Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Time Limits on Listing Items for Sale?

The Wiki does not yet address this:
In SWG, we were able to list sales for 30 days, whereas in a lot of other games I've played the time-limit for sales is only a few days. Yours truly is quite anti-FOMO, and have always found lesser listing-times to be intended to force players to log in as frequently as possible.
Is it better to have long listing times, or shorter times? I'm sure there some kind of benefit to shorter times that I'm not seeing, or so many games wouldn't be doing it.... Right?
Or is it just a FOMO mechanic? (You haven't logged in for 3 days, so your sales have all expired - you better log in!)
In SWG, we were able to list sales for 30 days, whereas in a lot of other games I've played the time-limit for sales is only a few days. Yours truly is quite anti-FOMO, and have always found lesser listing-times to be intended to force players to log in as frequently as possible.
Is it better to have long listing times, or shorter times? I'm sure there some kind of benefit to shorter times that I'm not seeing, or so many games wouldn't be doing it.... Right?
Or is it just a FOMO mechanic? (You haven't logged in for 3 days, so your sales have all expired - you better log in!)
1. Over-pricing items for price fixing purposes. If you put up a few items for a very high price it may shift perception or metrics of that item's price. Normally posting items does have some base cost associated with it and having to refresh this with short time-limits makes it more tedious and costly to try to do stuff like that.
2. If items you put up for sale leave your inventory into some infinite storage, you can literally put things in the AH (at high prices) as a means of temporary storage. If we are talking about player run stalls which may have an item storage limit already this isn't a problem anymore.
I can understand a shorter time that creates the need for people to log in. Escape from Tarkov is just a trash shooter that requires you to log in at all hours of the day repeatedly if you want to run a fully functioning hide out to maximize your income. I'm to the point where I have so much money I no longer need to log in for every little thing and instead just start the processes when I decide to play (luckily).
As for the AH in AoC. I would ultimately be ok with any choice they make but if it is a shorter listing time, maybe make it auto renew at the original listing cost? That way there is a price to pay for the item not selling but it also gives those the freedom of not being forced to log in. 30 days seems excessive. I would be happy with 5 or 7. At the end of the day, you want to make a profit on that item and don't want it to sit on the AH for more than a couple days.
I'm going to undercut everyone anyway and sell everything lol.
Aka: 5 Gold for 3 days would be 50 gold for 30 days.
Preferably, just make listing time completely flexible and charge 5g per day
"Sure, the item description says: "fresh milk", but it's been in your stall, under the sun, for a month now."
Hadn't even thought of that!
It'll be interesting to see if decay is a factor *while* something's up for sale, or only after it's been bought. Wasn't anything I could find on the Wiki about it, at present.
Happy to be corrected but something like 1 day, 3 days and a week.
That approach, rather than a blanket X amount of time to all postings, I thought was a progressive way to tackle the issue.
Bigger market/free hold building, more time/units.
It also depends on how the AH works. Does the AH have a bulk lock up? Meaning, you put a bulk of 200 and people buy the 200, or could you put a bulk of 200 and people can buy the amount they choose with a unitary price?
Market people will ALWAYS find a way to make profit, drive the market, play gamble with the AH, make artificial demand of something, regulate prices, etc. It happens every time, so I see no reason to put in restrictions like shorter times. I do think it's a FOMO mechanic. I agree with you on that.
Neuroguy said it's for storage purposes... in all games I've played when your listing ends, you get the items in your mailbox haha. And they are there forever, usually, until you take them out. So listings could be 1 hour or 1 year, when it ends, you get them in the mail "for storage" if you need it. People also make alts dedicated to be a bank, etc. There's many ways to trick the storage system, and I don't think hindering listing times in AH makes any difference on it.
why would someone harm milk like that?
Sad skeleton noises
Ooh.... "Ham Milk".... I'm sorry, but it's possible that the Ham-porn sites that the both of us frequent are possibly against the ToS to speak about, @Nagash....
It's fine. Plethoras of udders aren't necessarily a beauty that is genuinely meant to be enjoyed by the public masses. As a public service, yours truly would just like to mention that to remember that the password is "WorldWarOneTrenchAnus" is to begin to explore a side of the AoC forums "rabbit hole" that one's self may or may NOT regret following downwards....