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What do people think about a whimsical pastel Voyager Plus Pack?

Hello everyone! I am very excited for this game, and I would love to buy a pack, and really like that name reservation in the Voyager Plus. But I am not that happy with the cosmetics at all. I would love to see a pack with the cosmetics being whimsical and fun. Something with pastels and long flowing bits maybe? Less deadly warrior and more magical princess? Please leave any comments you have on this idea!


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    So the Prickly Pollywog and Wisp Whelk from last August isn't pastel, whimsical, and fun?
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    So the Prickly Pollywog and Wisp Whelk from last August isn't pastel, whimsical, and fun?

    I was not around for that. I wish I would have been!
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    The dream one was rather whimsical, was a cool pet. Gonna laugh though if the art team do a pastel long flowery Orc set.
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    RyanTheSirenRyanTheSiren Member
    edited March 2021
    YES yes PLEASE we need a pretty, flowy, fairy-elven-princess-flowery pack

    We have sooooooo many edgy, darker packs, and very masculine and brutish packs. Februaries was like the first delicate/princess-y pack in a while but still felt super empirical in the entirety of the pack.

    Would love a Whimsical Pastel pack for Spring :) Faerie princess themed!

    Flowing delicate dress/robe with ornate foral adorments and flowers in the hair, the accessory could be a back accessory that's a pair of woven or glass fairy wings, the mount and pet could be a mystical faerie creature. Freehold building could be a Faerie pond or grotto, Caravan could be a big flower being pulled by faerie creatures, etc.
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    YES yes PLEASE we need a pretty, flowy, fairy-elven-princess-flowery pack

    We have sooooooo many edgy, darker packs, and very masculine and brutish packs. Februaries was like the first delicate/princess-y pack in a while but still felt super empirical in the entirety of the pack.

    Would love a Whimsical Pastel pack for Spring :) Faerie princess themed!

    Flowing delicate dress/robe with ornate foral adorments and flowers in the hair, the accessory could be a back accessory that's a pair of woven or glass fairy wings, the mount and pet could be a mystical faerie creature. Freehold building could be a Faerie pond or grotto, Caravan could be a big flower being pulled by faerie creatures, etc.

    Yes to all of this! Faerie Princess is just what I had in mind! And I did not bring up wings as I do not know if that is a cosmetic that exist... But if so, pastel butterfly wings please!!!
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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    There have been some whimsical parts of sets in the past. Normally the armor is not so whimsical, but some of the pets and mounts for sure can be(IMO).

    What is funny is that you will see people saying they wish there were more dark and serious packs and less whimsical packs as well.

    It is all a matter of taste and prospective I guess.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    What is funny is that you will see people saying they wish there were more dark and serious packs and less whimsical packs as well.

    Except we've had TONS of those and...1 pretty dress pack? Maybe 2?
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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Except we've had TONS of those and...1 pretty dress pack? Maybe 2?

    Other peoples words not mine.

    I want everyone to eventually be able to get something they are happy with. It is better for the health of the game if that happens.

    This dress was not pretty?
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    So the Prickly Pollywog and Wisp Whelk from last August isn't pastel, whimsical, and fun?

    I was not around for that. I wish I would have been!

    Well, maybe thread title should say: “What do people think about more whimsical pastel Voyager Plus Packs?”

    You being unhappy doesn’t mean Intrepid totally forgot about those cosmetic styles.
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    So the Prickly Pollywog and Wisp Whelk from last August isn't pastel, whimsical, and fun?

    I was not around for that. I wish I would have been!

    Well, maybe thread title should say: “What do people think about more whimsical pastel Voyager Plus Packs?”

    You being unhappy doesn’t mean Intrepid totally forgot about those cosmetic styles.

    I was in no way in here talking crap on Interepid. I said something about it on discord in passing and someone said they have seen a lot of talk about it and I should make a post. So here I am. Also, that is not fully what I am talking about. I still like it though.
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    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    Except we've had TONS of those and...1 pretty dress pack? Maybe 2?

    Other peoples words not mine.

    I want everyone to eventually be able to get something they are happy with. It is better for the health of the game if that happens.

    This dress was not pretty?

    I think that dress is very pretty. But I think it is more elegant and sexy than whimsical and cute.
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