldnt be Boobarmor ONLY but you dont have to hide the Womans Body either thats just wrong.
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    CypherCypher Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Izzetin wrote: »
    Why is always someone saying ''boob armor is not practical'' thats such a stupid comment in a high fantasy game. For me? I dont care if SOME armor types are more revealing and other not, it doesnt disturb me and if someone wants to run around with less clothes, go for it.
    Its such a High Fantasy game you eat a f**** Meteor made of pure Fire and just loose some Hp. so what type of Armor is ''practical'' at this point ? its not a realistic game and nobody should give a duck about something like that.
    There shouldnt be Boobarmor ONLY but you dont have to hide the Womans Body either thats just wrong.

    Thank you!
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