
New Archetype Video

TrinksTrinks Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Have we had any word on when they might release the next one? love seeing them and thought we might see a new one by now. No complaints just wondering!




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    Tomorrow. Definitely tomorrow, for sure.
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    I'm soooo keen to see the fighter! <3
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    TrinksTrinks Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited April 2021
    @daveywavey everyday i think this haha just love seeing the new flavors...im most interested in seeing summoner (played mage in EQ) and bard just because i miss them from Everquest days and want to see Intrepids take on them but seriously will take any of them because i just love seeing them haha.

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    TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack
    Trinks wrote: »
    @daveywavey everyday i think this haha just love seeing the new flavors...im most interested in seeing summoner (played mage in EQ) and bard just because i miss them from Everquest days and want to see Intrepids take on them but seriously will take any of them because i just love seeing them haha.


    Summoner and Bard are going to be the last 2 archetypes to be seen, you won't be seeing them for a long time yet. The order is Fighter/Ranger > Rogue > Summoner/Bard for the archetype reveals.
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    We won't need one when the NDA drops.
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    Man, I'm still waiting for the 2 other Node type blogs that started almost 2 years ago. where they at?
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    TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack
    McShave wrote: »
    Man, I'm still waiting for the 2 other Node type blogs that started almost 2 years ago. where they at?

    2 years ago? The Nodes 1 and 2 vids were 4 years ago.

    Basically the Node vids aren't released because Steven wants the info in them to be mostly concrete before releasing them. He doesn't want to release the vids and then 5 months later the info is no longer correct because they decided to change stuff.
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    Talents wrote: »
    2 years ago? The Nodes 1 and 2 vids were 4 years ago.

    Im talking about the blogs about the specific node types, the scientific and economic nodes.

    Scientific: https://ashesofcreation.com/news/2019-04-10-know-your-nodes-scientific-node-type

    Economic: https://ashesofcreation.com/news/2019-05-32-know-your-nodes-economic-node-type
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    TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited April 2021
    McShave wrote: »
    Talents wrote: »
    2 years ago? The Nodes 1 and 2 vids were 4 years ago.

    Im talking about the blogs about the specific node types, the scientific and economic nodes.

    Scientific: https://ashesofcreation.com/news/2019-04-10-know-your-nodes-scientific-node-type

    Economic: https://ashesofcreation.com/news/2019-05-32-know-your-nodes-economic-node-type

    Ah, I assumed you meant the Nodes 3 and 4 vids since we got 1 and 2 over 4 years ago.


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    TrinksTrinks Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    so you don't think they will all be out by the time NDA is lifted? i agree with other poster that it then doesn't matter, no?
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    TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited April 2021
    Trinks wrote: »
    so you don't think they will all be out by the time NDA is lifted? i agree with other poster that it then doesn't matter, no?

    Well, Ranger and Fighter could possibly be. Rogue, Summoner, and Bard are 100% not going to be. Rogue, Summoner and Bard aren't going to be in at the start of Alpha 1, they'll be added later.
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    TrinksTrinks Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    @Talents gotcha, thanks for info and responses
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    I'm dying to see the Bard D: and also to see how the 2nd class will afect ur first.
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    TrinksTrinks Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    @SirBarathon I agree, time will tell. I have ideas of what I personally want to play especially from playing past MMO's but open for something changing my mind haha. Either way can't wait for A2 to get in there!
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    Trinks wrote: »
    @daveywavey everyday i think this haha just love seeing the new flavors...im most interested in seeing summoner (played mage in EQ) and bard just because i miss them from Everquest days and want to see Intrepids take on them but seriously will take any of them because i just love seeing them haha.


    One day I'll be right...!

    I wants da Bard!
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

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    Do we have any info on this? It will come this month for sure?
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm pretty sure the team is still in experimental stages with combat - especially considering they're trying a new tool.

    It sounds to me like they want to first consolidate the standard trinity (tank, magic, heals) before they move on to the others. But you never know :)
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    I'm pretty the three archetypes available right now will be the only ones available for Alpha 1. Too lazy to find a quote, but Steven mentioned on a podcast or interview that there will only be 3 or 4 available.
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