Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Community driven feeling VS Flying Mounts

As a continue to see more coming out about AoC I am constantly becoming more excited for this game to come out. Unfortunately their is one concern I just can not shake out of my head and would love to get others take on. How are Flying mounts not going to take away from the community driven feeling we are promised? Some of you might be confused how one has to do with the other but I ensure you that the impact is real. As players start getting access to flying mount you start to not only lose the feeling of population out side of towns but also the random interaction (good and bad) that come with it. Interaction that end up developing relationships, reputation and inspiration.
Would love to get others thoughts on this.
Would love to get others thoughts on this.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
They only ruin games when developers give players the ability to travel in three dimensions in a game with content that is in two dimensions.
Flying mounts aren't the issue here, developers giving players access to massive areas without content is the issue.
This makes sense to me!
I cannot imagine a world the size of Verra with quality vertical content. But it's a really good opportunity for a future expansion.
Aion had "3D Dimensional" content. Which was a novelty at best. That game did not end up doing so hot in the long run if I recall.
In regards to Ashes, I would rather them focus on the seas for any 3D content.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Yeah, Aion tried.
It didn't do a good job, but it tried.
Its an interesting counterpoint about sea based content. Assuming they have enemies at multiple depths, there is no reason why this could work and aerial based combat couldn't.
Not for Ashes - totally agree there (I like the idea that flight in Ashes is a thing, but is rare). I am more against the tarnishing of flight in fantasy MMO's as always being the same negative that it was in WoW.
It's time you go read up on AoC. You clearly don't know enough to have such strong opinions. The flying mounts have a very distinct role in this game.
Edit: quote
I would agree with this, I don't feel it is a wasted mechanic in the slightest. To me, they feel like a stature/nobility display more than anything. I think the rarity of them alone will have a big impact on the culture of the game and community. I'm all for the implementation of this mechanic.
♥ In The Name Of Venus, I'll Punish You! ♥
I spent some time looking for more info on the flying mounts before I posted but really did not have luck. That is WHY I posted about it. Needed more info.
Thank you! That was all I was looking for, Now I am at 100% going to playing. (from the 99% I was at)
Welcome to the community. You will find most of what we now so far on the wiki or
Both are community run.
You can definitely lose more than a few hours of your day on those wikis... be careful.
♥ In The Name Of Venus, I'll Punish You! ♥
I can't see any world in which a person was looking for information on flying mounts in Ashes and missed that.
If you didn't bother looking it up, just say so.
I was only looking on the forums for the info and by some time I meant about 30 mins of reading threads. Do not get why you let my post eat at you like that. sorry?
also would like to thank anyone that was helpful and did not get all bent.
Aion did try!
Yeah, flying mounts just ruin world PvP, and make world activity's a joke. Even Blizzard understands this, and have made steps to trying to address it (war mode, waiting to allow flying in new zones), but the genie is kind of out of the bottle for WOW. I bet if blizzard made another MMO they would be much more carful about flying mounts as all MMOs should be moving forward. Having a handful of people that have flying mounts always seemed epic AF back in L2.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Limiting flying gives prestige. Simple.
There can be only around 10 players per 50000 player servers that can fly.
I am hopeful that there is a way to shoot them out of the sky, I want my prize
Hopefully they all do not run around with their wings expanded the entire time like the avian ones that were displayed in early alpha footage. Their design allows them to be tucked with the body when on the ground.
They look silly from the early alpha footage like that, lol (I'm assuming it's a WIP).
Additionally, the flight limitation helps prevent the abuse of exploration through the fog of war with them.
Forums are a place for discussion, not to look up specific information on the game.