Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Tavern Wish List

I plan on spending a good amount of time in my own tavern. That being said I figured I would put out a simple "wouldn't it be nice" list. And see if anyone else wanted to throw out an idea or two.
Dim-able lights. I know cosmetics are used to change the look of a tavern but lights change the atmosphere. Lots of lights for a wedding party or low lights for poetry night. I know this is minor but its the little things that give a world life.
Control over voice chat. Having VOIP in taverns is great but I truly hope the tavern owner can mute people that abuse the system.
Family summons to taverns. I know this one has been mentioned other places and I think its a great way to bring people to local taverns. And where does every group start off in a great adventures? That being said it would be horrible if a group couldn't tackle a world boss because there was no tavern near by, so this may not work.
Changeable skins/gender/races for npc bartenders in player run taverns. kinda basic. Maybe custom greetings or messages?
Buying though bartender proxy. It has been said that you can sell things such as prepared food though the tavern NPC. But it would be nice if I could load an amount of gold into them and allow them to buy things from customers such as ingredients for cooking.
Sign/billboard. Be nice to be able to put up a sign on your building with the name of your tavern. Or even rent billboard space to other players.
Music. I know custom play lists are not going to be a thing. I actually prefer that. But 5 or 6 different pub scores from something light and bouncy to celebrate the death of a world boss, to something dark and somber for refugees who just lost their node would be nice.
These are just a few quick ideas. AoC seems to bringing back the importance of community in the MMO genre. And I for one hope taverns play a big role in that.
Dim-able lights. I know cosmetics are used to change the look of a tavern but lights change the atmosphere. Lots of lights for a wedding party or low lights for poetry night. I know this is minor but its the little things that give a world life.
Control over voice chat. Having VOIP in taverns is great but I truly hope the tavern owner can mute people that abuse the system.
Family summons to taverns. I know this one has been mentioned other places and I think its a great way to bring people to local taverns. And where does every group start off in a great adventures? That being said it would be horrible if a group couldn't tackle a world boss because there was no tavern near by, so this may not work.
Changeable skins/gender/races for npc bartenders in player run taverns. kinda basic. Maybe custom greetings or messages?
Buying though bartender proxy. It has been said that you can sell things such as prepared food though the tavern NPC. But it would be nice if I could load an amount of gold into them and allow them to buy things from customers such as ingredients for cooking.
Sign/billboard. Be nice to be able to put up a sign on your building with the name of your tavern. Or even rent billboard space to other players.
Music. I know custom play lists are not going to be a thing. I actually prefer that. But 5 or 6 different pub scores from something light and bouncy to celebrate the death of a world boss, to something dark and somber for refugees who just lost their node would be nice.
These are just a few quick ideas. AoC seems to bringing back the importance of community in the MMO genre. And I for one hope taverns play a big role in that.
♥ In The Name Of Venus, I'll Punish You! ♥
To be honest I'm all for it.
Yeah I have a feeling Bards would be a fan of this addition.
"Congratulations to the newly weds Johnny and Jane! Tab's open for wedding guests so come on over to the counter and place your order!"
a way they could do "dimmable lights", they could have candle(s) around the tavern and have a degree of lighting based on the number of lit candles in the tavern.
In example:
level 0 = 0%
level 1 = 33%
level 2 = 67%
level 3 = 100%
additionally, they could do something similar with chandeliers light radius with the number of candles lit on them.
unless the lighting source is magic, then that would be an option for dimmable lighting based off that.
candles, torches, lanterns, ember pits/fire place lots of aesthetics to choose from
I personally dont want to listen to people screaming and being obnoxious. Not saying everyone will.. but, well, you know how online gaming can be with peoples choices of words, noises, mic levels and music spam (dmca and streaming site) etc.
It's why I am leaning towards to a guild/group/party/raid where it can be controlled amongst an invite/join mechanic with proximity/decibel cap
especially for a game with an intent for teen rating focus
Maybe a drink game against other players like AC vahalla
This seems like a good way to control the lights that keeps it thematic.
Yeah this is one of my bigger worries. Anybody who has played Call of Duty knows what trash people are willing to spew. I'm sure there will be a mute and a block function though. So maybe that will be enough.
I don't even think you need the NPC a tavern will still be your freehold maybe you can ban access though that system? I do love the idea of being able to set a timer however. I would abuse it though and I admit it. "What do you mean our node sucks? 10 min ban for you!"
I'd like VOIP to be location based around the bar so that you can have one big conversation at the bar or more private conversations in booths or huddled around individual tables. If the tavern is segregated into different sections then anyone in the same section should be able to listen in, with whatever privacy or espionage that permits. The Tavern Owner should have the options to set up the VOIP areas. A stage area may be heard all over the Tavern, whereas booths should be more private. Maybe the booths can be set to receive the stage area at half volume?
I'd like an axe throwing game where a junior member of the bar staff gets tied to a spinning target. It doesn't need any rules, just let the players decide when the NPC needs healing. What could possibly go wrong? ("I just can't get the staff anymore, I'm not sure why no one applies?"). This game play area should be a single VOIP zone.
Some time after release, add an unlockable PvP Battle Royale event that falls under the description "Bar room brawl". The Tavern Owner will need to obtain a barrel of "Special Brew", which is processed from rare ingredients and represents a considerable achievement taking several weeks. The barrel must be used for one night only. Contestants will need to have drunk enough (2 tankards?) of the "Special Brew" before midnight when the Brawl starts, otherwise they will be turfed out and locked out of the Tavern until after the battle. Players displays may be visually impaired to represent their state of drunkenness. Remove weapons, spells and abilities for the duration of this event and limit the players to using punches, kicks, grapples, bottles and whatever (highly breakable) furniture they can lay their hands on. When you are rendered unconscious then you black out until after the event. Rewards for the event may include a missing tooth cosmetic, blackeye cosmetic, broken nose cosmetic, cauliflower ear cosmetic, etc. Most of all it would be for bragging rights. Let the Tavern Owner record "CCTV footage" from fixed positions inside the establishment for marketing purposes.
NPC bouncer wanders over and puts a bucket on your head for 10 mins
Hehe, with great power comes great responsibility!
You might get lucky and get yourself a tavern in a city, rather than on your own freehold. So, you'd still want some way of controlling the plebs, erm patrons. "YER BARRED, MATE!"
perhaps a way to advertise the card games, tournaments via the use of themed banners for said events to draw in more patrons
ways to add more personalization to your tavern by said banners, signs out front, town crier with a proximity voice command from a selection of pre-determined commands for said events hosted at the tavern.
I actually plan to stay away from owning a city tavern. Don't get me wrong they will do the best business I'm sure. But in AoC you have to count on your node being lost at some point. And moving to a new node and getting another freehold seems a lot easier than trying to find another node with a tavern up for sell in the city.
But I do agree taverns in general will need some kind of way of handling trouble makers. But I'll just have to trust that to Steven Sharif, He's basically Elon Musk of MMOs I'm sure he has an idea or two. Haha
All Great ideas, businesses have advertising budgets for a reason. I like the idea of running down the road and seeing a game tournament at a local bar and you just so happen to hold said title in your homeland, so your going to show these Kaelar what it means to play.
in a way, having your tavern as more of a proxy could be quite lucrative to adventures of friends and foes a-like!
from non-combatants and combatants a-like looking for a relatively safe place to log at an inn, artisans gathering resources, crafting locations via forges and lumbermills, shrines, prime real-estate for farming near water. There is a lot of potential for success on your own freehold node outside of the city nodes.
plus those very attractive exclusive cosmetics that could lure in the right crowd for a number of reasons
Codenames - Basically became an instant classic and with VoIP I see this one being a very easy favorite.
Lost Cities - Great simple 2 player game, Few rules, few components, great risk/reward gameplay.
Resistance/Avalon - Great social deduction game for 5-10 players. Think Among us but with more talking.
Love Letter - Micro game, like 15 cards, 2-4 players, draw a card play a card ruleset. But I cant count the amount of times I have played.
Qwirkle - Dominoes but with colors and shapes super simple super competitive.
Ticket to ride - easy to grasp simple rules, very competitive rewards planning and also has a risk vs reward system.
I could be here all day just listing games to be honest, But common theme, Simple games, More rules doesn't mean more fun.
Few Components, After teaching hundreds of games to thousands of people I have found people wont even learn a game if they think it looks to complicated.
Dex based games..ehh. I know games like Darts are a classic "bar game" but has anyone ever played virtual darts and really enjoyed it? the only exception to this may be a game like Crokinole or "Canadian finger pool" as I call it cuz the names to hard. Feel free to add to the list with games you think would fit.
Very True, was thinking of making a dwarven tavern called "the bedrock" in the mountains just to sell to miners seemed like a great option for a proximity based food buff after all. But in the end I really wanted to go freehold for that "safe harbor" feel outside of a city.
H-Have you been browsing my board game shelf? I swear I locked the doors...
That's a pretty great selection if I do say so myself
I'm pretty sure Steven is cooking up something special for Tavern games with Bacon.
But it's probably top secret, with hints dropped here and there.
Lost some good friends playing Liar's Dice. lol