Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Login Screen
After obtaining a beta key to Mortal Online and only gaining access in 2 days of about 20 attempts for less than 2min got me thinking about what improvements they could make to their log in screen and perhaps open discussion for AoC.
For the Log-in screen, if there is likely to be wait times, then perhaps
a) Server status
- online or offline
- current population status
- estimated time until server in next online (not US time)
b) Login
- is queue how long likely wait with countdown and/or number in queue
c) Some capacity to do something while waiting
- review character stats/inv
- review inventory
For the Log-in screen, if there is likely to be wait times, then perhaps
a) Server status
- online or offline
- current population status
- estimated time until server in next online (not US time)
b) Login
- is queue how long likely wait with countdown and/or number in queue
c) Some capacity to do something while waiting
- review character stats/inv
- review inventory
Maybe they can add a little icon next to the server "ya boi" plays on so I know what server not to pick.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Hahaha i was watching him live during that time because i was curious what the game looked like.
The icon thing actually made me laugh irl, thanks.
U.S. East
This is the same for me. Server status and other issues with login are the only thing relevant to me at any point. Many MMOs like to put news and special offers on the patcher and frankly I ignore them. When I have that up, all I care about is logging in. If I want patch info or want to see what the next event will be I will be looking elsewhere for that.
Would love for more folks to elaborate on what interesting/off-the-wall ideas you had for OP's suggestion of "something to do while waiting" 🤔 (though I'd say the hope is that you won't have to spend too much time doing that 🤣)
A game of Verran Gwent! Match with random other player in queue while waiting. Or ingame player in a tavern doing parlor games.
Maybe a little chatroom with everybody waiting? Y'all could even include things like game related trivia and polls for everybody in the chatroom to take at once. @polarbear is right that if people want to play a game while you wait, there's plenty of other options. Something that lets you connect with all the other waiters out there would be a lot more unique.
The other thing that I think of is what Hearthstone does with its playing boards, and all the hidden toys on screen you can click on and play with. Nothing super in depth, but having something to occupy your cursor is always nice
Liked it and was saddened by it at the same time. Near end of one of the early beta`s I was one of 32 players of a possible 2000.
Similarly in my L2 days, knowing there was a max of about 2,500 player and only a player pool of about 180 online with 1/4 of that being own clan was a little disappointing.
Very glad to see that the target maximum capacity on the server will be 20x what I have experienced and playing at off peak times gives me hope there will still be a healthy active base around
If the sky's the limit, it'd be handy if the login screen was able to notify your phone via an sms or notification on an AoC app when you're queue number is close to x (where the player sets the value of x).
Edit: maybe more for large queues that jump and decrease erratically and unpredictably; if queues decrease steadily, then the standard estimated queue wait times would be good enough.
- If at all possible, allow us to see if any friends are online etc.
- Some cool information like ''You spent 567 hours in the world of Verra, in this time you could've read X amount of books''
- Being able to explore the map would be cool
- being able to view your last active in-game character would be cool and fidgetty as i'd probably end up spinning it extremely fast.
- Some statuses like long crafting and upgrade timers.
That's all i can come up with x) with these suggestions i don't mean that you should add all of them, that'd be too much but they can lead to other cool ideas perhaps.
EDIT: Could also make it customizable
If Ashes ends up being the one game post-release with a significant queue the game will flop. Nobody is going to put up with that if no other game makes you wait. But I wouldn’t worry; there is no reason to expect it will. People here are concerned about something that won’t happen.
I've also been surprised recently at how widespread and easy it is to entertain people with gambling. (e.g. viewer predictions on So uh, maybe let people in queue bet on something like a simple NPC vs. NPC game. And if you win a ridiculous amount of points you can spend them to move up the queue?
This might be too convoluted for production, though given that the player has unlocked a certain crafting station and their character is within a certain distance from it, it seems reasonable that you could let them interact with the Artisan/Crafting API in addition to the features @Jxshuwu mentioned.
The ability to go through our known recipe books to know what the next gatherable we want to look for might be.
I also would like to actually interact with these screens. That way, when we get into the game, we can get moving and spend less time in the menus.
In order to prevent our changes from being lost when our turn comes, there should be an indicator that we have logged in. Or, maybe, a non intrusive, but obvious pop up tells us to save what we've done and hit "ok" to enter the world.
This is all dependent on consistently long wait times, though. Otherwise, there's no need to have something like this on release (even though that will clearly be the time with the longest wait times).
That being said, if I had access to all of my menus outside of actually taking up a spot on the server, I would absolutely do that with regular frequency depending on how much I can accomplishment via my own personal menus.