I am looking for Guild (EST)

JultanixJultanix Member
edited March 2021 in NA Guild Recruitment
First off, I will talk about my gaming experience;

I am an avid gamer. I have played since the early nintendo days and have owned all major consoles. My first serious PC game was Starcraft 1 and have reached Diamond solo league / Master team league in Starcraft 2. I have experience as a raid leader playing world of warcraft and also have experience in the top guild on the server I was in at the time (did not raid lead in #1 guild on thrall). I have played most mmo's and don't mind being a backup leader if needed but I prefer to let others take charge until I know the game mechanics better. Another game I played alot of is Elder's Scrolls online for PS4. I have gotten the Flawless Conqueror title on 3 different character classes while it was still hard for people to achieve on any character. Overall, I would say I set pretty high standards for myself in games I play. Lately, I have gotten rather bored and play casual games like Warframe and am looking for a new game to invest all my time into. I am really hoping for ashes of creation to re ignite my passion playing a true mmo.

A little about me;

I live in Canada. Apart from video games, I play guitar and have played some DND in the past with friends. The only anime I enjoyed watching were YuYu Hakusho and Dragon Ball Z from back in the day so I am not big on watching anime. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder during college which is why I have so much time to play mmo games. I don't have to work because of my condition but still choose to from time to time. I just bought myself a new pc last month to prepare for ashes of creation. As long as I get my 8 hour sleep and eat well, I am able to accomplish pretty much any goal I set for myself. I am 34 yrs old.

Goals for Ashes of Creation;

To be honest, I don't know what class I want to play. Most of my experience in mmos is as a ranged dps or main tank but have played all roles. I do know I want to play with like minded individuals who want to experience all the game has to offer and grow as a player and guild. I will be participating in Arena PvP and am hoping to get a spot in World PvP as well. As far as professions go, I am not sure of that either yet.

What I have to offer;

As I stated previously, I don't mind being a backup raid shot caller once I know the mechanics of the game. Since I don't work, I will be online quite often which means I will have more time to learn and play the game. I will be buying myself a new headset soon since I sold my PS4 with the headset I had. If this game peaks my interest, I should be a valuable asset to any guild looking for an extra member who can follow instructions or lead when required. I also have created some macros in the past and know how to theory craft.


If you are a serious guild looking to play the game longterm in need of a member who will put in many hours per week, please reply here or on discord. My discord name is Jultanix#3188 and will get back to you when I see your message in the morning. Good night. (past 1am here)

Edit : I will also look at several guilds for a suitable fit


  • jojojojo Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Hey there! I just added you on discord, my name is JoJo#5679 and I would like to tell you about my small gaming community, and invite you to join our server to get to know us.
  • update: I will be playing Hunter as main archtype, crafting will be my main artisan tree and I will be online around 6 to 10 hours per day (weekdays and weekends)
  • Got accepted into a guild thanks all for replys.
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