Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Which is perfectly fine.
There are a couple of games on the market I'd never consider playing (again). One of them being FFXIV. Instead of crying on their boards, asking them to change the game, i simply go and play games that fit me better.
AoC doesn't need to attract everybody. Its perfectly fine that both far ends of the carebear-griefer spectrum aren't interested in the game due to their Open World PVP/Corruption design decision.
Better stop with this sarcastic posts or steven will think it s true and change his mind and remove open world pvp ahahah
Well, since 'any' also means 'too much' for a lot of people, I see your point.
Yours truly is quite glad that AoC will feature some owPvP options.
Keeping the "riff-raff" out by simple game design.
If you think new player views on the corruption system are a fun read now ... just wait until launch.
Anyway, if you're worried about PvP, I recommend following Immanuel Kant's theory of punishment.
In simple terms, it means: "Crush those who only cause trouble for everyone."
Players who abuse PvP will find out firsthand in the world of Verra what the consequences are.
The great men of the past have provided us with guidelines for action, so feel free to follow them.
While obviously sarcasm (and appreciated as such), I feel I should point out that if a game does come out that has the passion, commitment and experience of Intrepid, but puts a focus on top end raid and group content, and implements that in a game that has some form of system to give players a reason to care about hundreds and/or thousands of other players as opposed to just the players in their guild (as Ashes node system is doing), the game will be successful.
That game will not be Ashes, but it will be successful, regardless.
What won't be successful is just another game that puts raids in a world and makes it so you only need to concern yourself with your guild.
But the flagging system does make you care about players outside of your guild as they can impact the resources you gain from the open world. If you don't care about members outside of your guild, there is an increased chance they will get in your way. Even if it's competitive and not cooperative, you should care about the people around you, be aware of their goals and what they are capable of.
Yeah, the flagging system in Ashes is another system that sees players care about other players.
It doesn't make you care about thousands of players at a time though, which is what massively multiplayer games should strive for.
I'm not even specifically saying that the game that I was talking about above that is focusing on top end content can't also have PvP in it. It absolutely could.
I'm more getting at the point that there are actual hundreds of thousands of MMO players out there that want a new generation MMO where they can raid - and while that is not Ashes, a game that does allow for it with the stipulations above will be successful.
This would be an interesting thing to talk about because as much as I love debating against people who say something is impossible, I see this as difficult and possibly impossible depending on what you mean by care. I just don't think it's possible for a single person to form that many connections on a micro level and on a macro level, not only do I debate how much it should be considered caring, it's hard for me to picture the system making you care more about the people than the reward. We see this in every multiplayer game where most people seem to care more about the loot they get from a dungeon/raid or winning the match than the people who they are working with for it.
It makes sense, we do these things for those end goals but I wonder how a reward structure would encourage people to care about those they play with.
That said, hopefully, someone can show me what I can't see.
People in that metropolis will have things they want built, things they want to do. As mayor, it is your job to try and get as many of those people as much of what they want as possible.
While you may not be caring about each individual player, you are caring about them as a collective.
Then imagine you are just a citizen of that node. You have built up an industry around the node, you have property, you are heavily invested in that node. You know that the other citizens of the node are what is both keeping that node - and thus your investments - running, and if the node is sieges, they are who will fight for you - and you will fight for them.
I'm not talking about caring about people in the way you would say hello to a guild member that logs on. I'm not even saying you would care about them as individuals at all. I am saying you would care about the collective - something no MMO has ever actually managed to do other than caring about your guild and it's allies.
if you don't like pvp and are afraid of getting ganked then just get yourself a pve based game apparently AoC is not for you
Oh, no, I have a much better way to feed you. Ill just send some arrows with food on them! (Please ignore the smell and toxic waste label, I dont know how to remove them)