Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
ALL of us here in the forums right now represent a different kind of Power Player...

Why the hell don't we all make ONE MEGA guild and alliance!?
If we don't we are idiots. No other players are like us.
If we did who could stop us? Michael McDoesn't-Exist?
Doing so would be the greatest advantage and benefit of being here in the forums before release.
Forum posters of the pre-release UNITE!
Are there 1,200 NA players here? Let's all get together, write up a constitution & bylaws...
If we don't we are idiots. No other players are like us.
If we did who could stop us? Michael McDoesn't-Exist?
Doing so would be the greatest advantage and benefit of being here in the forums before release.
Forum posters of the pre-release UNITE!
Are there 1,200 NA players here? Let's all get together, write up a constitution & bylaws...
The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!
[NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!
If you want in, send me a message!
Sounds like too much order for me.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Your right, I am back in.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
We are a different kind of animal
@Vhaeyne and @Azryil have in the thousands of visits to this website since 2019 and 2020. They both have many likes and significant perspectives on the game.
Why aren't we all banding together and forming a massive crushing Guild and Alliance right here from the forums?
Isn't this already like a huge Discord server?
What's keeping us all from banding together?
The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!
[NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!
If you want in, send me a message!
For me it is just too soon to get into a guild for this game. I plan on feeling things out once I start play testing in alpha 2 and beta. I check the guild recruitment page every now and then, but I have not seen a guild that looks like it is for me.
I also don't want to just run a whole server through high numbers. I think that is kind a lame way to do it. I watch Asmongold from time to time, but when classic hit. I really did not want to play on his server. Sure his guild was destine for greatness, but him having like 10 guild capped guilds was just a lame way to play the game. Not saying it should be actively fought, just saying I personally will avoid servers with a lot of known streamers or massive guilds. I don't know how successful I will be at avoiding servers with 500-100 person guilds, but I will certainly do my part to avoid all of that.
For me personally I would like to be in a alliance with a few hundred good active players and health competition in the near by nodes. I also want to be apart of a lot of naval stuff so maybe I can find a guild that is a part of an alliance that focuses on that sort of thing. It is just too soon to tell.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
What I am proposing wouldn't create that situation.
It would create a band of players who could accomplish game play objectives
experience mid and end level content in an environment where such content is only available through competition.
Makes sense to me.
Unless this game turns out to be as stupid as other ones.
The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!
[NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!
If you want in, send me a message!
No he went on a walk with some other guy.... a VERY enthusiastic walk, or so I hear. Also he couldn't stop quoting Boondock Saints...weird.
Anyway, not accounting that one MEGA GUILD like this would have us stab each other to see if we spill out lucky charms, the likelihood of all of us playing on the same servers, or timezone or languages, is dismal.
So yeah probably for that reason. But if we did, it'd an epic #lifehack
(Let me see.... did I cram all of the references? References for days? References for days)
I believe you are now my favorite!
The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!
[NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!
If you want in, send me a message!
I've been in guilds which unity depended on offline friendship, or on spoken language. My close friends are not looking for the same thing when playing a game, so although we often played together, each had different goals which would have been better served by being in another guild. My language limited guilds suffered the same problem: what bounded the people in the guild had not enough to do with the game itself.
Not saying it was pointless, only that it didn't offer a lot of advantages aside from having either our own chat channel or some people to speak with in my first language.
The active forums members may be a small percentage of the total but what makes us different from others won't translate well when it comes to playing the game.
My respect goes to the smaller pincer guilds, and I am quite glad there will be added benefits to the clan skills and attributes that stay small.
Or the smaller guilds that collaborate, and work with other guilds whereby relationship build and crumble and there is a dynamic to the social activity.
Agreed. The suggestion of a massive dominating guild created solely because we are all here on the forums is just kind of lazy. And doomed to fail.
Too many competing values, goals, and visions. Guilds should have purpose outside being a sheer horde.
♥ In The Name Of Venus, I'll Punish You! ♥
BUT answer this follow-up question!
How do you compete with a mega guild if not by being a mega guild yourself!?
The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!
[NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!
If you want in, send me a message!
Absolutely I agree...I want a *perfectly balanced mmorpg.
But answer this (the above question)...
How do you compete with a mega guild if you are not a mega guild yourself?
The Dark Alliance is building the Tulnar Civilization on our server!
[NA] [18+] - We need EVERYONE!
If you want in, send me a message!