Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Guild Chat

Can't find the info I want on this - would be cool if someone can point out a reference:-
When we have more than one character:
Do we know if you can still access Character 1's guild chat box while on Character 2? Or will you be separated from your guild when you're on a second character?
When we have more than one character:
Do we know if you can still access Character 1's guild chat box while on Character 2? Or will you be separated from your guild when you're on a second character?
Character A can be in guild 1
Character B in guild 2
unlikely that B could access the guild chat of guild 1. That would seem pretty scuffed
The main reason I am against it is it will break guild espionage.
The guild dynamic in ESO is nothing at all like the guild dynamic in Ashes, and so most systems simply can't be moved from one game to the other.
And, i was simply using the enjoyment of being able to speak with different groups of friends, I wasn't trying to compare the two game's guild features.
Making it so you don't have to do anything is not exactly enhancing it.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Yeah, but once in, that's it, it's all done.
Without this "feature", continuing to spy on a guild would be an active task.
Jeff Bard worked on Star Wars Galaxies, and this was an option, even back when the game was in live-production; I imagine he'll ensure we can do something similar, here. It would seem like an oversight to not have this option.
I totally agree with this. Once in their is no challenge to maintaining your cover with this proposed setup.
SWG had some great spy plays during server wide guild wars when I played. Catching spies logging in and out of characters was a big victory lol.
My website: Youtube:
Guild Site: Guilded:
What difference would it make? You either type to your spying guild through Discord or through an in-game chat channel.
It means I can be off raiding with my actual guild, and still spying on you.
If espionage is to be a thing, it should at least take some commitment.
We dont need to be able to react to the information immediately, we dont even need to read it immediately. We could just set up a window with chat from that guild alone, and read it after.
I mean, most guilds are going to plan caravan runs days in advance, and if you can keep an eye on their chat without even being logged in to their guild, it just makes this information retrieval trivial.
Literally the only way I could see this being acceptable is if the guild were able to see the name of the character you are logged in on, what guild that character is in, what character of yours is in the guild inquestion, and where in the world you are. Even if you aren't speaking, you should show up on the guild rroster with all of that information.