
Will there be Banks?

Sorry if I missed this anywhere but will players have access to traditional banks? Will all possessions be stored in chests in player housing or Node banks .. and if so did they mention what might happen to possessions on Node destruction?


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    NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    This is from the wiki https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Storage

    Storage points exist at warehouses within nodes and in chests (storage containers) that can be placed in freeholds and static in-node housing.[56][57]

    Warehouses are storage points within a node.[56][58][28][29]

    Warehouses may enable a player to transfer non-material goods between alts. This excludes resources, materials or anything that relies on the caravan system.[58]
    Players are prohibited from moving goods out of depositories within a node following a siege declaration against that node.[24][59][29]
    Player stalls are linked to that player's warehouse.[25]
    A portion of all Materials (crafting components) and Gatherables that were stored in successfully sieged nodes become lootable to the victors of the siege as spoils of war.[28][29][30]
    Whole items (crafted items) are not vulnerable to loss during node sieges.[25]
    Personal caravans may launched from any point of storage (including warehouses).[60]
    Player housing storage

    Alpha-1 chest 3D render.[61]
    Chests (storage containers) are a type of furniture in Ashes of Creation.[57][62]

    Players must obtain and place storage containers in their player-owned housing.[57]
    Different grades of storage containers have different inventory capacities.[57]
    There are restrictions on the grades of storage containers available in different types of houses.[57]
    Access permissions can be set to allow others to access a player's personal storage devices.[63][64]
    Personal storage chests may be set to permit access by family or guild members.[63][65]
    Players are prohibited from moving goods out of depositories within a node following a siege declaration against that node.[29]
    Gatherables and processed goods that were stored in in-node housing and apartment storage chests become lootable upon a successful siege against the parent node. These do not become lootable if the node survives the siege- even if the housing buildings are destroyed or damaged during the siege.[28]
    Personal caravans may launched from any point of storage (including chests).[60]
    Nodes advance to the first stage quickly. This enables NPC services such as vending or banking items.[66]

    Banking between characters will likely be restricted to Furniture and completed items.[64]
    A warehouse ability may enable a player to transfer non-material goods between alternate characters. This excludes resources, materials or anything that relies on the caravan system

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
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    NeauxNeaux Member
    Thanks Nagash.

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