Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Shop Owners and Bad Guys

Ok so you're the proud owner of a new trading stall to shop your wares, you have many customers rummaging through your goods, when you notice a player by the name of "bob" You realise this is the same player who killed you recently and took your hard earned materials. And made your family suffer!
Now you have a choice to make, do you
#1 Not Serve him and tell this thieving butt to hit the road!
#2 Charge him a corrupted :I'm a Dirtbag" extra fee
#3 Serve him because you need the money and don't care who you sell too.
Now I personally would love as a future shop owner, to have the right to refuse service and or charged more for my goods for unsavory individuals.
Let me know your thoughts please thanks.
Now you have a choice to make, do you
#1 Not Serve him and tell this thieving butt to hit the road!
#2 Charge him a corrupted :I'm a Dirtbag" extra fee
#3 Serve him because you need the money and don't care who you sell too.
Now I personally would love as a future shop owner, to have the right to refuse service and or charged more for my goods for unsavory individuals.
Let me know your thoughts please thanks.
I am still of the idea, that it could be interesting to set higher taxes for people depending on a number of criteria: race/religion/guild belonging/citizenship etc.
However that would be very subject to testing for it to be anywhere close to a non game ruining issue
Big fan of this idea as well.. provides a lot of potential versatility in being a shop owner.
I do like the idea but I don't think it is feasible for them to develop a system like this that will be balanced. In it's most basic form, you would simply not allow the blacklisted player to purchase. Would it be nice to charge them extra? Yeah definitely. Would you really want to sell them something if they made it to your blacklist by either being toxic or griefing you? not at all.
Listing items in your shop/tavern with an npc to sell while everyone has the ability to come up and buy from that npc is probably what we will end up seeing.
This idea actually sounds amazing to me. It doesn't even really have to go off blacklist, just have a way when you right click on someone's name to set discounts/price hikes for that player at your owned shops. You could give special discounts to good friends, trade discounts for services, and price hike anyone who wrongs you.
Oh don't get me wrong I like the idea too.
great idea!
Then track them down
Do players merch on alts anyways?
I do not think it will be too easy to accomplish that due to restrictions on sending items to each other via mail and all that. Since you will be needing to travel for most transactions, using an alt to trade will be tedious but I will concede that it's a possible solution to being a prick no one likes enough to trade with XD.
posting the source just in case others might not know.
Something like this would be pretty neat and different from modern MMOs. I'm more so interested in how a standalone shop will play out when I'm questing or logged out; I feel customizing an NPC to sell goods, food, etc would be pretty rad.
I was one of the few people early on that had Legendary Grand Master crafting in all skills on the DAOC classic shard I played on. I was a one-stop shop for crafting weapons, all armor types, spellcrafting, and alchemy procs.
If somebody came to me that was a well known jerk, or that had made their way onto my blacklist for one reason or another, I would quote them double or triple just to encourage them to go to somebody else.
If they declined to agree to pay the quoted price, I win. If they agree to pay the stupidly high amount I quoted them, I still win.
I read that as Elf off tax for a moment and I would agree just make sure to bar Tulnars