Player driven economics.

I believe that processors will be most in demand supply-chain function.

I believe that If they work it right they would be hands-down the wealthiest players.

It just seems so boring.

Anyone got any other ideas?

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  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited March 2021
    As long as one character can only perform well at 1 profession we are good.
    Personally I dont care to stay indoors.
    I hope to have a profession tied to combat activities, that requires harvesting mats from fallen mobs/bosses.

    Raw materials are always a good source of income if finding them is challenging.
    I would have fun with that.
  • Hey @George Black

    Yah, this "I dont care to stay indoors.

    When we know more about consumables it might change my perspective. High end potions sell during season!

    The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

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  • I'm expecting that most people will want to be the Crafters, cos they're the ones who end up making the actual items, and that's the cool bit. Given that Processing feeds that, it's possible they'll be the most in demand, but the Gatherers feed Processing. You can't really have one without the others.
    This link may help you:

  • MaezrielMaezriel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    daveywavey wrote: »
    I'm expecting that most people will want to be the Crafters, cos they're the ones who end up making the actual items, and that's the cool bit. Given that Processing feeds that, it's possible they'll be the most in demand, but the Gatherers feed Processing. You can't really have one without the others.

    I do think processors will be in the best position though since most people starting a new character tend to default to gathering professions to make some quick gold

    If a lot of people are content w/ just tossing cheap mats up processors will be able to buy them and dictate the price towards crafting.
    If I said something that you disagree w/ feel free to say so here.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited March 2021
    I personally think gatherers will be people that are more interested in going out and killing things, but want to be involved in the crafting system.

    Crafters will be people that started it to make gear for themselves/their friends.

    Processors will be people that put some thought in to it, and see that as being where the money is - along with transporting the materials both before and after processing.

    Based on that last point about transport, I can also see PvP focused guilds being heavily involved in processing.
  • Maezriel wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    I'm expecting that most people will want to be the Crafters, cos they're the ones who end up making the actual items, and that's the cool bit. Given that Processing feeds that, it's possible they'll be the most in demand, but the Gatherers feed Processing. You can't really have one without the others.

    I do think processors will be in the best position though since most people starting a new character tend to default to gathering professions to make some quick gold

    If a lot of people are content w/ just tossing cheap mats up processors will be able to buy them and dictate the price towards crafting.

    That's a fair point. Hadn't considered it from the new player perspective.
    This link may help you:

  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    They might be the cheapest if their job is the easiest. People could create alts to process their own materials if it's worth it.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • Sup @maouw
    "People could create alts to process their own materials if it's worth it."

    Very good point. I thought about this approach to the artisan system. I like it because it would give me the chance to experience every step of the process.

    I think this method would increase the value of gameplay. + I am going to have alts...why not and of course I would plan their artisan professions to be a lego-locked step ladder.

    If I understand the info we have so far this plan would still require a player to use the caravan system?

    Right? You can't just mail mats to your alts?

    Anyone got this?

    The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

    [NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!

    If you want in, send me a message!
  • WarthWarth Member
    PoliceGirl wrote: »
    Sup @maouw
    "People could create alts to process their own materials if it's worth it."

    Very good point. I thought about this approach to the artisan system. I like it because it would give me the chance to experience every step of the process.

    I think this method would increase the value of gameplay. + I am going to have alts...why not and of course I would plan their artisan professions to be a lego-locked step ladder.

    If I understand the info we have so far this plan would still require a player to use the caravan system?

    Right? You can't just mail mats to your alts?

    Anyone got this?

    @PoliceGirl you can retrieve the items from the same location on either character.
    You can't mail them.
  • Warth wrote: »
    PoliceGirl wrote: »
    Sup @maouw
    "People could create alts to process their own materials if it's worth it."

    Very good point. I thought about this approach to the artisan system. I like it because it would give me the chance to experience every step of the process.

    I think this method would increase the value of gameplay. + I am going to have alts...why not and of course I would plan their artisan professions to be a lego-locked step ladder.

    If I understand the info we have so far this plan would still require a player to use the caravan system?

    Right? You can't just mail mats to your alts?

    Anyone got this?

    @PoliceGirl you can retrieve the items from the same location on either character.
    You can't mail them.

    Aight...are you saying that the "alt crafting ladder" can bypass the caravan system?

    The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

    [NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!

    If you want in, send me a message!
  • you'll need to transfer aw materials with mayoral caravans(questing) from proxy to node, node to node, node to proxy etc flagging for PvP conflict which aids in the pvp rewards of the season.

    Players who destroy the caravans will get certificates that they can cash in with (so there is more risk towards the defenders to be successful)

    Hence the term I use as resource raids

    There is a lot less risk and costs towards processing and crafting as they'll be in their nodes. But, if working together as a guild, you'll want and hopefully have people in each artisan or partnerships with other guilds who focus specifically in different supply and demands mechanics.

    The caravans are a core mechanic for this reason that should not be taken lightly. Created points of interest and conflict in the open world pvp.

    As all items will break permanently at some point, there is a need to continue this process of resource raiding, not only for gear, but node development.

    Resources will have a decay mechanic, so there will not be much incentive stacking resources you dont intend to use giving too much power to nodes and guilds as it will waste if not used, traded, transported.

    Best in slot items from the world are on par with crafted items, so players can farm the PvE side of the game.

    They're trying to find ways to balance their player driven economy for guilds/players who prefer different content.

    If everything was player crafted for a game designed like this, it would cause an imbalance in economy and node power.

    All roles will be just as important. I just hope the artisan side is not too basic and fast based in terms of crafting time.

    That's my understanding of it so far! :)

  • Hey @Enigmatic Sage

    That's very well thought out.

    When you say "you'll need to transfer aw materials with mayoral caravans(questing) from proxy to node," what do you mean by "proxy?"

    My hours scouring the wiki did not show this "Resources will have a decay mechanic" Would you point me in the right direction to learn more? Or just explain it?

    And...I will now always think of attacking caravans as resource raids. When I read that my perspective changed instantly. Nicely done.

    The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

    [NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!

    If you want in, send me a message!
  • PoliceGirl wrote: »
    Warth wrote: »
    PoliceGirl wrote: »
    Sup @maouw
    "People could create alts to process their own materials if it's worth it."

    Very good point. I thought about this approach to the artisan system. I like it because it would give me the chance to experience every step of the process.

    I think this method would increase the value of gameplay. + I am going to have alts...why not and of course I would plan their artisan professions to be a lego-locked step ladder.

    If I understand the info we have so far this plan would still require a player to use the caravan system?

    Right? You can't just mail mats to your alts?

    Anyone got this?

    @PoliceGirl you can retrieve the items from the same location on either character.
    You can't mail them.

    Aight...are you saying that the "alt crafting ladder" can bypass the caravan system?

    Get the stuff you need.
    Pass them to a friend.
    Change characters.
    Friend gives them back.
    This link may help you:

  • edited March 2021

    so a proxy in this scenario would refer to a location outside of the node where the resources you are gathering would be able to be loaded into a caravan by being able to construct said caravan to start transferring back to the node. Since you can build caravans at a node, you'd want to be able to construct them from resource location.

    In regards to decaying,
    Materials would have an expiration date, where they would become unusable past the decay mechanics. They have warehouse mechanics as well where you'd be able to store larger quantities as well until needed. The rate of this decay is still unknown as I imagine it would be tested, discussed and balanced to some degree.


    "There will be item decay and other ways to combat inflation.[5]"
  • MaupMaup Member
    Gathering is always the first choice for most people due to it being "easier" in comparison to do a processor skill. I do think processors will be more wealthier than gatherers. However it all depends on what people will stick to.

    I really hope you will only be effective in 1 skill therefor people will have to work together and prices will balance out.

    Didn't Steven say that crafting will be split up in sections? Like the processor part is split up in lets say 3 sub components which requires 3 players to work together for result. Anyone could shed some light on this part?
      Just a HYPED man
      If you have any questions feel free message me
    • edited March 2021
      as an example:
      organics would have a faster decay rate vs inorganic decay rate


      maybe biomes, weather and seasons could play a role in decay rates giving incentives to go to different biomes
    • WhitneyHagasMatsumotoWhitneyHagasMatsumoto Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
      As someone who dreams of becoming a master crafter in the Verra world, and who loves making things in the real world, let me give you my personal take!

      First of all, Gather is filled with the excitement of exploring the world and acquiring resources.
      As the final step in the manufacturing process, crafters can feel the joy of delivering products directly to the end user.

      In this respect, PROCESSOR is an intermediate process, and not a glamorous one.
      However, their work is always necessary.

      There are few things more precious than being able to engage with pride in a job that many people don't want to do or don't care to do! <3

      In that sense, I feel the Master Processor will come in very handy! ;)
    • Sup @WhitneyHagasMatsumoto san.

      I like the way you write.

      Peace out.

      The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

      [NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!

      If you want in, send me a message!
    • It's worth mentioning that you will be limited to 1 freehold/account. Your skills can be different between your toons - but your ability to drop different processors on your Freehold will not.

      It's possible that you might change processors, but then there may be a cool-down period - such as when changing guilds or Node residences. Probably most crafters will do *some* of their own gathering and processing - just not ALL of it.

      Also, unless processing is a semi-intense activity, it seems like this aspect of the economy should be just fine - and it doesn't give such a sense, at this point in development.

    • Sup @Tyranthraxus !

      "It's worth mentioning that you will be limited to 1 freehold/account. Your skills can be different between your toons - but your ability to drop different processors on your Freehold will not."

      Right, that does seem to be the gate keeper in my alt-step ladder approach to crafting. I'm glad you pointed that out so I can stop thinking about it!

      The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

      [NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!

      If you want in, send me a message!
    • AlsopAlsop Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
      edited March 2021
      Just some pointers.

      1- You can only get 1 character per server per account. So, for a second character on the same server you will need a second account and a second subscription (I'm not entirely sure about this but I remember hearing it on an intrepid stream from several months ago.).

      2- SInce procesing and crafting are both tied to taxes (both a crafting tax and a selling tax) on the end gathering is the most profitable one (despite being the most risky and the one that needs the most work).and this will be much more evident the more mastery the gatherer has since he will end up wasting less time on more profitable resources and as you cannot drop all your inventory when dying gathering will mean plain profit allways.

      3-We still do not know how repairing will work, we dont know if it will be a service provided by the game and you only need resources, or you will need a proceser/crafter you can trust.

      4-Consumables starts as the branch with less profit but remains more stable due to constant consumption so it is generally the best branch to get constant profit with a good market outflow that allows you to keep buying materials fast in order to increase your crafting level. They are also less popular so there is less competence at the beginning, especially with cooking.In my experience it is the second best crafting branch loosing only to enchantments (but leveling enchantments is expensive, very expensive, so much so that leveling without having a stable source of income is suicide).

      5- Coca-cola still better than Pepsi.
      But DrPepper beat them all (dont tell cocacola, they will stop sending me burn)
    • Sup @Alsop

      Hey thanks for that.

      You said "You can only get 1 character per server per account."

      That from the wiki? I might have missed it.

      Your other points are important to consider also.


      The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

      [NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!

      If you want in, send me a message!
    • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
      Alts are a thing.
      You only get one free hold per account.
      Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
    • PoliceGirlPoliceGirl Member
      edited March 2021
      Alts are a thing.
      You only get one free hold per account.

      Right. Do we know how many alts per account?

      The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

      [NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!

      If you want in, send me a message!
    • From the wiki:
      Warehouses may enable a player to transfer non-material goods between alts. This excludes resources, materials or anything that relies on the caravan system.

      I’ll be happy if they keep this. Alt crafting ladder is undesirable for the community aspect of the game.
    • PoliceGirl wrote: »
      Sup @Tyranthraxus !

      "It's worth mentioning that you will be limited to 1 freehold/account. Your skills can be different between your toons - but your ability to drop different processors on your Freehold will not."

      Right, that does seem to be the gate keeper in my alt-step ladder approach to crafting. I'm glad you pointed that out so I can stop thinking about it!

      Get some friends from your guild to put their freeholds next to yours. You each choose a different processing station for your freeholds. You've just made your own mini-village of processing stations that you can all use.

      This link may help you:

    • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
      PoliceGirl wrote: »
      Alts are a thing.
      You only get one free hold per account.

      Right. Do we know how many alts per account?

      They said a comfortable amount.
      Speculation is 8 based on the 8 archetypes.
      Don't think they gave a solid answer yet. But maybe and I missed it.
      Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
    • @bloodprophet

      Ok! Thank you. I sure hope they feel 8 is comfortable. I do!

      The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!

      [NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!

      If you want in, send me a message!
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